Wednesday, 30 September 2015

On the wild side

Quick post folks as it's another gorgeous day so getting chores done indoors before heading out to do some more gardening.   It's nice having time to prep the garden for winter. 

So here goes with today's card upload.. 

Products used

Sweet Poppy Stencil
Creative Expressions glitter paste
Spellbinders poinsettia die
Tim Holtz holiday greens
DO Crafts adhesive tape
DO Crafts embellishments

Products available from

Toodles for now

Tuesday, 29 September 2015

A little twinkle

What a wonderful day it's been here weather wise with fabulous blue skies all day and a pleasant temperature of 17°.  

Housework has been merrily done and 3 loads of washing air dried on the line outside so they smell lovely.  I do so hate winter drying indoors or using the tumble dryer it just never seems the same. 

Yesterday we took a trip to the sea so will upload some pics of that later but for now I'm off to potter in the garden for a short while before the sun fades and the temperature drops.

Well folks here's another picture that was lying in my album but wasn't uploaded.. 

Products used

Sweet Poppy Stencil of deer
Sweet poppy stencil for the stars
Creative Expressions paste
DO Crafts adhesive tape
DO Crafts embellishment

Catch ya all later

Sunday, 27 September 2015

Pick up a penguin

Just clearing my photo album and discovered some things I haven't posted yet so here's the first of them.

Products used

Sweet Poppy Stencil
Creative Expression glitter paste

This proved the favourite at our Extravaganza weekend and was the first to sell out.. not surprised right enough as they are just the cutest aren't they! 


Macmillan fun

Sorry I've been AWOL folks but it's been a busy week.   Last weekend the boys were at Ally Pally for the stamping show so what they brought back had to be unloaded and put away, combined with our normal deliveries it was a hectic week and the shop was really busy too customer wise. 

On top of that we had final preparations for our Macmillan coffee morning on Friday so we had all the tables laid out set with flowers and a massive selection of handmade cakes which went down a treat.

We had somewhere in the region of 50 raffle prizes and this is just one of them.   A special one made just for us by one of our lovely customers.   Isn't it amazing!!! 
Anyway I'm off on holiday this week so spending a few days with the old hubby as we haven't had any quality time for quite a while.  Need to spend a day with the old mother too and take her somewhere nice.  Thursday I sadly have the funeral of an old school friend I've known since I was 4 years old and started primary.  In between I'm hoping to get some work done in the garden and a little crafting too. 

There are major road works where I live so currently on the days I work I don't get home till around 7pm and by the time I've organised tea and done cleaned up I'm too tired to start anything creative and I'm really missing it.   I sssoooo need to get back to my inky ways as I'm feeling deprived and empty inside. 

Anyway I'm off to get the washing on and hopefully a nice dry out on the line as although it's only 12° it's dry with a beautiful blue sky. 

Toodles for now

Sunday, 20 September 2015

Pretty blooms..

Today's current play is making tissue flowers for an upcoming event..  relaxing way to start a day off.

Hopefully back later with something else.


Wednesday, 16 September 2015

So angelic

Sorry I've been awol for a few days but not had much time.  Monday came and went in the blink of an eye filled with nothing but chores..  Tuesday and Wednesday I was back at work.  However..  here's a sneaky peek at my current project.  Hopefully get it finished at the weekend.  

Alas my post is brief as I currently have a cat sat on my lap screeching at me to get brushed so best obey the boss!  Lol.


Sunday, 13 September 2015

Serene Sunday..

Well it's been a quiet weekend here as I'm having a little R&R time.   Friday I had an awful pain in my neck and back, just by luck hubby had an appt booked with the physio for 8pm but he kindly let me go instead and I'm ever so glad he did as I'd gone in to spasm.   Major massage session followed by acupuncture then I came home and literally slept for 12 hours.   Saturday turned out to be a pj and tv catch up day as I felt very tender and completely drained but grateful to say I'm feeling a little better today.   Still nothing too energetic though as need to make sure I get this back in good working order again quick.  One of my dearest friends has terrible back trouble and I tell you this.. I honestly have no idea how she tolerates it as my spasm is nothing compared to her problems yet still she smiles.  Much respect for her! 

Anyway today is washing day then I think I may sit in the garden for a while as it's quite mild.  Also have another little crafty project to work on for the shop so hopefully get some pictures of that up tomorrow.  In the meantime here's a sample card.

Products used :

Sweet Poppy Stencil
DO Crafts adhesive tape
Tim Holtz Festive Greens die
Spellbinders Poinsettia die
Memory Box sentiment stamp
Sweet Poppy embossing paste
DO Crafts adhesive embellishment

Catch you all later


Friday, 11 September 2015

Never forgotten..

May we one day learn to live in peace.

Remembering those directly affected by the tragedy. 

Rest in Peace.

Thursday, 10 September 2015

Helping support Macmillan

Evening all..  I spoke to the boss a few weeks ago regarding the possibility of hosting our own coffee morning in store to help show our support for Macmillan and she said yes!!! 

Now we are all registered and received our official kit I am able to tell you about it.

Friday 25th September we will be opening our doors to not only crafters but also to anyone else who would like to pop along and show their support.

Our cake and coffee doors will open at 10am and remain so through the day till 3pm.  We invite you all to pop in at any time that suits.

Obviously we will have CAKE!!!  Accompanied by tea and coffee, but in addition to this we will also have games, competitions, raffles and prizes to be won on the day.   FOR A DONATION OF COURSE!!!!!  I mean we are doing this to raise funds for Macmillan.  Please help us show them how much we care. 

So in brief...

DATE : Friday 25th September

TIME : 10am to 3pm

VENUE :  CRAFT WORLD,  36 Kelvin Avenue,  Hillington Industrial Estate,  Glasgow, G52 4LT

The shop will be open normal working hours of 9.30am till 5.30pm.

Thank you for reading and please help spread the word by sharing our poster.

Lorraine xxx

How time flies

Quick post as it's almost 2am and I'd dropped off to sleep on the sofa so time to head to bed. 

It's been a busy week and not had much time to get online so apologies for the lack of posting.   However, I have to say that the Extravaganza weekend was a wonderful hit yet again.  This time around I was working with Sweet Poppy stencils.  At some point over the coming week I will attempt to show you different product combinations to use with these stencils but as this is a quick post it's a basic card I'm afraid. 

Products used..

Sweet Poppy Stencil
Cosmic Shimmer embossing paste
DO crafts adhesive tape
DO crafts adhesive stones
XCUT snow flake punch
Reindeer from my stash but we will have them in stock soon in the shop


Thursday, 3 September 2015

Thursday Thrills take 2

Oopsie.. just realised I'd already posted the last sneak peek so here's another lol

Thursday Thrills

Sorry guys it's all go here preparing the shop for this weekend's Extravaganza but here's another sneaky peek for you.

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Love my job!

You never know what happens when you spend a day at Craft World..  today we had the delightful Carol Smillie pop in for a visit..  and yes she really is as nice in real life as she appears on the TV (even if she does make me look like a Glaswegian milk bottle) lol

Tuesday Teaser

G'day all.. thought I'd do a quick teaser post before heading off to work. 

There's nothing much new to report as it's been quite an uneventful weekend.  The highlight of it being my best friend coming to visit yesterday who unfortunately had to chat away whilst I was in the middle of a marathon ironing session..  5 hours it took.. yes that's right 5!!!  I've been prioritising since Mum had her op and the clean clothes pile always fell to the bottom but thankfully the basket is empty again. 

Progress report on Mum is good and she's been building herself up again day by day so fingers crossed she's back to normal soon. 

Downfall of the weekend was visiting Mum on Sunday and suddenly getting the most awful stomach pains, followed by a horrible feeling of nausea.  I tried not to say anything but she cottoned on something was wrong when the colour drained from me.  Absolutely no idea what it was but it lingered all day yesterday and have to say it's still with me a little today. 

Anyway work calls so off to finish getting ready and see what delightful goodies we have arriving in store today.