Saturday, 31 January 2009
Update on Gayle's sister.....
Sugar Bowl Challenge

Friday, 30 January 2009
Say a little prayer please
Tag You're It Challenge

Thursday, 29 January 2009
2nd Blog Candy Winner
Here are your random numbers:215
Timestamp: 2009-01-29 17:27:12 UTC
Thank you to all who entered and you never know, next time it could be you...
Happy crafting
Lorraine xxx
2sketches bonus card

Wednesday, 28 January 2009

Arty Girlz Challenge

Tuesday, 27 January 2009
Papertake Weekly

Monday, 26 January 2009
Check this out
Sweet Music

Tag You're It Challenge

Sunday, 25 January 2009
Penny Black Challenge

Award Time Again

This is an award I've been presented by the lovely Cynthia...
I now have to award it to 5 other people who helped me get into the world of blogging so here goes...
To all you lovely ladies... thank you so much for all your help in the past & without your encouragement, enthusiasm & help, I would never had made it on my own....
Hugs to you all
Lorraine xxx
Saturday, 24 January 2009
Daring Cardmakers Challenge

Friday, 23 January 2009
2 for the price of 1....

Rainbow Ladys Challenge

Thursday, 22 January 2009
Award Time Again

cuppa to hand and a spare 5 mins to read this... you never know one of them could very well be heading your way....

Next up is the Encouraged Award passed to me by the delightful Angel... SHE IS A NEWBIE so if you guys could pop over to her blog & say hi then that would be wonderful... I know she would really appreciate hearing from you.... This one I have passed on before, but today I would like to pass it specifically to Gayle as she needs some encouragement to maintain her faith in friends at the moment...

Finally but by no means least I have been given this gorgeous award by not 1 but 2 lovelies... firstly our super wonderful Holly whom we all adore and also by the very warm & friendly Val. Both of whom I am glad to know...
This award I have decided to pass onto everyone who comes to visit & read my award as being a crafter, you are all Kreativ and without your wonderful creations which you all upload.. there would be no crafty blogs & my life would be very dull & boring... thank you all for your great inspiration & a lot of the time your humour as well....
Wednesday, 21 January 2009
Sugar Bowl Challenge

SECC News....
A new card maker....
Tuesday, 20 January 2009
Surface application....
- Plastic
- Glass
- Ceramic
- Metal
- Acetate
- Parchment
- Pearlescent
- White card
Hope this helps some of you out there & gets you working more with your Sakura Glaze pens...
Next time you're in your local craft shop ask them if they have any Sakura demonstrations booked or if they are going to be booking one soon....
Happy crafting
Lorraine xxxxx
Sakura Glaze...

Monday, 19 January 2009
Rainbow Ladys Challenge

Good Morning
Sunday, 18 January 2009
King's Feast

Friday, 16 January 2009
Tag You're It Challenge

Yet another fabulous challenge this week over at "Tag You're It" where the theme is "Sugar Candy Kisses"...
Now I was out & about today doing some errands including a stop at Morrisons to pick up a few bits & bobs, including my Simply Cards & Papercraft... packed with no less than 3 times the normal amount of free papers... now normally I never use these papers but boy were they just perfect today...
With the except of my base card & ribbon, all the images were free from my magazine... all I had to do was cut them out & decide where to place them...
Like so many others I'm having great difficulty getting any good photos this weather but some of the letters & the lips are actually raised for a 3D effect. Sorry you can't see it as it looks so much better in real life...
Well I hope you like my almost free to make tag & if you leave me a comment I can pop over & have a nosey at yours too...
Before you go don't forget to enter my 2nd BLOG CANDY giveaway
Happy crafting
Lorraine xxx
Dawny P's Craft Sale
Good Morning

Thursday, 15 January 2009
Mr Postie Arrived

A very good morning to you all
Wednesday, 14 January 2009
Blog Candy Winner
Arty Girlz

A new Award

Blog Candy Draw
What a wonderful day.....
Tuesday, 13 January 2009
The Glitter Pot
If anyone has tried to shop at The Glitter Pot today can you please let me know if you actually managed to make it to the check out or not....
Believe it or not I have tried approx 6 times today and whilst I am in the middle of doing my shopping for no known reason my basket has been emptied... now this really sucks.... like everyone else I wanted to treat myself to some post christmas goodies but can I get them no....
Now some are obviously getting orders through as when I go back the stuff I want has now become sold out... yet another thing that sucks.....
I am so disappointed so much so that I have emailed them to ask if there is infact some kind of a problem as I cannot believe that the same thing can happen so many times...
Oh I just thought, perhaps my shopping cart couldn't take the weight......
Well that's my rant over now but the steam is still coming off of me & I have a feeling that it may still be there tomorrow...
Happy crafting to all those who have managed to buy their goodies, unlike little old me.
Lorraine xxx
Papertake Weekly

What a great sketch we have by Dawny this week over at Papertake Weekly.
The minute I saw the sketch I knew exactly what sentiment I wanted to use and instead of using an image I included my big flower instead... that was the colour scheme decided right away so the next thing was for me to choose the papers... pretty simple really.
The thing I liked best about this sketch was although it has layers to it, what a quick make it provides for those last minute cards we all find ourselves needing... this only took about 10 minutes from start to finish & that includes the cutting...
Well if you ain't already joined in the fun, why not !!!! Only kidding, the sketch only came out yesterday so you still have loads of time to come along and play with all your like minded blogging buddies... hope to see you there...
Happy crafting
Lorraine xxx
Monday, 12 January 2009

These guys and gals out there are doing a truly amazing job, be it what they believe in or not, they are following the orders that they signed up to take and for that I take my hat off to them...
Sugar Sugar Challenge

Sunday, 11 January 2009
Penny Black Challenge

Saturday, 10 January 2009
What a day...
Tag You're It Challenge
Happy crafting
Lorraine xxx
Friday, 9 January 2009
Rainbow Ladys Challenge

Thursday, 8 January 2009
2sketches bonus card

Sorry I'm a little late in posting today but I've been busy having my hair cut, shopping for household & animals, let's not forget some new storage boxes that I've also bought as I'm currently reorganising my craft room... rate I'm going at though it will probably take me about a month before I finish... alas I do have challenges to do & cards to make so must get my priorities right...
Well this week for the first time ever I've managed to make a card for this week's bonus sketch by Peet over at 2sketches4you. I've stamped the acrylic tag using staz on & coloured in using Sakura Glaze pens then I backed the tag with a spotted paper... Circular apeture was cut using a Fiskars shape cutter template. This was a super fun card to make so a huge thank you to Peet.
Papers are by Funky Hand Acrylic tag & flower from Joanna Sheen Flower stamp & Sakura Glaze Pen from Marking World.
Happy crafting & I will be back with more tomorrow...
Lorraine xxx
Wednesday, 7 January 2009

Tag You're It Challenge