Here we go folks my candy that is up for grabs to celebrate my first blogging anniversary.

I've decided to go along the basic line a bit here.. the things that we use all the time when crafting so it should save you some money.
Included in the candy bag are:
1 pack of 50 square white cards & envelopes
1 box of bright coloured chalks
1 roll of double sided tape
1 pack of foam pads
1 paper piercing tool
1 craft knife with replacement blades
2 packs of Laura Ashley embellishments
1 box of glue squares
6 Vibrance ink pads
(pink, green, blue, purple, red & black)
3 pack of brads
(brights, metallics & pastels)
3 packs of paper flowers
Now to be in with a chance of winning this bag of goodies here's what you have to do:
1. You must have an active blog
2. Leave a comment in this posting
3. Place a link on your blog to my candy
4. Remember to check back to see if you are the winner
This candy will remain open until 12 noon (GMT) on Monday 8th June 2009.
Good Luck to one & all
Happy crafting
Congratulations on Your 1st Anniversary. Keep up the great work, I love your cards and chat.
Off to pop a link on my blog now.
Happy Bloggiversary!
Great candy! Thanks for the chance to win! I've linked you on my side-bar.
oh wow, wonderful candy Lorraine, very generous of you treating us. Happy blogaversary hun. I am off to put a link on my blog now. Is the sun out yet? hasn't reached N.Ireland yet but I'm still hoping, I've got the sun lotion at the ready lol. Enjoy your weekend. Donna x
Such a great idea of giving the basics! Helpful to everyone. Happy Blogaversary. I'll list this on my blog Here and I have candy up too, come join in!
Happy Blog Birthday Lorraine !!
Thank you for the chance to win your birthday candy !!
I have linked your candy on my sidebar.
Hi Lorraine!
Congratulations on the blogaversary!
I love your blog candy - totally true - all the things a crafter needs and more!
I've put a link to your candy on my blog!!
Esme x
Hello! Congratulations to you! I've linked your candy on my sidebar under the section "Blog Candy".
Thanks for a chance to win!
Hi Lorraine
Congratulations on your blogaversary!
Your candy is so sweet, i'll cross my fingers to be winner!
Thank for a chance!
xx Omi
Hello! Sweet candy! I put a link on my sidebar.
Fantastic candy! My link is
Hello! I'm from Russia. Congrats от your first blogging anniversary! Its a super candy! I added a link to my blog:
Happy Blogoversary! The candy you're offering is awesome! Here's my link . Thanks for a chance to win! Greetings from Belgium, Annelies
Waw I love candies, so congrats on your first blogging anniversary! I am your follower and linked you on my blog! So my fingers are crossed! Hugs, moni
Hi! My link))
Thanks for a chanse to win this candy! :)
Happy Blogoversary!
Hi from Moldova! Fantastic candy!
My blog
Happy Bloggiversary, Lorraine!
Sweet candy! I put a link on my sidebar. Thanks for a chance to win!
Hugs, Elena
Hi Lorraine.
Happy Bloggiversary!
Great candy! Thank you for the chance to win! I've linked you on my side-bar.
Welcome to my blog -
Awesome, congrats on your first year blogging. You have beautiful cards. Thank you so much for sharing your special talent!
Hi Lorraine, Happy blogaversary and beautiful candy to win and celebrate. I shall add you in my candy jar and keep up the stunning work.
Hugs Linda
Pick me, pick me!!!! I would love to win this beautiful candy.
Happy Blogaversary Lorraine,
Wow Everything you can always use and need to create with your soo sweet Added a link for your Candy on my side bar Here and thanks for the chance
Nikki C
Happy Bloggiversary!
Lovely candy! I've made a post about it in my blog:
Thank you for a chance to win!
Thank you for giving us the chance to win that great candy.
I have put a link to your candy on my blog's side bar.Best regards from sLOVEnia,
Hi, Lorraine! congratulations! Nice candy!
Happy blogoversary, Lorraine! I have linked your candy in this post.
Happy blogaversary Lorraine. I have linked your candy on my sidebar.
Happy Crafting.
Kim xXx
Greetings from Ukrainy.Oy any candy))) It would take part in their rozgrysh.No all you can expect and to win))))
Dol4i xxx
Thank you for your sweetness! Posted in the left pane bokovvoy your blog
Wow! it's just delightful candy.
I am just so many ideas came from its use. ^-^
Thank you that give a chance to win.
I link your candy in sidebar
Happy Blogoversary!
Great candy!!!!!
Thanks for the chance to win!
I've linked you on my side-bar.
hugs Peggy
Happy Bloggiversary!
Great candy! Thank you for the chance to win! I've linked you on my side-bar.
Happy Blogaversary! Congrats on all your success. I've linked you. Thanks for the chance.
Big hugs,
Yayyyyy Happy Blogaversary Lorraine. ;) :)
Oooh very very sweet candy you have - how kind and generous of you. :)
Will link to you in my side candy bar. :)
Hi Lorraine!!
Happy Blogoversary!!!!!!!!!!
awesome candy you are giving away!
I'm linking your candy on my blog!
Many many thanks for the chance to win this lovely candy!
Happy Bloggiversary!
Sweet candy! I put a link on my sidebar.
Hugs, Andreja
Have a wonderful and Blessed Blogaversary. You have out done yourself on this candy. I look forward to many future posts with you.Thanks sooo much, ms.cheryl
Happy Bloggiversary!! Such lovely candy, which I am linking to my sde bar! Thank you for the chance to win!
Thank you for the chance to win this beautiful candy.
I've linked you through the sidebar on my blog.
Congrats on 1yr of blogging hun..Well Done xxx
WOW..what gorgeous candy you have on offer..your so kind.
I would love the chance please.
thanks hugs clarex
many congrats on you blogversary hun......and thanks so much forthe chance to eneter will pop off now and link you to my side bar...and by the way yooohooo im waving over here lol!!! hugs sassyxx
Hello from Canberra Australia - What great Blog Candy - Happy Blogaversary - what a major achievement....thank you for the opportinuty to play....I have linked your Candy to my NEW BLOG: would love you to visit me sometime....thanks again! God bless you!!
Hello Lorraine! You have wonderful candy! Мy blog wellcome!
WAUW What a great candy - and nice blog by the way :)
Congrats to 1 year! so many nice things you give away!
I've linked to you on my sidebar:
Hello! What a super-candy!!! Thanks fot the chace to win1 I linked it on my sidebar! Bets wishes!
What a wonderful site you have; happy anniversary and best wishes for the future. I love Brianna's voice, and I thank you for sharing it for all of us to hear. Your candy is really super and I appreciate a chance to win. With all you do, I am so jealous you have time and energy to even think let alone craft. Hope you have a great upcoming year.
Congrats on making it to one full year! Great candy. Thanks for the chance to win. : )
Time fly's by doesnt it. Thanks for a chance to win
Happy blog anniversary!!!!
thanks for the chance to win your incredible candy!!!
I've left a link on my candy box
hugs from italy
Happy Blogoversary!
I linked your candy at the sidebar on my blog.
Thanks for the chance to win this great candy!
Greetings from Germany
Congratulations and thanks for the chance to win wonderful candy I added you to my candy bar, hugs
Hi Lorraine!!
Happy Blogoversary!! Great candy! Thank you for the chance to win!
nice blog I linked to your give away thanks.
Happy Blogiversary!! Thanks for offering candy! It's awesome!
Happy Bloggoversary Lorraine!Awesome candy:) Greetings from Lucia, Slovakia
Happy blogiversary :) Your Sakura-decorated cards are lovely, you are so talented! I especially love the black and white one with the wine red gems - so elegant and chic!
And this blog candy... What a treasure for a beginner like me, who doesn't have much of a stash yet ^_^ Thank you for this chance to enter :) I've added you to my candy bar and joined your merry followers :D
Cheers from Norway,
Congratulations to you Lorraine! What a lovely candy you have! Such a delicious one! I really wish to be a lucky winner!
My blog is:
Your candy is in the second column.
Hello Lorraine!
Happy Bloggiversary!Sweet candy!
Lovely blogcandy!
Thanks for the chance to win it!
Wow lorraine how generous you are and what a gorg selection of goodies. Thank you so much for offering us all a chance to win something so lovely and useful.
I have linked your candy pic in my side bar for all to see and hopefully pop on over too!
God Bless and good luck everyone.
Hello! thank you for this chance to win your blog candy! beautiful gifts! especially for Latinas who have so little material for scrap! Thanks for the chance to win! Beautiful your cards! Congratulations! and of course, you will visit often! Kisses from Argentina! Andrea
Happy Blogiversary! =) Thanks for this amazing chance!
Hugs, SannaS
Happy Bog-i-versary!!! Thanks for being so generous.
Happy Blog Birthday!!!
Hello Lorraine!
Happy Bloggiversary!
Thanks for the chance to win! Beautiful your cards!
My link is
Hi Lorraine!
Sweet candy! My link is
great candy! pick meeee!
here is my link:
Hello Lorraine!Happy Blogoversary!I've made a post about it in my blog:
thank you for the chance in your candy...I linked the candy at my blog on the sidebar
Great candy hun and happy blogversary to you!!
I'd love to be in with a chance to win i'll pop a link in my side bar for you x
Emma xxx
Thanks hun for the chance to win your blog is looking great as ever xxx cathy ps i have added your candy in my side bar
Congratulations on your bloggaversary, o've only just started in the world of blogging but hope to be for many moons yet Will post a pic on my blog of your scrummy candy
Hi! lovely blog candy!! thanks for the chance to win :) Im going to link your blog right now!
Here is my blog.
Happy blogoversary and thanks for the chance. I blogged your candy here Bye, Kitty
Thank you for the chance to win your birthday candy!!!!!!!
Hi Lorraine, how are you? Another gorgeous candy, thanks for a chance to win! I put a link to my candybar ...
Alice from Italy
Hello Lorraine! Congrats on your success! I have linked your fabulous candy to my side bar. Thanks for the chance to win! I hope I do! Good luck to everyone.
Thanks for the chance to win it!!!!
Happy Anniversary Lorraine :o)
More gorgeous candy! Thank you for the chance to win.
Teri xxx
Happy Иlogoversary!!!
Great blog candy! Thanks for the chance to win!
I'm your follower and I posted a link on my blog
Hi!!!i've wrote about your candy herу
with love from Russia :)
Hi Lorraine!
Sweet candy! My link is:
felicitaciones !!!!!!
me anoto en tu sorteo y me lo llevo a mi blog .
chau besos
Love your blog. i have signed up to be a follower.
Congratulations on your first anniversary!
Wow! Thank you so much for being generous enough to offer such gorgeous candy to win!
Thanks for your lovely creations on your blog!!
I have added your candy to my blog on my sidebar to spread the word.
Well done on your approaching anniversary. I've followed your blog for a while now and just love it.
Many thanks,
I'm new to the blogs. I wish to participate in your lovely candy. Going to post about it right now in
Greets from Spain!
Happy first blog anniversary!!
best wishes for your blog.
Love your candy, that's so kind of you, I try my luck :)
and have it linked on my blog
hi! happy birhtday!!
i would like to take part in the drawing.
I will announce it in my blog
Happy 1st year of blogging...great idae for candy thanks for the chance to win hugs kirsten...x
Happy 1st Blogoversary!!! Thanks for the chance to win this wonderful blog candy. I have linked your blog candy to my side bar.
Have a great day and thanks again
me gustaria apuntarme a tu sorteo, yo también tengo uno, si te apetece pasas por mi blog y te apuntas..
te anuncio en el.
Congrats on the blog anaversary! :D
It is a vere nice blog candy, and i enjoy your works..
I postet a link on my blog.
Have a great day!
happy 1st anniversary thank you for the chance to win your great candy i have put a link on my blog
Thanks for the chance to win this wonderful blog candy
Congratulations fr your first anniversary! =))) Wish you have always creative mood and good luck! =))
I've left a link on your candy in my blog:
Hi from Israel!
Congrats for your 1st anniversary with this great blog!
wow, I could think of so many uses for everything in this blog! and I know I can make wonders with everything since I'm an artist and a graphic designer, and I already have many many ideas!
I really wish to win this and get to work with these stuff, some of them I really can't get here in Israel.
so, anyway! here is where I blogged it:
thanks for the chance!
hello, Lorraine! :)
Сongrats on your first blogging anniversary! Thanks for a chance to win!
I linked the candy at my blog=lana=
Happy Anniversary!! Have added a link in my side bar! Good luck for the next 12 months too!
Hi, i'm Lara from Italy!
congrats on your blog anniversary and for all your works, very beautiful!
Excuse me for my english, please!
Kiss, lara
My blog:
Happy Bloggiversary!
Great candy!!!!mmmmmaw! Thanks for the chance to win! I've linked you on my side-bar.
Hi Lorraine,
Congrats on your first blogging anniversary!!
I have linked you in my sidebar
Thanks for the chance to win this fab candy.
I found your blog a while ago but forgot to follow and lost you, so now I am following so I don't miss any more of your fab work :)
Hugs Lora x
Happy Anniversary!!
WOW.. I am in chock.. how wonderful of you to be so generous!! I would love to share this goodiebag with my children :)
I have put it up in my blog of course!:
Hi Lorraine, nearly missed this. Don't pick me though, I just wanted to let you know I will add a link on my blog.
Cazzy x
Congratulations on Your 1st Anniversary. Keep up the great work, i will add a link on my blog.
Felicitaciones!! Son preciosos tus trabajos, me encantan.
Sigue asi, deleitandonos con tu creatividad ilimitada.
Me gustaria participar del sorteo.
Te dejo mi mail:
Un beso grande desde Buenos Aires
Congratulations on Your 1st Anniversary Lorraine. Wow yummy candy. Thanks for the chance to win. Keep up the great work.
Just put a link on my candy bar for you,
Super blog, been a enjoyable view,
Congratulations!!! Thanks for a chance to win.
Happy Blogaversary Lorraine
I'm from Russia.
thanks for the chance to win your incredible fantastic candy!
my blog
Congrats Lorraine on your first blog-o-versary!!!
And thanks for the chance to win such awsome candy.... I've posted a link over at my blog:
Thanks again!
Hi lorraine, thanks ever so much foir the chance to win this fabby candy, its gorgeous oooohhhh, lovely juverly. Im off to daddd you to my sidebar right this minute thanks hun, brill blog too!!!
Congrats on your 1 year blogaversary!!
I added your link for the blog candy into my sidebar!
Ooohh! Happy Blog Anniversary! This looks like a sweet bunch of candy! I've linked you to my blog at I've got my fingers crossed!
Congratulations to the 1 year anniversary
This blog candy I don´t won´t to miss :)
I have put the picture in my sidebare.
I can´t leave a comment here if i don´t have a blogger account. So I started one, but i don´t use it.
The address to my blog is:
Hugs Gurkiss
Didn´t my comment come up here?
Hugs Gurkiss
Hi lorraine! Happy Blog Anniversary! What’s a candy! I’ve linked your candy on my sidebar under the section “Blog Candy”
Thanks for the chance to win!
Hugs Fifi.
Hi, Happy Blogaversary!! Thanks for the chance to win.
It's me again =) also post your candy here
Happy blog anniversary!!!!
thanks for the chance to win your incredible candy!!!
I have a blog, it´s
Me gustaría participar en tu sorteo.
Great candy. I link you on my side bar.
Happy bloggoversary! :D
It's been nice to follow your work the last months, and I've put your candypicture in my candy-allert bar! :D
Thanx for the great candydraw we can be a part of! :D Crossing my fingers!
Happy 1st blogaversary Lorraine. Thanks for the chance to win this gorgeous candy. I've added a link onto my sidebar. Hugs Michele x
i am Monica to Milano Italia
happy candy
happy blog anniversary.
beautiful candy...thanks.
bye from italy
Hi Lorraine!
Happy Blog Anniversary!
Thanks for the chance to win.
Gorgeous candy - thanks for the chance to win!! Have linked you with picture in my sidebar!
Hugs, Bente
Happy Blog Anniversary! Fantastic candy!!! Greetings from Italy!
Thanks Lorraine, I love your Candy. Have posted and there is a link in my sidebar of my craft blog.
oh wow super candy thanks for a change to win I have only been blogging just over 5 week bet a year has gone by so fast
huggies lindyloo x
Congratulations on Your 1st Anniversary, the Blogcandy is wonderful. Thanks for the chance to win, i've linked you on my sidebar...
happy Birthday. Great Blog I love your slideshow, just spent ages watching it! have linked to my Blog.
Fab candy - congrats on your blogoversary. I linked you on my candypost:
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