It's all over, all the stands have gone as have many of my very good friends... And I've just walked through the door so will bid you all goodnight as I'm going to have some dinner and put my feet up for the rest of the night... Will be back with you all tomorrow again.
Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx
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Sunday, 31 October 2010
Last day
So unhappy that it's the last day of the show... But at the same time, there's no rest for the wicked... Its back to work as normal tomorrow again as I've got so much to catch up on now... Thank goodness I love my job... Teehee...
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Saturday, 30 October 2010
Who could this be...
Well I wonder if anyone can recognise who this is... Probably not right enough as she's got her head down getting stuck into a demo... Lol
Here is our very own crafty blogs and facebook buddy Ann Russell who's been demoing her socks off on the Samuel Taylor stand since doors opened on Thursday morning. Doesn't she look fab.
I had to rush home tonight as I had to show face at a wedding reception and have nipped out for a breath of fresh air as its so hot inside... Right enough, think I'll be heading home in about half an hour as I need to rest my wee feet ready for action tomorrow ;-).
Catch you all again tomorrow and hope you too have had a fab day.
Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx
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Here is our very own crafty blogs and facebook buddy Ann Russell who's been demoing her socks off on the Samuel Taylor stand since doors opened on Thursday morning. Doesn't she look fab.
I had to rush home tonight as I had to show face at a wedding reception and have nipped out for a breath of fresh air as its so hot inside... Right enough, think I'll be heading home in about half an hour as I need to rest my wee feet ready for action tomorrow ;-).
Catch you all again tomorrow and hope you too have had a fab day.
Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx
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People, people everywhere... That's what its been like since the doors opened this morning almost right through till closing... It's been a wonderful show with so many familiar faces showing up to say hi and still some more to meet up with tomorrow. Haven't managed to buy a single thing yet but will need to do a quick dash around tomorrow to grab a few odds and ends... Imagine being there all 4 days with no money spent... I don't think so... Lol
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Who do we have here
Now you've already had pics of Jo Channon and Barbara Gray so this morning, I thought I'd start the day with the wonderful Julie Hickey, but I think a wee minx has managed to squeeze into the pic... Lol... Oh yes, it's our very own Kath Stewart too.
Well, I guess I better finish getting ready now so I'll bid you a fond farewell yet again... And for any of you coming to visit today, I can't wait to see you all...
Toodles for now
Lorraine xxx
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Well, I guess I better finish getting ready now so I'll bid you a fond farewell yet again... And for any of you coming to visit today, I can't wait to see you all...
Toodles for now
Lorraine xxx
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Friday, 29 October 2010
Barbara Gray
Sorry I haven't had th opportunity to post earlier today but its been so busy at the show all day we haven't had a minute and I only got home about an hour ago.
Seeing as I managed to get a picture of one of your utmost favourites in action I'm hoping that you will forgive me... Lol.
Yes its the wonderful Barbara Gray of Clarity Stamps dealing with customers as is the usual... Surprised I managed to push my way so close to the front to actually get a picture... Lol.
Well, I'm off now to get some food in my stomach and then put my weary old feet up for an hour or two before heading off to bed.
Catch you tomorrow again and wonder who I'll be showing you then. Well actually I already know... But you don't... Lol so tune in tomorrow for another peek at the show.
Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx
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Seeing as I managed to get a picture of one of your utmost favourites in action I'm hoping that you will forgive me... Lol.
Yes its the wonderful Barbara Gray of Clarity Stamps dealing with customers as is the usual... Surprised I managed to push my way so close to the front to actually get a picture... Lol.
Well, I'm off now to get some food in my stomach and then put my weary old feet up for an hour or two before heading off to bed.
Catch you tomorrow again and wonder who I'll be showing you then. Well actually I already know... But you don't... Lol so tune in tomorrow for another peek at the show.
Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx
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Thursday, 28 October 2010
Jo Channon
Well I was fortunate enough to catch hold of Jo Channon before the doors opened so she very kindly posed for this picture just for all my blogger and facebook buddies. Only had time for a quick chat though but will hopefully manage to get time to have coffee with her at some point over the next 3 days.
Big thanks to all my lovely buddies who stopped by the stand to say hi today and also to you lovelies who brought me goodies... Scones, sweeties and cupcakes... Thank you :-)
Gayle... You left too early, I had to eat you cupcake made by you know who... Lol
Love 'n' hugs to all
Lorraine xxx
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Big thanks to all my lovely buddies who stopped by the stand to say hi today and also to you lovelies who brought me goodies... Scones, sweeties and cupcakes... Thank you :-)
Gayle... You left too early, I had to eat you cupcake made by you know who... Lol
Love 'n' hugs to all
Lorraine xxx
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Slipper magic
Well I did receive messages telling me I had to make sure I got a picture of the fab Kath's slippers... So here they are... Lol
More to follow later
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More to follow later
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SECC - Stand K20 - Fiskars
Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work we go.... Ok well maybe not quite this minute but I've got my coffee in hand and prep is under way, hair make up etc... Lol...
So many folk to catch up with today, lots of tills going ching, ching, full bags of goodies for me to have a swatch at and of course so many friends to give big hugs and to.
Now whether you're popping along to the show between now & Sunday... Please pop by and say hi to Kath & me... You know how we love to chat... Lol.
Any special requests for pics please let me know and I will try my best... 1st request already in... A pic of Kath's new slippers... I'm sure I will manage that today.
Right need to finish to getting ready so I'll say bye, bye for now and will try to upload pics whenever possible.
Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx
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So many folk to catch up with today, lots of tills going ching, ching, full bags of goodies for me to have a swatch at and of course so many friends to give big hugs and to.
Now whether you're popping along to the show between now & Sunday... Please pop by and say hi to Kath & me... You know how we love to chat... Lol.
Any special requests for pics please let me know and I will try my best... 1st request already in... A pic of Kath's new slippers... I'm sure I will manage that today.
Right need to finish to getting ready so I'll say bye, bye for now and will try to upload pics whenever possible.
Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx
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Wednesday, 27 October 2010
Good day to you all and here we are again... another WOYWW... and this week my desk is in a planning mode again... due to the fact that I'm heading off to the SECC for set up in a few hours time and then it's 4 full days of fun... can't wait for it.
Prep is all done for the ICHF show so it's time to start planning the next load of samples to be made and although I still have a few little beauties left to complete for Time To Sow that need to be shipped in time for the NEC next weekend... the bulk of next weeks work will be for Heritage Rubber Stamps. There has been such a buzz lately over Elena's stamps and so many demonstrations being done that we need to restock on some new samples.... ASAP too... lol... When I've got a range of stamps to work with I like to lay them all out in front of me and I find that the ideas start streaming through my mind... then I decide what to start with first.
So, without further ado... here's a close up of the gorgeous stamps I'm set to play with and at the bottom of this posting I'll also give you a wee discount code to use if you would like to buy any...
Wood Mounted
So that's today's little peek at my desk and I hope I didn't bore you too much.. hopefully by the time next Wednesday comes around there will be lots of samples on the go... and no doubt a whole load of mess into the bargain...
If you would like to purchase any of the above stamps, you can get a 10% discount from now until Christmas by entering the following code at checkout.
Right now that's done it's time for me to finish packing for the show and please keep an eye on my blog over the next few days as I will post as many pics as possible taken at the show.... consumers and traders beware... lol.
Toodles for now
Lorraine xxx
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
Pamper time
Love the run up to shows... I'm now getting pampered at the hair dressers... Hair Boutique in Motherwell... Such lovely staff and gorgeous salon too.
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Oh it's a great day
I'm so loving all these people coming to the door today... Tesco have been so that's the cupboards all stocked up again... Parcel force delivered my new phone and now royal mail have been and delivered my car pass for tomorrow's set up... And I know I've two special deliveries due tomorrow morning before I leave...
Hope everyone has at least one good thing happens to them today.
Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx
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Hope everyone has at least one good thing happens to them today.
Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx
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Mr postie just made my day... Upgraded my blackberry to the new version of my current phone but got a new price plan too so its even cheaper now than it was before... ;-)
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It's almost time....

Oh yeah... it's that time of year again folks... we've all saved our pennies so laiden with those and the suitcase for all the purchases of course... off to the SECC we will go....
Tomorrow is set up time... oh yes, the part that most of you miss... the very stressful time where everyone is in chaos, boxes being thrown everywhere, stock being piled high, electrics being checked and double checked, light fixtures being adjusted to ensure they are shining in the right direction... oh there is nothing at all like it... it's an immense buzz. Needless to say there is no make up or fancy hair do's tomorrow... more like jeans, trainers and few strong coffee's to see us all through the day, then we all need a good scrub by the time we finish.
Once that's done... we have nothing more to look forward to apart from those doors opening.
Myself & Kath are on the Fiskars stand K20 and we love nothing more than having a good old chat with everyone so please do pop by and say hi if you are attending the show. You might even get a glimpse of Kath's new hand decorated slippers if you're lucky... lol
Well... time to get my gladrags looked out and ironed so all I have to do is pull them off the hanger... shoes cleaned, demo kit packed etc etc etc... so I'll bid you all a fond farewell for now and will catch up with you again soon.
Happy crafting and if you're going to the SECC... look forward to seeing you there..
Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx
Monday, 25 October 2010
Oooohhhh new goodies......
Morning all... it's Monday morning.... very cold here today and I've even had to defrost the cars... think winter has arrived early this year so it's time to look out the scarf and gloves... but... seeing as I'm safely tucked up indoors just now with the heating on, I thought this would be the perfect time to share my new goodies with you that I bought on Saturday at Damselfly Crafts...
First up is my lovely kitty in a bag kit... isn't this just the cutest and love that paper... this one actually isn't for myself... it's a gift for my mother in law in California... she adores kitties and is a fosterer as well as volunteering at the local animal sanctuary and being a pet sitter. She herself is very artistic so I thought this would be perfect for her. The kit comes complete with sculpture, paper, glue and instructions... all she needs is a paint brush and she is ready to go...
Purchased this bowl for myself... loved the contours of it and it's one of those that would be perfect in any position in the house...
and here is my chosen paper to cover the bowl in... I'm very much an autumnal coloured person and with this having all my favourites along with that splash of gold... oh... just had to have... and now I can't wait to start..
Oooohhhh a massive big roll of twine to store away in my craftroom and use at my leisure... one of those very good investments that should always be to hand.
Finally... how could I possibly resist this... perfect for doing hair on images but my initial thought was that it was just what I needed for my sheep images.... now be truthful and tell me... did you all just get a vision in your head of little sheepies jumping around in the fields... I know I did... lol.
Well... I'm afraid that's it from me at the moment folks.. time to go get the housework done before getting stuck into some more samples... only 3 days to go till the doors open at the SECC... I will pop back later though with another little something for you. Remember too... Damselfly Crafts have all your decopatch needs under one roof and they will be more than happy to welcome you in the shop at 380 Great Western Road, Glasgow or you can also purchase items from their online craft shop.
Take care for now and happy crafting
Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx
Sunday, 24 October 2010
I just had to ink....
Well I picked up a lovely collection of christmas stamps yesterday from Elena of Heritage Rubber Stamps and although I can't make a start on samples until after the SECC.... I just had to get some ink on them... heaven forbid they lay dormant for a week... lol....
Wanted to share just a few of the fantastic images with you so gave these four a quick ink up with a Kaleidacolor pad and whooshed by Koi brush over them..... now I'm not too sure I should have done it as the mind is flowing with ideas and I have to store them all for another 7 days.... oh the pressure of it all.... I'm sure I'll survive and at least there will be no creative delays when I do get around to playing with them.
If you fancy getting your hands on any of these beauties, or infact anything else in the range simply pay a visit to the Heritage Rubber Stamps website.... oh and you best make a cuppa before you do... you could be on there for quite some time... lol...
Right, off to get ready now as I've got some Magnolia's to deliver back to their rightful owner..
Catch ya all laters
Lorraine xxx
A massive thanks

On behalf of everyone who attended the Heritage Rubber Stamp demo yesterday at Damselfly Crafts... I really do need to extend a massive thank you to our hosts... not only were we allowed to quite literally take over the shop for the day but they also provided us with tea and cake too... right enough I think I was the one who ate most of the cake...
If you live in Glasgow or are ever here for a visit, this is one shop not to be left out... I'm surprised I actually made it out without collapsing as I was going round and round in circles all afternoon.. there is just so much to see and I know for a fact that I've still missed things out.. good excuse to pay them another visit right enough.
Well... off to take some pics of my delicious new stamps now so will catch up with you all again soon.
Toodles for now.....
Lorraine xxx
Saturday, 23 October 2010
Oh... So Timmy inspired
I so need this birdcage to take home and hang in my craft room for permanent inspiration... Ohhhhhh... I'm salivating now... Lol
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Damselfly crafts
Our lovely hosts who are tolerating our nonsense today at Damselfly Crafts.
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TIM HOLTZ CANDY...........
Now folks... if that's not what you call a massive and very delicious candy giveaway... I really don't know what is... isn't this just making you all drool at the mouth and hope that you're the lucky winner... I know I am.
Just some of the goodies included in this giveaway are, inks, crackles, masks, keys, clasps, pins and of course some grungeboard... this really is a must enter giveaway and if you too fancy your chances at being the lucky winner... you just have to follow the rules over at Stacy's blog.
What are you waiting for... get over there and take you chance just like I did...
Right I'm off to get ready now as I'm going to see a lovely Hertitage Rubber Stamps demo at Damselfly Crafts and meeting up with some lovely ladies hopefully for a coffee.
Catch you all later.
Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx
Friday, 22 October 2010
Brand new & exclusive Dies...
Half Price Martha Stewart punches

Morning all.... hope you're well and with any luck have better weather than I have today... here.. it's one of those really dark and extremely wet days... and into the bargain I feel like crap!!! Let's hope both the weather and I get better as the day goes on.
So... what have I found to start the day off today... well... halloween is becoming so popular in the UK now and we're all hunting like mad for some goodies to use on our creations so I thought I'd share this wonderful deal with you.... how about some Martha Stewart halloween border punches.. HALF PRICE..... Wow... that is a real saving and there's still time left to use them this year.
They are currently available from Samuel Taylors and if you order before 12 noon your order will be dispatched the same day. Don't delay though as I would imagine they will be flying out the door at these prices.
Right now.. I'm off downstairs to get some tablets and a hot lemsip before attempting some more samples... fingers crossed my brain can operate through all the yuck that seems to be in there just now... lol.
Catch you all later again and in the meantime hope you have a wonderful day crafting.
Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx
Thursday, 21 October 2010
Isn't this gorgeous....
Yesterday when I went to visit Lynsey at Ashby Designs we were obviously having a wee chat about the upcoming ICHF show at the SECC.... and in true form I was saying that I would have to get some jewellery to wear... that's the one time of year I defo treat myself to some new necklaces... and would you believe.... rather than allowing me to buy a piece of her gorgeous jewellery she infact gave me this little beauty to wear at the show... do I feel honoured or what...
Arent' these beads just simply stunning... they are so reflective that I'm sure they will look awesome under the lights at the show.... and they'll be around my neck... lol...
Even got some small matching beads on there too... I would however say that I'm sure if any of you fancy owning a piece of jewellery like this... or would like to purchase the materials to have a go yourself, then just give the shop a call and I'm sure Lynsey will be more than happy to help.
Thank you Lynsey.... you're awesome
Well... time to go and do some productive work again.
Happy crafting
Lorraine xxx
Right folks... have found you another fab candy giveaway for you to enter... well we all know there's nothing more exciting than the joy of joining in with the competition... then waiting in eager anticipation to see if you're the lucky winner...
There's flowers, ink pads, promarkers, chippies and more included.
Do you fancy your chances... well if you do... simply pop over and follow the candy rules at Maggie's Crafts.
Right... I'm off to have another little browse through some sites before getting into work mode.. well I do still have my samples to make for the SECC and I don't want to need to do any all nighters because I've been too busy chatting on here all day... lol.
Catch you all later.
Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx
Wednesday, 20 October 2010
Thank you to my wee darling Ashleigh who went out and bought me a packet of Rainbow Drops from her own money. Isn't she a sweetie... Xxx
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Now lunch has been eaten, coffee has been drank and now we're onto cake. Yummy...
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Who's stealing my cake
Now one of my cakes disappeared... Wonder who the culprit could possibly be.. Xxx
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Now inside
How wonderful is this... Sun shining right into Ashby Designs... Woohooo... Xxx
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