Saturday, 23 July 2011

Chill time

Evening all and sorry it's so late today but it's been a bit none stop since I got up this morning.. Lol

8am alarm goes off.. Up and got the house all organised, animals tended to etc, washed dressed and out the door to collect Ann before heading in to Damselfly Crafts. Arrived there, loaded car and then set off for Clydebank Shopping Centre where we spent the day doing decopatch with the kids. Finished at 4pm, cleaned up, packed car and headed back to Damselfly to return goodies. Then dropped Ann back at hers and headed home myself.. Was after 6pm when I got here. Wee chat with mum and Rob then onto the net to upload more craft goodies for sale.. Printed off orders and finally sat down for dinner just after 10pm.. Packed today's orders ready for posting tomorrow, into pj's and have finally got my feet up chilling.. Now you can't say you have no idea what I got up to today.. Lol.

Hope you've all had a good day and got lots of lovely things planned for the weekend ahead. I'm off to make a wee cuppa then think I'll be heading off to bed.. Back with you all tomorrow again.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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Thursday, 21 July 2011


Morning all... just sitting here emailing pics of Brianna's graduation to some folk and suddenly remembered I hadn't posted a pic of me with her on her big day so here it is... Please note in the interest of safety I was not drinking that day as I was driving.. Gordon kindly gave me his glass to hold for the picture to be taken.. lol..

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Progress so far..

Evening all.. Sorry got carried away today uploading crafty stuff for sale on ebay etc that I forgot to post a pic of my progress so far with my vase.. So.. Here it is.. Still got a few other things I want to do to it before it's finished and hopefully I'll get another bit of it done tonight again.. Or maybe even finish it if I'm lucky.. Lol.. All I can say is watch this space. Off to sort tea now.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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Afternoon all... thought I'd share some news with you about a lovely sale that's on just now....

oh.... and we are also selling a surprise selection of 10 Decopatch papers in assorted designs and colours for £7.00 ..won't that be exciting which ones you receive ,,,these will include the new range of papers....there are some lovely new vintage flower patterns and retro papers.


Last night's choice

Morning all.. Another overcast day here again but still a bit muggy with it.. I wonder if we will have any more sun this year or if we've already seen the best of it.. I'll get back to you at christmas with the answer.. Lol.

Well last night I decided to have a wee play with this handmade glass vase.. Another quick and easy project but not quite sure I'm entirely finished with it yet.. I'll post pics of it's current condition just as soon as I finish the housework as the upholstery inspector is due today again.. Wonder what he'll have to say on the condition of this sofa!!!

Right I'm off to batter on as the sooner I'm finished the sooner I can move on to better things.. Toodles for now.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Last night's makes

Morning all.. Another muggy and overcast day here again.. Wonder if that means more downpours again.. Think I need to buy myself a new pair wellies soon.. Lol

Anyway.. Had a wee play last with some beads last night after hubby went to bed and managed to make 2 choker's.. Really need to get making more stuff and empty this bead box a little. Oh and I need to use my good old Hougie Board to make some presentation boxes for them too.

Hope you all have a fab day ahead.. Right now it's time for me to get the housework done so I can get into my craft room for a few hours later on.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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2nd make

This is the 2nd choker I made last night...


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Monday, 18 July 2011

Bead time..

Well I've got the room to myself as hubby has taken himself off to bed so I'm going to have a quick play with some beads before hitting the hay myself.. Hopefully I'll make a good enough job of it that I'll be able to share with you all tomorrow..

Sleep well everyone.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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Clarity Stamps... 25% off...

Was £7.25... now £5.45

Afternoon all... and hope you are all well and surviving these torrential downpours that most of us seem to be encountering just now...

Seeing as the weather is so yucky I thought I'd tell you all about a nice sale that has just started up over at

where they are currently uploading Clarity Stamps to their site just now with a whopping 25% off RRP.. WHY????  it's is a local holiday here for the next 2 weeks so they thought they'd do some amazing prices to help celebrate.. 

Hope you manage to pick up a bargain or two..

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

Sunday, 17 July 2011

Better pic..

Sorry everyone.. Just realised how dark yesterday's pics were so have taken a better one with more light on it..

Considering making some jewellery tonight whilst watching tv with the old man.. We paid a visit to the new Riverside Museum and it was heaving.. Queues for the car park and it was literally 1 in and 1 out.. Nice that they've got the tall ship there just now too though we didn't go on as the sky was looking a bit questionable.. Did we make the right decision or what.. We were quite literally all of about 10 seconds back into the car when the heavens opened.

Well.. Off to go have a rummage and pull out the beads etc and see what I can come up with.. Hope you've all had a fab day.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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Saturday, 16 July 2011

Trinket box

Finished my wee trinket box before dinner and here's the finished product.. Had fun doing this quick and easy make.. And it was soooooo good being back at the craft desk again.

Feet are up now watching tv with hubby.. Have a lovely night all.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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Some me time...

Afternoon all.. It's been a rather busy week between one thing and another and I can't believe the weekend is here already.. Anyhow.. We went a trip to MacKinnon Mills today for a nosey at the new craft shop.. I have to be honest and say I was rather disappointed with the prices so I'll be sticking to my regular haunts and saving myself some money..

So.. Hubby has taken himself off to the gym for a while so I'm now in the craft room ready to start playing.. I've got my wee book to finish but decided to make a start on this lovely wee trinket box that Ann bought me yesterday.. And without any further delay.. I'm off to play.. Think it's actually the first this week.. Lol.. Toodles for now.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Busy uploading stash for sale...

Afternoon all... my day started with a visit from my lovely friends John, Gillian and their 3 children.. sorry Gemma you're actually a young lady now..  

This afternoon I've been sorting out some stash I've had lying around for a while and have put it up for sale to clear my feet and make way for new goodies coming in...  it's all been listed in a seperate album on my facebook page but I've also listed it on ebay too at  


So... now that job's done I'm off to cut the grass whilst the weather is nice seeing as we're in for a reported change come the weekend.. oh and I've got a few loads of washing to get through too..

Hope you're all having a wonderful week.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx


Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Hope today's better

Morning all and yes it's been a few days I know.. Sorry.. had planned on playing a lot yesterday but was ill so that idea was blown completely out of the window.. Woke up with an aching back, head from hell then to top it all off had to vomit too.. One of my biggest hates in life. Had a soak in the bath for almost 2 hours in the hope it would ease the aches, clear my blocked nose and hopefully help the thumping head.. Hhhmmmm.. It only partially worked... So.. Off to bed I went and slept on and off the whole day and right through the night too.. Thankfully I'm feeling a little better today even if very drained of energy.. Am going to attempt a wee tidy up of the house and then will hopefully toddle of to the craft room for a few hours and see if I've got any creativity in me today.. Fingers crossed.. no matter what, the one thing I do know for sure is its going to be a slow moving day.. will pop back later and share if I managed to come up with anything crafty.

Hope you've all had a fabulous weekend.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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Thursday, 7 July 2011

Mad Child..

Afternoon all.. Got the housework done, been to hairdresser, had my friend and her daughter in for coffee and chat and I've also got Nicole here too.. Now we've got the house to ourselves we're up in the craft room and she's starting off by making a bracelet for herself.. Think she'll have a pile before she's finished as she's battering off ideas to me already.. Lol..

Hope you're all having a fun day.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Sofa update..

Jill at Sterling Furniture was extremely nice and very apologetic about the situation and is arranging for an upholsterer to call at my house to inspect the full sofa. She said it is unacceptable for it not to be in perfect condition upon arrival.. I may be having issues with the sofa itself but so far I couldn't say a bad word about their customer service.. They actually appear to be one of the few companies around these days who still remember what quality customer service is all about. Fingers crossed the issue can be resolved quickly.


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Not happy..

Well the faulty sofa with the loose stitching has been removed and the new one has arrived.. Checked the stitching before the guys left then when I went to sit on it this is what I saw!!!

Oh yeah.. My 2 base cushions are fixed.. And one has been attached approx 1 inch further forward than the other one.. I'm not a happy bunny yet again.. More pics have been taken and I'm going to download and send by email to Sterlings and see what they have to say on the matter.. I'm actually at the stage I'm contemplating telling them I'll just go and choose a completely different sofa..

So.. The saga continues.. Will keep you updated with the outcome.

Have fun everyone.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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Pretty in pink..

Morning all from what is a rather wet and overcast Motherwell today.

Thought I'd begin the day by sharing with you a little bracelet I made in the shop on Monday.. So delicate looking and the perfect accessory for just about any outfit.

So what's on today's agenda.. Right now I'm scooting around getting ready for my new sofa being delivered so lots of moving objects and cleaning being done at the moment.. There's quite a few emails to sort.. Phone calls etc to make afterwards and then it's into the craft room to work on samples for Heritage Rubber Stamps and Time To Sow.. Also have my ruler book to finish along with my on-going medicine cabinet project.. One things for sure.. There's always plenty to work on in the craft room.. Lol.

Guess I really should push on now so hopefully by early afternoon I'll be able to start sharing some more makes with you.. Fingers crossed.. Hope you all have a wonderful day.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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Tuesday, 5 July 2011


Do you think my boy is trying to tell me something.. Lol.

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Part done..

Managed to get a wee bit of my book done.. Some papers, tape, distress powder etc and got a bit of an idea where I'm heading with it now.. Sadly work is calling so need to deal with the work load first before I get to play again.. Xxx

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Making a start..

Good morning all and the weather has taken a bit of a turn this morning.. Some cloud and a very slight spittle of rain. Still warm and muggy though.

So.. What's on today's agenda.. Quite a bit to do actually.. Need to pop to supermarket, samples to make, have to contact the council about a few things so no doubt that will take an hour or two alone etc etc etc.. But I'm having a wee half hour play to myself first before I move so I'm making a wee start on my ruler book.. No idea what's going in it yet but I'll worry about that when it's finished.. Lol.

So without further ado I'm off to start else it will still be lying there tonight looking the same. Hope everyone has a wonderful day ahead.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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Monday, 4 July 2011

Today's make..

Well a wee customer came into the shop today to purchase this necklace and asked if there was a matching bracelet as it was for a gift.. There wasn't.. So I offered to make her one if she wanted and she was over the moon and quickly took me up on it.. One very happy customer.. And I'm happy that she's happy.

Off now to see what's for my dinner.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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Wonderful day..

Afternoon all and sorry for my absence over the weekend but the weather was just so lovely and it was my first weekend off in a long time so I decided to make good use of it seeing as the sun was shining. The whole weekend was spent relaxing with bbq's in the garden.

Today I'm manning the fort over at Damselfly Crafts so thought I'd share some pics with you during the lunch period and before I start work on a customers order.

Lots to do today and hope you are all having a marvellous day whatever you are up to. Normal service will resume tomorrow again as it's a week of work ahead for me. Toodles for now.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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Friday, 1 July 2011


Evening all.. First up.. I'll be working in Damselfly Crafts on Monday so if you're in the area make sure you pop in to say hi and have a chat.

Secondly.. It's been a busy, busy day today.. had lots of emails and telephone calls to deal with as well as a trip to Damselfly sorting stuff out for next week.. By the time we got to the supermarket just after 8pm it was nothing less than a mad dash to get it done and home again. It's been a real whirlwind of a week and I've loved every minute of it.

I'm off now to have a wee cuppa then heading to bed as I've got a nice migraine starting so want to get rid of before the morning.

Let's hope we all have a glorious sunny weekend ahead.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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