Sunday, 1 February 2009


Okay my dear friends, I think you have waited long enough for Blog Candy Nos 3... not bad considering we're only just starting February...
So many of you last time showed such a passion for Messy Rabbit that you've got another chance to win a different set... this time you have the chance to win a set of "Butterfly", a set of "Butterfly Extra Bits", a pack of 8x8 Kate Knight "Amethyst" papers, a pack of self adhesive satin ribbon (glittered) and a pack of "Retro Floral" brads....
The rules of the game this time around are:
1. Leave a comment on this post...
2. Place a link on your blog to my candy...
3. Keep your fingers crossed that you're the winner...
How long do you have to enter... well I'm being a little wicked on this one as I now have to wait another 28 days till my birthday arrives.... so I've decided that you too will have to wait... sorry but I am naughty at times...
Closing date will be 12 noon (GMT) on Saturday 28th February...
Good luck to you all...
Happy crafting
Lorraine xxx


1 – 200 of 240   Newer›   Newest»
weekend-crafter said...

Oh oh, am I the only sad person in blog land to sit up and wait 4 ur candy giveaway no.3 ? Well first in, maybe first out? Love these stamps honey, you will have to tell me where u are getting them from. Hope to cu real soon, Karen

Sally said...

Looks like I am second to post for your candy. I kept my fingers crossed the last time so this time I will cross fingers on both hands. LOL Am off to link you on my blog.

Cheri said...

Oh, my! How cute are those stamps! And the papers are wonderful! Count me in!

Diamond Doll said...

Hi Lorraine, just love your sugar bowl challenge card.I would love to win your blog candy no3 those messy rabbit stamps are fab.Have put a link on my blog.
Trish (-:

Elizabeth said...

Good Evening from the U.S. Lorraine, I wish we could get these cute little rabbits in the U.S. and those paper and other goodies are to die for. I hope I can win this time! I have placed a link to this blog on mine.

Sincerely Yours said...

A link is posted and my fingers are crossed! Love your blog candy's thanks so much!! Take Care

Suzy said...

Wow. Another candy. And so soon one after another. I put a link on my blog. Thanks for the chance to win.

Marika said...

Wow what a fab candy! Of course I keep my fingers crossed
Ciao from Italy - Marika

Anonymous said...

Hi Lorraine, Just to say firsly, thanks for following my blog, it really makes me happy each time someone new joins! And Secondly,thought I would have a bash at winning your blog candy, just love messy rabbit, reminds me of a teddy my DD has! Anyway, link is on blog, Thanks, Lou xx

Linda . J said...

Hi Lorraine, Wow Candy No 3 I hope I am lucky this time around, your such a generous lady and the Messy Rabbits are so beautiful they want to live in my house lol.
Hugs Linda.

Powerful Search Engine said...

Wow more fabby candy you spoil us rotten Lorraine, Count me in for this babe! Pascale :)

AliMayes said...

Another fantastic giveaway Lorraine -- you're so generous!
I'll link you now.
Ali xx

Lisa said...

Hi Lorraine, Gorgeous candy ~ I love the cute stamps! You are so kind to offer all this fab candy! I am now off to leave a link on my blog. x

Lorraine A said...

Hi Lorraine, fabulous candy will keep my fingers crossed till Feb 28th
Am posting a pic link on my blog :-)

Marcsi said...

Hi Lorraine, your candy is a little spring in this snowy (sleety) winter :) Thanks for the chance to win this great kit!
Hugs, Marcsi

Unknown said...

I love your blogcandy and keep my fingers crossed and posted a link on my sidebar.
greetings and hugs Emilie

Crazy Creations said...

Wow more candy how great is that thank you Sarah

Ida / Little said...

The stamps are just so super cute! :) Thanks for the chance to enter this candy, I'll have my fingers crossed!! Have a great sunday. Hugs Ida

Debbie said...

Hi Lorraine - oooh what fabby candy you have up for grabs - looks delicious..Mmmmm
Love the way you are making us wait too..lol..nice wee bit of fun. :) :)
Off to link you in my side bar. :)
Thanks for the chance to win. :)


idaws said...

Wonderful candy :) I would love to join :)

Beth said...

Wow! Another gorgeous candy! You are so generous! Thanks for the chance, I've left you a link! Have a great weekend! xx

Rowee said...

I'm joining again! Thanks again for the chance!

scotspanda said...

WOW you certainly are the candy lady lol. Those stamps are just so cute :o)

I have linked you on my candy box



Amanda xxx

Crafty Guam Girl said...

Oh my goodness, more of cute blog candy!!! I love bunnies and amethyst is my birthstone.

Good luck to all!!!

P.S...I put a link on my side bar to your blog!

Heather said...

More super candy Lorraine. I'm off to link you now.
hugs Heather xx

Linsey said...

Love your blog candy's thanks so much!!
A link is posted and my fingers are crossed!


Best Regards,

Emma (metalicbutterfly) said...

Lorraine more fab candy please count me in!
I'l pop a link in the usual spot!

Emma xxx

Kim. said...

Hi Lorraine,

Another lovely lot of candy which I have added to my sidebar for you. Hope you have all your birthday arrangements planned.
Here is my link. http://kimscardcorner.blogspot.com/
Thanks again for the candy offer.
Kim xXx

Tracey said...

Hi Lorraine, gorgeous candy again :o) You are linked to my blog (on the right).


Anonymous said...

It is very generous of you. I am in for this one... I have never seen the super cute Messy Rabbit before and love it...
Thank you for the chance to win...Hugs...SK :)

Annelies said...

Great candy! Here's my link . Thanks for being so generous and giving a chance to win! Greetings from Belgium, Annelies

Teri said...

Hi Lorraine :)

More lovely candy! Thank you for the chance to win it!

Teri x

Moni said...

Great candy, love to win! I linked you on my blog! Hugs, moni

AbcHobby.it said...

wonderful candy! thanks for the chance to win. I've left a link on my candy box!!

hugs elisabetta

Merika said...

Wow more candy how great is that thank you!

Happy Crafter said...

Wow fab candy Lorriane you are so generous, thanks for the chance have linked you in my candy bar top right :).
I have fingers and toes crossed lol.
Hugz Val xxx

Татьяна Шаргородская said...

Hello! I've linked your candy on my sidebar under the section "Blog Candy". Thanks for a chance to win!


Donna said...

Yay, another chance to win these adorable stamps, thank you Lorraine, very generous of you. Right Off to put a link on my sidebar, fingers and legs are crossed. Donna x

Benedicte said...

Great blogcandy :-)
I' ve posted a link on my left sidebar.

hugs, Benedicte

Anonymous said...

Hi Lorraine...

Those stamps look scrummy....
Off to link you hun!!!!
Hugs Angel

Lena Katrine said...

Great candy again, Lorraine! I've spread the words in my blog!

Anonymous said...

As the saying goes, "If at first you don't succeed, try try again" well here I am trying again. Love these stamps and I'm going to have very cramped fingers keeping them crossed for 28 days lol. Happy Birthday....Way early!

ViolaMoni said...

Great!I linked your candy on my blog!

Chrissie said...

Well Lorraine, I'm back to try again LOL!
I've linked you on my Blog Candy sidebar again.

SemSee said...

Ooo, ooo, ooo ... I have been looking everywhere for that paper! I would sooooooooo love to be entered into your Blog Candy draw. Thanks so much for the gorgeous candy.
I've popped you onto my Candy Bar sidebar on my blog.
Hugs, Sem x

Awesome cards, by the way! :o)

Sally said...

Hi Lorraine,
What gorgeous candy, I'm spreading the word, thankyou for the opportunity to win.
Sally. x

Natalia said...

Wow lovly candy
I try win second time in your candy:)

Greetings and hugs=Pozdrowienia i uściski:*

Aihara Ramintessah Sanchez said...

Another RaK!Wow.Hope I would win this time.here is my link, http://ramintessahsworld.blogspot.com/2009/01/blog-candy-anyone.html

Maria Matter said...

Wow Lorraine, this is Candy Central!!! Another yummy candy!
I already have you on my candy blogroll, so I updated it for #3!
Blessings, Maria

Jodi said...

Those Messy Rabbit stamps are simply adorable and would be very welcome in my craft room (well, so would the paper, brads and ribbon too, becuase it is all gorgeous)! What a fantastic bunch of goodies. I've added your giveaway to my blog and am crossing my fingers! Thanks so much for the chance to win.

Lauren said...

Great candy. I have linked you on my blog. xx

Crafting Diva said...

Hi Lorraine lovley blog candy I love bunnys please could you add me to your draw I ahve put a link on my blog for you and thanks so much fingers crossed!!!

Tanja said...

waw, lots of nice candy on your great blog.

Best wishis from SLvoenia,


Anonymous said...

Wow! New giveaway!
Hope this this time i'll be a little bit lucky! :)
Posted about your candy in my blog http://fancyscrap.livejournal.com/19399.html


Unknown said...

oh,I love butterflies!!! What a great blogcandy:)))

Karen said...

messy rabbit is so adorable, thanks for the chance to win blog candy x x

~Vittory~ said...

Amazing candy! thanks for the chance to win. I've added a link on sidebar telling everyone about it!!
With best wishes,

Emma said...

Lovely candy again :) your very generous :) Ive added you to my blog :) Em xx

Samantha Carlton said...

Hi Lorraine

What a lovely chance to win lovely candy!

Fab blog, keep the designs coming.

Left a link on my blog http://kittykatskrafts.blogspot.com/ would love to see ya there!


Sam x

ribenaruby said...

Brilliant blog candy you're sharing for your birthday. thanks for the chance to win. Link is on my jubbly list.

Bente said...

Great candy and thanks for a chance to win. I've linked to you in my sidebar!

Heidi said...

Oh yummy candy again- I am in- have a post on my blog with link!

Holly said...

another great candy! loving your snow pics too! link is on my shes so crafty site now too


Hazel (Didos) said...

Eventually I have posted this on my blog too, love the candy, wow it is fabby, Hazel xox

Sunshinecoastgrl said...

Love the bunnies oh love the bunnies!! I have crossed everthing!!!!...the bunnies are soo cute!! I posted your link in my candy dish!! Cheers Colleen

Jenny V. said...

Another fantastic candy giveaway. I;m just waiting for my turn to win. I have post you on my blog.Thanks

pinky said...

Oh such a big stash of candy. Have left a link on my blog. Many thanks.

Sue said...

Oh lorraine how did i miss seeing this, lovely candy, will add it to my side bar, sue.xx thanks for the chance.xx

Amanda said...

Lovely blog candy. Thank you for the chance to win. I have added a link to your blog/candy on the sidebar of mine. :) *fingers crossed*

Anonymous said...

I'm more than happy to post links to your fabulous blog candy. Always eager to help out another February birthday girl. Here is the link to my blog.


Yaneri said...

Very very generous of you! These blog candies are so much fun to do and enjoy meeting new bloggies! Really like you blog!
Step 1 and step 2 done!

Thanks for the opportunity to enter and hopefully win!

SannaS said...

You'll never get rid of me! ;) A link to your blog allready in my blog, so now I'll just have to wait. You have lovely cards! :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, it's not everyday that the birthday girl sends out such a gift. You are now on my sight, on the right side, and I love your blog, I will make it one of my regulars to visit. Can't wait till your birthday.

JACKIE said...

OOHHH another chance to get some messy cuties, cant wait thanks for the chance Lorraine..have left a link for you chick,hugs Jackie xx

Dawn said...

More yummy goodies Lorraine - You are spoling us!!!
Will pop you in my candy box!!!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the candy. Left you a link on my blog.

Holly said...

wow another generous candy, I have pinched the pic and linked you up on my candy page!



Riina said...

Count me in again. :) I've linked your blog, too.

Thanks for the chance to win!

- Rhynah

Nicole said...

Happy Birthday EARLY! Mine is the 26th! Thanks for the chance to win your candy! I am off to link you up!

Kirsten...x said...

More candy you are spoiling us...
have posted a link on mt blog...x
Hugs Kirsten...x

Jacilynn said...

I'm back for a chance to win this one. Great Candy! Thanks for the chance to win. I've linked you

peggy said...

A link is posted and my fingers are crossed!
28 February ....a perfect closing day .... it's also my birthday !!

Greetings From Belgium

jacque4u2c said...

I LOVE CANDY! I linked you on my blog....

Sam said...

what a fab giveaway!! I have linked you on my sidebar!!

María Isabel said...

Hello I´m from Uruguay i love the stamps and your blog candy
thanks you

Lesley said...

ooohhh wow...what stunning candy!!! thanx 4 the chance of winning...take care luv n hugs Lesley xxx

Sheri said...

This is really sweet of you! I'm linking this right now! :) I haven't seen Messy Rabbit before! Too Cute!

Mouse40 said...

Hi Lorraine, thank you so much for the chance to win your gorgeous blog candy.
Link to my blog:

Cheryl said...

Wow , Thank you for another chance at winning !!The rabbit stamps are so pretty and I really like the papers !
I have added a link & pic to my blogs sidebar .

juleslovgiraffes said...

hi i am new to this. my blog is http://thelifeandtimesofjules.blogspot.com/

yyam said...

Hi Lorraine

Thanks for the chance at some cool blog candy. I've linked you up at my blog ...http://yyam.blogspot.com/2009/02/blog-candy-at-lorraines.html

Ciacchina said...

Thanks for the chance to win some fabulous candy, i have linked you on my right hand sidebar :)
Hugs from Italy

Caroline said...

Great candy Lorraine! Have linked to your candy on my blog. Thanks Caroline x

Michele Roos said...

Thanks for the chance to win this yummy candy. I've added a link on my sidebar. Michele x

Kukusinka said...

Hello! I'm from Russia. Its a super candy! I've put a link on my blog http://kukusinka.blogspot.com/2009/02/blog-post_8361.html

Alicia said...

I want candy:)

Jennifer said...

Wow! Great blog candy! thank you for the chance to win!

My blog: http://ifeelacardcomingon.blogspot.com/

Barbara said...

Wow, what a candy :) Thanks fot the chance getting it! Hugs from Slovenia :)

Donnas Den said...

This looks great. I've added you to my blog candy sidebar.

Happy birthday for the 28th.


Unknown said...

Hi lovely blog candy love the messy rabbits put a link on now Thanks christine (France)

Mephisto said...

What a fab candy from You again!

I have posted it on the Sidebar on my



Sally said...

What a great candy, I just love the rabbit stamps. Please include me into your draw. Fingers and toes crossed that I win.
Great blog by the way. I have placed a link on my blog.

Anonymous said...

Love the ribbon


kelly ledder said...

Such a kind giveaway! I love the blog candy and have added a link xxx

Julie Temple said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! ( yeah it is early, so I will say it again on the day!) Great Candy #3! I will link you!

Rubber Hugs,

oheidia said...

It's a great candy you are giving away and i also want to win it :=)

I have written about your blog and your blog candy in my blog! Have a nice day!

Christina Hill said...

What a sweet selection. I've linked to you in my most recent post.

clare said...

O my..i can't believe ive not commented on your gorgeous candy yet,but here i'm..would love the chance please lorrine..off to put a pic and link on my blog.
good luck everyone.
hugs clare x

Tanya said...

It's a great candy you are giving away and i also want to win it:)

carine said...

nice selection for this candy, i posted a link on my blog
thanx(again) for the chance to win

Sunday Girl said...

Yummy candy, thanks for the chance to win :o)

Wiccababe said...

Hi Lorraine, love the messy rabbit - far far nicer than that forever friends sickly bear lol
have linked your candy in my candy box

scramptastic said...

Those stamps are absolutely adorable!! I have put you in my sidebar with a pic of your goodies here

Stressed Stamper said...

love your site, love the candy...fingers crossed ...linked you on my side bar


Jennifer said...

Fantastic candy!! When I get a few more hits, I'm going to start giving away some candy of my own.
I've lft a link on my blog page.
Thank you very much.
Love Pookspoons XX

Анешка said...

Hello from Uzbekistan! I'm very glad to meet so talanted creator like you and so bautiful candy. It my favourite colours! And unfortunately I never can get this nice paper, brads and other scrap-treasures in my native country. Becouse of this I wanna get this candy very-very much!
Thank you for chance to win!

This is my link: http://a-neshka.blogspot.com/2009/02/blog-post_2541.html

Unknown said...

Count me in! Awesome! I put a link in my sidebar!

Alex said...

Lovely candy! Will put it in my sidebar now and keep my fingers crossed... bit of a feat to do that for so long *lol*
Love, Alex

peggy aplSEEDS said...

love the blog candy you're offering. there's the comment, posted the link, now to cross my fingers!

Kathryn said...

Super candy! Count me in!

I've got your site liked over at Kitchen Table Crafter!

Thanks for the chance!

Marna said...

Wau, nice candy!
i've linked you in the sidebar of my blog.
So ... that's it. I just have to cross my fingers, now. :)
Thanks for the chance.
Bye bye,

Ali Watson said...

Fantastic candy lorraine, have popped a link on my blog. Thanks for chance to win and good luck everyone.

-Agnes- said...

Hi Lorraine, I have linked to your lovely blog candy here.

Samantha said...

Yes please- I want it! Thanks!

Lykoe said...

Hi there! What a great Candy! I've added it to my blog!
I also linked your candy on my sidebar under the section "Blog Candies"

Good luck to all!

Hugs from Ukraine :))


ikki said...

Hi Lorraine, what a super candy offer. I've made my comment, I've linked your blog, and I'VE GOT MY FINGERS CROSSED. You have some supa dupa stuff on your blog - enjoyed popping in. ikki

Mel said...

What a great Candy! Thanks for chance to win fingers crossed :)
I've linked your blog

Erin... said...

My fingers certainly are crossed!! what yummy candy!! thanks for the chance!! you're linked in my sidebar.

trisha too said...

very sweet! thank you for the opportunity--you are linked in my latest post at

(fingers crossed!)

:)Happy Birthday wishes, even if you have to wait a little . . .

Leonie said...

Great candy, again!!!

Would love to have more luck this time!!

I've linked you in my sidebar!

Leonie xx

Lainy's Little Blog said...

Fabulous candy hun. Your birthday is the day before mines! Not too long to wait now! Off to post a link on my blog now. Hope you're well. Hugs, Lainy xxx

Liza said...

Fab candy, you are so very generous. Thanks for the chance to win, I'm off to link now.

Liza x

Hobbyguri said...


I have linked you to my sidebar. And I will be back very soon.:))


AuroraDawn said...

Wow fab candy! Thanks for the chance to win, I'm off to link now. ADx

Christine said...

Thanks for the chance to win this great candy off to link you to my side bar.

Christine xx

Anonymous said...

Great candy! I'd love to win, thanks for a chance. I posted here: http://justheather-valems.blogspot.com/2009/02/more-yummy-blog-candies.html
Have a great day

Saskia said...


Wow, great blog, great bunnies, great creations,... lovely candy!!!

I've made a special link on my blog for 'blog candy'.

Someone, somewhere will be very happy with this candy... I can only dream it's me!!


scrappyjacky said...

Lovely blog candy again.

Lucija said...

Huh, this candy is really in my colors... I,ll keep my fingers crossed! :)

Wendy Hall said...

Love your candy. You are now on my blog, left column!!

Linda S. said...

Good Evening Lorraine,
You are right, your fellow crafters love those Messy Rabbit Stamps. That I know of, they are not available here in the USA. :(
I would love the chance to win a set. Thank you. I do not have a blog so I cannot link you, but I will continue to tell others about your site. Linda S. in NE

Christine said...

I'm new to blogging and just found the wonderful world of candy. What wonderful items.

K said...

What a great candy! Thanks for the chance :) I blogged it here
Bye, Kitty

Denise @ kc242 said...

hi I am new to your Blog and the candy just can't be resisted! I hope I win! Denise

Annelies said...

Great candy! Would love to win these cute stamps!!

I've linked you in my sidebar on my blog!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chance to win that wonderful candy!

1. Leave a comment -> Done.
2. Place a link -> Done.
3. Keep fingers crossed -> Kinda hard to type, but I can do that ;-)

Anonymous said...

im also new to your blog candy, have added a link on my blog, fingers crossed xxxx

Anonymous said...

have linked you on my blog, what fab candy, i hope i win xxx fran

Cathy Glitter Happy said...

Lovin the candy again such brill stuff fingers crossed great work your doin on your blog xx cathy

SueH said...

Love the candy. Rabbits are my favorite. Don't have a blog but will tell all my friends. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lorraine!
Great candy!

Anonymous said...

Oh wow. How generous of you. Love the candy and your blog. You are linked in the sidebar on my blog.

Theresa Kamp said...

Hi From Down Under here in Australia
I am recently new to this blog surfing thing and I am astounded by your work Lorraine
And this prize pack looks pretty good some things we can't get here in Australai
would love to win

Nancy Jensen said...

I've been enjoying your blog and your blog candy looks quite fun! My daughter would especially love it since she has a pet bunny.

I have you on my sidebar on my blog here: http://fancycraftyme.blogspot.com/

And yes, it's killing me to have to wait until the 28th to see who wins! LOL

fiction book reviews said...

Great blog candy

I have linked your blog to mine

You can see my site here

hudson said...

Oh wow...
Ohh yes please could i be in a chance to actually win something...i never win.

will put a link on my blog..



Unknown said...

im new !!!!! to blogland and fabby candy thats not fattening lol!!!!!will add link when i know how....did i tell you im new.....thank you ....reckon ill have to folow you too sasy

Sharon Traynor Designs said...

Hi Lorraine, Well I finally got round to linking your candy on my blog here. I must do better and post the good news earlier next time. Fab candy again & thanks for the chance to win.
Sharon xx

retiredheather said...

Wow Lorraine, another candy. Your blog is such fun to visit...lovely work. Have a wonderful day. I have listed this on my sidebar.

LvPoohBr2 said...

What a fun give away!! All that wonderful blog candy!! I've posted a link to this giveaway on my blog as well! Happy Early Birthday!!

Daisychain said...

Great candy, thanks for the chance to win it. I have put you in my 'Candy Jar' here

Jacilynn said...

Very sweet candy! & Happy Birthday Almost. Thanks for the chance and my fingers are crossed.

Cazzy said...

Happy Birthday in advance Lorraine! I love the look of those stamps, please can I enter? Will add a comment on my blog now.

Cazzy x

C. Sage Deerborn said...

I have my fingers crossed, and I have posted about your blog candy on my blog:
Hope you have a great birthday.

♥ Lydia ♥ said...

WoW!! How many comments!?! It took me sooooo long to scroll down here...it must almost be the 28th!! Lol
I've added you to my blog now...and an early Happy Birthday to you x :0)

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous candy! I do really love flowers, so I'll keep my fingers crossed!! Have a wonderful birthday the 28th!
X, Ava

V Colbourne said...

I have my fingers and toes and everything else crossed....lol! Thanks so much for the chance to win! :)

Nikki said...

This is so Great to try and win Thanks for the try and
Happy BDay :)

Left a link here for your Site

Re said...

I'm having so much fun blog-hopping and making friends this year. I don't have a blog but i'm hoping i can be entered.

Thanks for such a generous giveaway! I hope I'm chosen as the lucky winner!!!

Candy said...

Cute, cute, cute!! Please add my name.


Olena said...

Wonderful candy :) I would love to join!!!

Anonymous said...

Omgosh....could those be any cuter? What a great candy package! I've just added you as a new post on my blog! http://www.trustinghim4ever.wordpress.com I've got my fingers AND my toes crossed for this one! Thanks Lorraine and Hey...Happy Birthday ladybug! My nieces birthday is the same day! Smiles from Oregon~ Deb

Monica Anderberg said...

Awesome candy! I have put you up from my blog: http://scrapoleket.blogspot.com/2009/02/crafty-coo.html

Digital Misfit said...

I am drooling for those Kate Knight papers!

hugs from ON, Canada


Carol said...

Yummy candy and great blog
Thanks for the chance

Lynne in NI said...

Hi Lorraine
Wow - that sure is some scrummy candy - messy rabbit is just adorable. Thanks for the chance of winning it! I don't have a blog but have passed the word to my crafty friends.

Wellnifty said...

Fab candy, thanks for the chance of getting it, will post a link on my candy sidebar


Кристина said...

I am dreaming about your candy already!!!! Thank you for such an opportunity!
And a link in my blog: http://kristalll.blogspot.com/
Kristina. And I keep my fingers krossed :)

Anonymous said...

I will definitely keep my fingers crossed this time!

thanks for this lovely chance!

Debsydoo said...

Fab candy, I will cross everything possible not just my fingers lol

hugs Debs x

aardvarkpest said...

Wow more candy you are so generous.I just love Messy rabbit and pink papers to what more could a girl ask for.


* Shell B.* said...

Wow where have I been? I've never seen the Messy Rabbit stamps before! I love them they are so cute! Now keepin' my fingers crossed.........

Shell in Alaska

pattyb said...

I would love a chance to win...I don't have a working blog but I will spread the word via email.

jodie said...

hi lorraine, i'd love to enter if i can. i don't really know much about it as this will be the fisst time i have entered a blog candy

jodie xx

Pink Dandelion said...

I have my fingers crossed and am off now to link on my blog. Great candy. Debs x

Barbara said...

Wow, Lorraine, what a candy! Hope, I'll be the winner :) Here is my blog.

Tricia G. said...

Love the candy!!!! Hope I win!!!! I've posted your link on my blog!!!

LINDA said...

Absolutely Awesome blog candy!! Thanks so much for a chance to win.Going to go put you on my blog..

Ann said...

WOW Lorraine - more candy!! yummy!! You're so kind, I hope I can win some - loving all those goodies!!
Take care
Ann xxx

Deb M. said...

Happy Birthday Lorraine!! Thanks for sharing your birthday with us and offering all the yummy goodies. I've linked you on my blog! Pick Me Pretty Please!! :-)

Laura (Faerielore) said...

what yummy scrummy candy, thank you for the chance of maybe winning, im off to put a link on my blog, good luck everyone xxxx

Anonymous said...

Great candy!
Thanks for the chance!
Regards from Spain :)

Alex said...

Aww thanks for the offer of generous blog candy :)

I'll add a link on my blog.

Alex x


Anonymous said...

Hiya hunni! happy birthday too! thanks for sharing! your candy is lovely hun and would love the chance to win! i love those papers! have linked you to my candy alerts

hugs carly xxx

Unknown said...

Wow great candy, I've added a link to it on my blog.

Thanks Jan x

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

You´re offering some yummy candy. Thanks for the chance. I linked you here
x Natasha x

Rowee said...

Lorraine, YOu are a 1 generous soul!!!
Thanks for the chance to win!!!


terriavidreader (IN-USA) said...

Wow! My fingers are crossed, I've listed this on my blog (http://triesmakingcards.blogspot.com) and my comment is HAPPY BIRTHDAY! So please, I'd love some blog candy, YUM!

Cardmaking Galore said...

this blog candy is fab! left a link on my sidebar

iriniee said...

HEllo Lorraine, first excuse me but my english is very bad.

Your candy is very precious and generous, tnahk you.

Second, I´m crossing my fingers very strong.

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