Saturday, 28 November 2015

Making progress..

Yes it looks messy with all the tails stocking out still but I will deal with them in the one go.  My priority just now is simply to get all my elements crocheted and do a rough lay out as it progresses.

Unfortunately I didn't have as much time today as I would have liked as we had to deal with some Home Office stuff for the old hubby which took several hours.  Followed by the weekly shop..  Low point of the week for me as I detest shopping lol. 

Now we did have one funny event occur.   We had security cameras installed this morning and upon checking the actioned alarms we noticed one of them was a delivery.  Now what's funny about that you ask?  Well as the delivery driver was leaving he stopped to take a picture of hubby's car (it's not a rare car!) on his mobile phone totally unknown to him that his action was caught and recorded on camera!!!   Needless to say he didn't smile for the birdie lol.   I would have to say I can highly recommend digital home security. 

Toodles for now and happy crafting.

Friday, 27 November 2015

Doodle time..

Great for the kids..  a blank canvas apron and some Tulip paint..  a gift to play with and then wear to keep them clean. 

Thursday, 26 November 2015

Black Friday Sale..


Hope you find some yummy craft stash!!! 

Click click..

Just a quick post folks.  Tonight I've managed to knit 2 scarves to add to my homeless box and crocheted some more leaves for my wreath and a couple of pine cones which aren't in the pic (sorry about the tails as I've left them long for attaching). 

Tomorrow night I need to get some stuff moved in the house as I've got the security man coming first thing Friday morning to install some new equipment.  Hopefully I'll still have time to get some needlework done though. 

Anyway I'm off to bed now as another busy day ahead in the shop tomorrow.. 


Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Making a list..

It's full steam ahead here at the moment folks and I'm quickly losing my dining room to boxes.  

There's one for Cats Protection who we like to donate to, which is almost full of food and near ready for delivery to our local branch. 

Another has all the hand crocheted baby blankets donated to me by my work colleague June and a lovely customer called Amelia.  My role now is to crochet little hats, cardigans and booties then they will all be donated to the local hospital for those who find themselves in the position of having their baby prematurely.  You can see from the picture just how small they are in relation to the Sky remote control.  Poor little things bless them and their families too. 

Next we have a box currently being filled with food for the homeless. 

Another which is filling up nicely with donated gifts of hats, scarves and gloves both bought and hand made, which will be donated Christmas gifts for the homeless and each will also include a hand written Christmas card so they know that someone cares.  

Finally there is the one for good condition second hand clothing which will also be donated to the homeless to help keep them warm this winter. 

We are not always appreciative of just how fortunate we are in life and this year I have vowed to make a difference other people's lives.  

Tonight I have knitted 2 scarves and have a 3rd on the hooks at present which I will finish tomorrow night.

If you can do just one little thing to make another person's day better then do it.. 

Toodles for now

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Plush Bundled Snowman

Well folks I managed to have a quick play with one of my new dies, the Plush Bundled Snowman by Memory Box. 

I'm not one for stuffing and stitching so this one isn't perfect but I just had to share with you. 

After cutting 2 pieces of each segment I set about stitching and stuffing (note my lack of coloured thread so black had to suffice).  The pieces are really easy to stitch together as all the pieces have die cut holes just ready to be lined up well apart from the 2 scarf tail sections, nose and eyes which I simply glued in space.   There are no dies for the eyes and as hubby was in bed I didn't want to start rummaging for mini buttons so I simply used 2 of the black felt pieces that had been left over from the die cut holes..  and it worked..  Woohoo.  

Now although I have another one already die cut and awaiting construction I would like to say that this will also look fab on the front of cards.. imagine a cut little snowman with a poochie belly sitting on the mantle. 

So folks that's my latest make and as it's now time for bed I'll bid you all a fond farewell. 

Back soon!

I cut to pieces of each shape

Sunday, 22 November 2015

Hels Sheridan & Pauline Wheeler Workshop

The lovely Hels & Pauline have just announced their first Ink Buds workshop! 

Bookings are being taken by Hels via private message on her Facebook account.

Friday, 20 November 2015

Birthday wishes

Well folks it's Friday again and another weekend is about to begin..  and we're another week closer to Christmas! 

I don't know about anyone else but I for one haven't bought a single present yet nor have I made any cards..  nothing unusual for me then lol. 

However, I did manage another card this time using Sizzix Graceful Flourish as the main feature, a basic text stamp for the background and Ken Olivers Pegz Stampz for the sentiment.  

Sadly the picture was taken late at night again so it's another jaunty angle one lol.

Hoping to make some more stuff at the weekend so fingers crossed there will be a few more posts.

Toodles for now

Thursday, 19 November 2015

Plain and simple

Just a quick post tonight folks as still have a few things to do before I can even think about bed. 

So here's a little plain and simple card I made using Memory Box Prim Poppy die.   Sorry it's at an angle but the lighting was poor. 


Monday, 16 November 2015

Taking it easy..

Sorry I've been AWOL folks but I've been really poorly the last 2 weeks.  Thankfully I saw the doctor on Friday and she's given me some antibiotics and linctus so fingers crossed I'll be back to normal soon.  

Due to lack of energy etc I've not been feeling in a mood to be creative but I've made a start on a little crochet wreath.   Trust me I ain't been getting anywhere quick cause the coughing and nose blowing has been getting in the way lol.  However..  I've managed to get the band made and attached to the polystyrene wreath in addition to a few leaves (never made these before) so just a pile more leaves, flowers etc to go before I can attach them..  am hoping to have it finished before Christmas!!!!  

Hopefully now I'm on my meds life will return to somewhat of normality (not that I have a lot of that in my life!) and I'll be back to blogging in a more timely fashion. 

Take care!

My beautiful old kitty having a snooze..  its been hard work looking after mummy when she's been unwell lol

Managed to get my hair cut and coloured and loving the fact I've finally managed to get the back taken up short.

Thursday, 5 November 2015

Who's this???

For those attending the NEC over the next few days, thought I'd let you know that the lovely Pauline Wheeler will be on the Craft World stand (H38).  

Unable to attend myself as the shop is just so busy right now I made a call to one of my dear friends to ask if she was free to help..  Poor soul is live on air at 11pm tonight and is then shooting off to her hotel for a few hours sleep, early rise and a drive over to the NEC.   That's true friendship for you I guess. 

Anyway if you're attending the show I'm sure Donald will have a deal or two to share as well.

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Let me introduce you to....


Hels Sheridan and Pauline Wheeler have joined forces and will be hosting lots of lovely crafting weekends around the country in 2016.    

If you're on facebook then be sure to follow the duo so you're kept up to date as spaces will be allocated on a first come first serve basis. 

I'm so excited for this lovely duo who I have the pleasure of calling my very true very dear friends.  

I will do my best to keep you up to date with venues etc here also as soon as details are release just incase some of you don't have facebook. 

Monday, 2 November 2015

Miss Chic

Apologies as I completely forgot to upload pics of little Miss Chic.

I had hoped to get quite a bit of crafting done this weekend but Mr Cold decided to visit yesterday and has overstayed his welcome already. 

You know it's bad when your husband tells you he believes you feel like crap because apparently I even looked ill when I was sleeping!!!  How nice of him to tell me eh lol

Good thing is I've still managed to sit and do a little crochet so I am almost finished my second set for the preemie babies which I donate to the local hospital along with some gorgeous blankets which two of my friends donate to me.  It really is nice being able to give anonymously to strangers during what  is nothing less than a very traumatic time for them.  

Anyway I hope you like little Miss Chic as material is not something I regularly use so this was something new for me. 

Products used..

Bare Mannequin
PaperArtsy Fresco Finish in Butternut
Creative Expressions black tulle
Oaki Doki fabric
Lace Trim
Pearl Trim
Tim Holtz Butterfly Duo
Tim Holtz Tiny Tattered Florals
PaperArtsy metal card
Stick It

Posterior View

Created using Tim Holtz Butterfly Duo

Base decorated using Tim Holtz Tiny Tattered Florals

On the Menu

How exciting..  Beecham's and chicken noodle in the hopes of ridding this stupid cold quickly..  its hard to do snot elegantly lol