Well good morning to all you lovelies out there in blogland... apologies for loading today's candy at a later time but I'm actually sat at my computer in person doing it... not relying on Mr Blogger following instructions... although he supported me 100% thankfully...
It felt so strange this morning not to have the old alarm bells ringing in my ear at 6am so had a bit of a lie in to help recovery... currently still sat here in the pj's & fluffy slippers but not for long... as soon as I've finished my posting I'm off to jump in a nice hot bath... my wee feet are still thumping a bit...
Today I'll definately be having a good clean of the old house as hubby has been here on his own so you can just imagine the states of the place... gonna have my work cut out for me that's for sure...
Hopefully once I get moving it won't take all day (probably just the next 8 hours)... then I can have a little blog hop... barring that if I've collapsed in a heep by the time I've finished will have to visit you tomorrow....
In the meantime... here's today's addition to my daily candy add on... it's some lovely black & white scalloped edge rectangles from Craftwork Cards... cut in different sizes all ready for matting & layering.
All you have to do now is leave a comment, add a link on your blog if you want & remember to pop back tomorrow for the next addition....
Hope you're all having a fabby start to your week and I hope to visit you all soon.
Lorraine xxx
Waw sth that I need! :) Hugs, Moni
morning hun..would love the chance please.
hope you get your house wrok sorted soon..thats what happens when you leave the men on they own...lol be there done that..and still cleaning up.lol
any way hope you have a lovely day
hugs clarex
hey dolli, hopw you manage a lovely relaxing day today hunni, get those hot tired feet up and enjoy some peace...........or like the rest of us get yer backside to the craft room and play :oP
Amanda xxx
oohh leave your housework !! have a rest day and recharge your batteries :-)
Lovely candy :-)
Good morning and good luck with the housework - I'm afraid mine takes second place to crafting or anything else that I can think of!
Do try to get a rest though; you deserve it after the past few days.
Ali xx
you certainly deserve a day off.....same the housework interupts though lol!!! hugs sassyx
Hi Lorraine, just signing up for today's goodies :-)
Hope you have a relaxing day & chance to chill a bit after your hectic few days.
Jan x
Hope your cleanibg doesn't take too long. Cleaning is NOT my idea of fun! Love those rectangles (rectriangles, as my 2yo granddaughtercalls them), I am already thinking what I could do with them!
Oh, another nice candy!
Have a wonderful week and see you tomorrow!!
Vivi Casale
good morning an good luck with the house work xxx thanks for the chance to win your candy, there is a link on my side bar about your candy add ons, have a good day xxx
Hi hun!!
back again I dont want to miss any opportunity of winning your candy
hope you manage to unwind after your busy weekend...
Emma xxx
Hi lorraine,
You have a lot to do today ...hope you take a brake now and then !!!
Love your candy today !!!!
Thanks for the chanse to win !!!
Lot of greetings,
You've been busy over the weekend, glad you had a grand one. Mine was on the crappy side and I'm waiting for the week to get better.
Grrrrrr Men....lol...
try to have some you time missus...
Goodies are fab again...
Hugs Angel
Aww your poor wee feet Lorraine - a nice long soak int he bath will surely help them and et you up for your housework. :) :)
Love these black and white - like you say perfect for matting and layering and love the scalloped edges. :) :) Yummy - could put them to good use too. ;) :)
Good afternoon, make sure you get some rest - I bet your shattered after the long weekend.
Your spoiling us rotten with all these goodies
Zoe x
ooooh these look useful, leave the housework and have a restful crafting day x x x
wow... this is what I need!
hugs elisabetta
Great Cards, I'd love to add these to my stash. wink
Back again ;)
Greetings from snowy Finland to all!
Hugs, SannaS
Hi Honey, I'm just getting stuck into the ironing, having a wee blog break. Hope the housework doesn't tire you out to much and I would love a chance to win some candy. Love always, Karen
Well I am finally upto date, all linked up and now ready for tomorrows addition. I love this new idea of adding candy.
Kim xXx
Great prize. You're already on my blog candy sidebar. Hope you managed to have lots of sit downs today. Need to rest those feet.
Hi Lorraine, your busy again, leave the housework and take a well deserved rest. Thanks for this chance again.
Hugs Linda
Hi Lorraine - Hope you managed to get a bit of chill out time for yourself!! More yummy candy - yes please!!!! Hugs, Ann xxx
Hi Lorraine
its back to reality by the sounds of it, tidying up after men lol count me in for today please
Debra xx
Just sit with your feet proped up. Tomorrow is time enough to clean. I am afraid that housekeeping takes a backseat to my crafting. Love the new "blog candy add on"
Hi Lorraine ive come over to give you some support after i heard you lost everything on your blog - id be so gutted if it were to happen to me hun xx so im gonna go put a link on my blog on the side bar - i have a fairly busy blog so hopefully you have it swinging again !
love maddy !
I agree with all the above :) leave the housework its not going anywhere !
I'm getting tired just reading about housework.LOL
The candy suspense grows...
thanks, ms.cheryl
Wow, I thought this was the last one. I hope you had fun over the weekend!!!
Hi Lorraine this is what I call handy candy can use it always :)
thanks for the chance
You are late, i am later.
Wow! I want to have them! :-))
Hi Lorraine!! are you giving them all? Love all your giveaways!!
Thanks again!!!
Wonderful add-on! I never have enough of this stuff :)
Hope you had a day off :)
White and black scalloped ones looked super!!
Wow! I want those!!!
Excellent Lorraine, these always come in handy.
hiya Lorraine
Well it sounds like you had a great time at the SEC
Your candy add ons are briliant
What a generous blog candy. Thanks for a chance to win!
Ohhh, I hope I am not too late with my comment. Have been so busy crafting on this grey, cloudy, drizzly, cold day. Perfect for staying indoors and starting my Easter projects. Thanks for the add-on, Lorraine.
Linda S. in NE
Hallo Lorraine..I need this too....thanks for the chance...hugs, Monika
Fabulous prize, Along with everyone else I need these. lol
Oh yes I can just image the state of your house without you there. I know how mine would look if it were just hubby here. *giggle*
This a lovely.
Thanx for the chance of winnning this.
Trish (-:
Those are very useful.
Thanks Lorraine.
Cazzy xx
How convenient! It always takes me so long to make one card!
These rectangles are truly universal - I could use them on most cards (and it would save loads of time, too, having them already cut up like this!)
Cant remember if I had already put my name in for this one Lorraine, but looks like I never...so here goes would love the chance to win....hugs Jackie...xx
They're just what I need! Such lovely products they have, a good excuse to spend some pennies. Lainy xxx
oh I bet they would come in handy - great time-saver
These look very handy to have, thanks again Lorraine.
would love to win this! thanks for a chance to play. :)
gosh where ave the days gone....had a little rest and what happens i muissed all your great add ons and this card..well a girl needs them ehh!!!!!!!!!!! hugs sasssy
Love these!
Hi Lorraine.
I would love to win this! Thanks for the chance.
Such a great idea with pre-cut mats. Never enough white and black.
x Natasha x
I love the precut mats!
I love the scallop edges on these.
Very nice candy. Thank you for a chance.
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