Sunday, 18 May 2014

Sea life

Just a quick post this afternoon as my head is thumping because of hayfever and staring at this screen doesn't help. 

Anyhow, I had little time to myself last night so decided to paint this wee seahorse ceramic that I bought months ago.   It's been a while since I've tackled any ceramics so felt a little rusty in the old brush techniques lol.

Sea horses are one of my most favourite sea creatures..  I think they have somewhat of a mythical appearance, don't you!  

So I've had a lazy start to the day, been to see about a new car and now vegging on sofa waiting for pain to disperse so I can cut the grass in the back garden.   Not a job I'm looking forward to whilst feeling like this but no option really as rain forecast for the rest of this week.  

Happy crafting all
Lorraine xxx

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