Boy does that feel good. I've finally managed to unleash some personal creativity today instead of repetitive stationery making. Ooohhhh it feels awesome!!!!!!!!!!
Started the day with a lie in as I'm very much a night hawk so was near on 4am when I finally nodded off and slept till around 10.30. Leisurely start over a few cups of coffee whilst finishing off the day invitations. Mid afternoon we floated out for a bite to eat, followed by a trip to the supermarket then popped in to see Mum & Eric. My poor wee mum has been a little down lately so I took her in a nice big bunch of multi coloured roses and you'd have thought I'd given her a million pounds with the smile it put on her face. So nice that such a little gesture meant so much to her. Warmed my heart so it did. Didn't leave Eric out either.. took him in a couple of loin chops for his dinner. Lol. Finally left there just after 7pm and headed home to organise dinner, nothing too exciting, just some quick fry fish.
Once I tidied up, you know the crappy household stuff I mean, tended animals etc I got my big box opened and my brain in action. I've had so much fun with a piece of wood, 3 tubes of paint and a mini mister. Amazing how a few simple things can get me so excited but then again.. I was raised to appreciate the simple things in life.
Alas, I've cleaned up ready for morning, its now creeping towards 3.30am and sadly I need to sleep. I'd much rather keep crafting but somehow I don't think hubby would be amused to find me still sitting here in a few hours when he gets up for work. Lol.
With that said I'll bid you all a find farewell for the moment being and hope you've all had a fabulous weekend.
Happy crafting
Lorraine xxx