Saturday, 29 November 2008
Daring Cardmakers Challenge

Out & About
Friday, 28 November 2008
Thursday, 27 November 2008
2 for the price of 1....

where the challenge was to design a card using your favourite colours which for me are natural earthy tones....
Wednesday, 26 November 2008
Award Time Again

Well what a lovely start to my day placing another fabulous award on my blog, this time received for the gorgeous Sharon who just also happens to be giving away some yummy blog candy just now.... so it's well worth paying her a visit.... hurry though it ends on November 30th...
The sentiment behind this award is truly amazing. This is it:
This blog invests and believes the PROXIMITY - nearness in space, time and relationships!These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind blogger's aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers! Deliver this award to eight blogger's who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.
What a wonderful sentiment and an elegant award.
Now I have to pass it on to 8 people. So difficult with all the deserving blogs out there. Anyway, this is the 8 I chose:
Gayle, Ann, Cynthia, Dawn, Terrie B, Chris, Ana, Chriss
Phew, I'm glad that is by with as it's so difficult to choose just 8 people.
Well I'm off to get myself on the go for the day & see what challenge I can meet today as I don't have anything done yet. After doing my workshop yesterday then decided I would pop to the supermarket for a few things so had no energy left last night to do anything. Buy hey presto today is another day... and I'll be back before you know it.
Happy crafting
Lorraine xxx
Tuesday, 25 November 2008

Monday, 24 November 2008
Tag You're It Challenge

Saturday, 22 November 2008
My Apologies
Thursday, 20 November 2008
2 In 1 challenge

Well this week the challenge this week over at Rainbow Lady was wings and the challenge over at Daring Cardmakers was birds, so I decided to use this card to kill 2 birds with 1 stone (pardon the punn)...
I am very late for both these challenges but better late than never & it clears the way for getting some more done. That is in addition to the prep I am doing for a workhop I have on Tuesday... Oh to have to make so many cards, how do we manage... me thinks because it gives us the excuse we need to sit playing with paper & cards all day long..
Papers & swirls from Creative Imaginations (highlighted with some stickles)
Flower from my stash.
Happy crafting me blogland buddies
Lorraine xxx
Wednesday, 19 November 2008
Penny Black Challenge

Look what I got...

Tuesday, 18 November 2008
Stamp Something
Monday, 17 November 2008
Sugar Nellie Blog Candy

Tag You're It Challenge

Yippee !!!!!!!!!!!!! I've managed to join in a challenge...........
Well we all know what a hard task master big mamma Kath is & this just goes to prove it.... Here I am poor little me trying to recover from my surgery & what does she do ??? Oh yes she has to be the one coming up with this weeks challenge. Now can you imagine the trouble I would get into if, over a full 7 day period I could not come up with a design to show my support for her... Exactly I had no option... Mother hen has decided it's time to give me a kick up the butt & get me on the go again... (we all love her really & this kicking of the bum is one of the many reasons why we do).
To be truthful my tag was actually finished by lunch time on Friday only to discover that my dear beloved husband had taken the camera to work.... what good is that to me ??? Well by the time he arrived home at 7pm it was too late to take a pic... Saturday I was in Musselburgh for a demo day & yesterday was spent in my PJ's recovering from the day before.... Alas today has arrived the start of a new week & with new challenges for me to accomplish... Yippee.....
Happy crafting to you all & I hope to see more & more of you over the next few days...
Lorraine xxxxx
Papers & embellishments by Creative Imaginations (purchased as a kit from QVC) funny thing is they are based in Huntington Beach which is where my hubby comes from... do you think I might be able to visit their factory next time I'm visiting the in-laws???? Oh that would be fab.
Thursday, 13 November 2008
Another Award

Even though I've been a bad blogger over the last few months due to my health the amount of support I have received from you all is immense..... and just today I have collected another award from the lovely Gayle who may I say texts me every single day without fail to check on my progress (many a time she slaps my fingers for being bad) she also makes me laugh....
I am supposed to pass this on to 5 other bloggers, but instead of doing that this time I would like instead to nominate all of you who have given me so much support.... you are all such fab people & I just love the simple layout of this award & the lovely bright colours which we all need at this time of year as autumn / winter is very quickly approaching...
This award brightened my day so please accept it from the bottom of my heart with much thanks & take it to your blog today....
Love ya all loads & happy crafting... I'm off now to get on with some more samples... promise I will try & get some pics uploaded asap.
Lorraine xxxxxxxxxxx
Wednesday, 12 November 2008

I've been bad !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As my recovery is progressing more day by day, I've managed to make it out for lunch at the weekend with my lovely hubby & my mums friend also took me out for a little jaunt in the car...
In addition to that I've been making samples for a demo I have on Saturday at Ashby Designs in Musselburgh then have some workshops after that for 4 weeks so I really do have lots to do & it all takes time as I don't move the quickest at the moment.....
As soon as I get a minute I will get some pics posted but in the meantime I'm going to put up another post with some fab news............. I really am jumping with joy at this one....
Happy crafting
Lorraine xxxxxxxxxxx
Saturday, 8 November 2008
Another Award

Well how lucky am I to have been given this award during my recent period of ill health...
It was presented to me by the gorgeous Anne-Marie quite a while back now (September actually) but this is the first I've gotten around to putting it on my blog...
Thank you honey for putting a huge smile on my face during my hour of need. I was supposed to pass it on but I would imagine that everyone has collected theirs by now but if not please feel free to collect from me...
Happy crafting
Lorraine xxxxx
Monday, 3 November 2008
Idol 2008
Well done Brianna......
Lorraine xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
My new house....

It's not done to perfection as I can't put anything heavy on my lap so I had to do all the measurements & cutting out on top of a cushion that was there to protect my wound...
HOSPITAL NEWS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1. Right ovary & tube....
2. Sample from left ovary....
3. Very large tumour.....
My poor wee belly is becoming shrinking by the day as the swelling is going down but hey won't be long before I can pile the pounds on (need at least a stone....)
Well the good news is that everything that went to the pathologist was tested and there are absolutely no signs of any malignancy....
YIPPEE ................... the final all clear has been received so no more worrying now....
Love ya all loads
Lorraine xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
More hand made cards.....

I'm never much good at getting my pictures uploaded in any particular order so I just have to accept however they appear....
Anyway, here are some lovely handmade cards that I have received since going through my surgery. This cutie here showing showers of love coming my way was sent from the lovely Gayle. She has been a god send to me over the last few months & texts me every day to check on my well being ( as well as sending me chocies)...

As for this next little beauty (you may already have guessed who this one is from) yes she does have a very distinctive talent....
Were you right ??? It's from the gorgeous Kath who is yet another very trusty friend who has provided me with an immense amount of support over the last few months.... I'm so honoured as the stitching detail is all done by her own fair hand... Hmmmm wonder if she is expecting a birthday card from me later this week???? I think she deserves it, don't you !!!!!

The next 2 cards are from non-bloggers who attend the same craft group as me. The first here is from a lovely lady called Christine who I have known for many years now & it's lovely to know that she is thinking of me although I haven't seen her for almost 2 months now....