Tuesday, 31 December 2013
Wedding Day 6
Monday, 30 December 2013
Wedding Day 5
Sunday, 29 December 2013
Wedding Day 4
Saturday, 28 December 2013
Wedding Day 3
Friday, 27 December 2013
Wedding Day 2
Thursday, 26 December 2013
I've done it!!!!
Official wedding pictures
Not sure about everyone else but I'm having a lazy day chilling out and am about to sit down and catch up with yesterdays Eastenders and Coronation Street. Totally unexciting and unenergetic but I'm going to enjoy my wee day.
Anyway, I thought I'd share a link before I forget. Gordon & Brianna brought us over a disc with all the official wedding photographs but their photographer also uploaded some of them on to his blog so thought you may like to have a glimpse.
This is a photographer I'd recommend to everyone James Solly he's very professional, discreet and imaginative.
If I can figure out how to upload any more off of the disc then I will.. it may take me some time though as I'm such a technophobic. lol
Well.. happy Boxing Day everyone. Have a fun & love filled day.
Lorraine xxx
Wednesday, 25 December 2013
Merry Christmas
Hubby thought he'd join in this year and use a gift bag to wish each one of you a very Merry Christmas.
We had a fab day yesterday as we were out delivering Christmas cards before heading home to cook dinner and wait on the kids arriving. Feel sorry for them as they have three sets of parents to fit in every year! Anyway, we had roast beef, roast potato, peas, carrots, green beans and sweetcorn followed by apple & blackberry pie and pumpkin pie. Two cycles of the dishwasher and cleaning of the cooker, worktops etc and kitchen was back to normal. Late last night I also finished stitching the stockings together and here's 2 of them today filled with sweets ready for delivery.
No kids in this household so the morning began with a nice lie in, coffee made and then on to opening presents. We're now at lunchtime so had a bite to eat and watched a wee Christmas movie.. well it had to be done didn't it. Lol. Next stage was a quick makeup application and out to deliver some presents to the neighbours, followed by my Christmas day trip to the cemetery to lay my Dads wreath and then up to visit Mum and Eric. Presents exchanged, a good old chat, a few laughs and home again as Eric was feeling a bit tired so we left him to rest. Upon arrival home hubby called his Dad in sunny California whilst I set about finishing off dinner. We decided upon something different for a change so instead of the normal turkey & trimmings, this year I made beef curry with chapatti & peshwari nan. Very happy full tums now.
Time to load the dishwasher again, clean the kitchen, pour a large glass of Bailey's, light a candle, then sit and chillax for the rest of the night.
Hope you're all having a wonderful Christmas Day and remember those absent with love and happy memories.
Merry Christmas
Rob & Lorraine
Monday, 23 December 2013
Stocking time
Well folks I'm hoovered, dusted and bleached out today and now its time to sit down and make start on the stockings.
This is wee template I drew out last night and I managed to get all the felt cut too.. just got them all to HAND sew together now. This could turn out to be an all nighter. Lol.
Off to go stitch, stitch, stitch so toodles for now.
That's better.
Now its finally starting to look a lot like Christmas.. took my time about it but I got there. Lol.
Yesterday the tree, decorations, poinsettias, wreaths etc all came out of storage and are in their new home for the next 2 weeks.
Oh yeah.. I've lost the white Santa Clause hairdo too. Lol.
Last night I got the felt out and drew myself a stocking pattern so the pieces are all cut ready to be pinned and sewn together. Not convinced I won't need to sew all night as they're all being done by hand! I may need to invest in a sewing machine next year.
So what's on today's agenda? Its the good old final hoovering & dusting the house from top to bottom, prepping the meat etc as we have the kids coming for Christmas dinner tomorrow, then I'm on to stocking sewing. Keep fingers crossed for me please. I'm a novice!
With that said I'm off to hot foot it up the stairs with my trusty duster whilst I have the house to myself. You always get on so much better when the man of the household isn't around getting underfoot.
Happy Christmas eve, eve everyone.
Sunday, 22 December 2013
Warm hearts
Ok folks I know I've been quiet but I've been a busy wee bee. Friday I got all the present and food shopping done.. yay!!!
Yesterday I was handcrafting presents!!!
Today I've finally managed to put up the Christmas tree and decorations!!!
Now I'm off to put a dye in my hair as I'm beginning to look as white as Father Christmas and then I'm on to the big clean up so the place is sparkling ready for the big day. Oh yeah.. I've still got 4 stockings to make too. Lol.
Toodles for now
Thursday, 19 December 2013
A stitch in time
Evening all.. well that's me officially on holiday now so let the mad dash begin!
My wee mum turns 72 on Saturday so tonight I'm sitting sewing in the attempt to have a cushion completed on time for her big day. Haven't sewn for years but I'm getting there. So far I've managed to attach 3 hearts and 3 buttons. Didn't do too bad a job so hoping I can manage the rest too. Lol.
I've got a doctor's appt first thing tomorrow and planning on heading out to do some present shopping after that. All going well I may even have my tree up tomorrow night! Nothing like doing everything at the last minute eh. Lol.
After the stormy night we had last night, which led to me having very little sleep (approx 3 hours), my eyes are feeling a little heavy so I'm off to make a cuppa and hopefully get another bit of sewing done before heading to bed.
Catch you tomorrow and happy crafting.
Lorraine xxx
Wednesday, 18 December 2013
More like a tropical storm
Don't quite know what the weather is like where you are but right now it's blowing a right old howler here so much so I'm not sure that I'm going to get too much sleep tonight again.
Managed to get some supplies for the wedding order, along with a few presents for my friends children whilst I was at work today so at last... I've finally got 2 Christmas presents bought.
Had a slight delay on the way home as yet again the main road next to the shop was at a standstill with bumper to bumper traffic and appeared to be caused by the mass hysteria to get to Braehead shopping centre.. seriously.. is there really any need for that kind of behaviour!
Anyway, finally got home and managed to retrieve my bin before the wind picked up too much so saved me from chasing it down the street. Lol. Had a wee chill out before hubby arrived home and we had dinner whilst watching tonight's episode of Strongman Giants Live.. required viewing in this household as we're both big fans. Tended to the animals and for the last hour or so I've been fighting to keep an internet signal so I can browse the internet. Obviously too much wind and cloud cover tonight and have to admit it's been more than a little irritating constantly watching the wee clock dial spin around and around on my screen.
So now I'm here, as you'll see in the picture above this is the stash sent to me by Jones Crafts to use within my December Project and I must tell you.. these papers are fab as are the stamps.
We've got a super duper design team and if you're on facebook I would highly recommend that you 'Like' their page as every month there will be projects uploaded by all the designers and you will also be able to keep up to date with new product releases. If you're unsure of your local stockist then simply tell them where you are based and they will be able to advise you. In addition to all this there's also the odd 'Giveaway' including one that is running just now but due to close on Friday so you'll have to be quick if you want to stand a chance of winning. Pretty generous it is too!

Well folks I think that's about it from me for tonight as I've got a few gifts to make so want to try and make a wee start on them tonight, even if it's only for an hour so. Some time is better than no time.. Right! So keep your fingers crossed that this weather calms overnight so I can get some sleep and hopefully not be blown all over the road on my way to work in the morning. Last day tomorrow then I'm off till the 31st.. Yay.
Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx
DT December Project - Paradiso treasures
Well folks I'm keeping this post short and sweet as its 2am and I'm up for work in 5 hours but didn't want to delay any longer.
For my project I have used the following items:
Wooden box frame
Papers are from the Paradiso collection by Kaiser Craft
Butteries were stamped using the clear 'Windsor' stamp by Kaiser Craft and cut out
Buttons by Jones Crafts
Net was made from the bag that the shells came in
Other items from my own stash.
Tomorrow night I will jump on the pc and provide you with links but unable to do it from my phone just now. Sorry! You'll want to have a nosey though and see what other DT members have been playing with and the fantastic projects they've created.
Anyway.. sleep is calling so nighty night and catch you all tomorrow.
Happy crafting
Lorraine xxx