Sunday, 31 March 2013

Spring has arrived.

Sitting here having fun using my Britannia dies to make some pretty bright and cheerful flowers for next Saturdays demo..  just the colours we need after all the snow and the icy chill factor we are still feeling.

Happy Easter Everyone

Saturday, 30 March 2013

Art Parts fun

Just realised I hadn't posted a pic of my completed project!  Been so busy with the NEC, birthdays and wedding invite planning that I completely forgot. Doh.  Lol.

Anyway, this was the end result of my wee play with the following items:
Art Parts, ink dangers, Inka-gold, clearly for art, resist paper, distress stains, fran-tage and perfect pearls.  Nothing like having a good old play with no product restrictions, guidelines etc.  Really need to find time to do it on a regular basis as its good for the soul and keeps the mojo flowing. 

Anyway, off now to plan some samples for next Saturdays demo at Craft World in Hillington so that should keep me out of trouble for another wee while. Lol.

Happy crafting
Lorraine xxx

Friday, 29 March 2013

So proud..

A recent write up in the local newspaper about Brianna..  funny they report it now as this happened about 6 months ago.  Lol.  Still very proud though. 

Gaynor and Jessica.. 

Staff from Samuel Taylors enjoying some relaxation time.  This was also Toms last staff night out as he has moved on to study CAD..  we wish him all the best in his new venture, though he will be sadly missed and we did have a big group hug on Sunday night before our vans parted ways. 

Pre break down chat around 4pm before we all went at 100mph to get everything packed and the vans on the road hoping not to encounter any snow on the long drive home.  Fortunately everyone seems to have stayed safe. 

Donald and Gaynor from Craft World along with David from Samuel Taylors sharing a few laughs at Peachy Keens. 

My workspace for demonstrating Spellbinders

Gaynor looking very smart all in black before she got covered in glitter.

Best pic I could get showing most of the stand

Jessica doing final inspections before the doors open

Spellbinders..  no more words required.  Lol.

Gaynors corner

Just a wee stand for us at the NEC. Lol

Gaynor striking another pose with a new clung film hat..  wouldn't recommend the accessories for just anyone though.  Lol.

New model Gaynor

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Last night's play

Afternoon folks, thought I'd share a bit of what I made last night..  will get a proper pic of the whole project later and upload. 

I haven't had much time lately to get down and inky and I had so much fun making this and it helped get the old mojo going again.  Wonder if there's any way to create similar for my NEC demos next week.  Lol. 

Time to sign off again and get the chores done.  Toodles for now.

Happy crafting
Lorraine xxx

Saturday, 16 March 2013

Chill time..

Evening all.  I've decided it's that time of day to sit back and chill for the night so have brought some goodies out to play..  not quite sure exactly where I'm going with it just now but that's half the fun..  bit by bit, layer by layer I will play to my hearts content.  Lol.

So although I'd love to write a little more I'm afraid my toys are calling so I'm off to play.  Hope you all have a fab weekend. 

Happy crafting
Lorraine xxx

Friday, 15 March 2013

Canvas time..

Quick make canvas using Fresco paints, Inka-Gold, Spellbinders die for the branches, flowers are printed from the Cupcakecrafting CD, butterfly is die cut from one of the backing papers on the CD and a little frantage to finish. 

A Walk In The Countryside Papercraft CD ROM

Evening all..  the pictures posted today have been made using this beautiful CD.   The images are stunning and there are also cutting files for your cameo etc so you can create even more. 

Sorry I've not been about this week but a few personal things going on with friends and family..  never rains but it pours as they say eh!   Anyway, I'm using the weekend to get organised before the show next week, finish off some orders etc,  Monday I'm working in Craft World and woohoo... Tuesday its time to head down the road to the NEC. 

So its been short and sweet but I'm signing off again to go tend to my animals then make a bite of dinner. 

Toodles for now
Lorraine xxx


Thursday, 7 March 2013

1st day at SECC

Morning all..  just a quickie from me today as I'm getting ready for the 1st day of the ICHF craft show at Glasgow SECC.   Bbrrr how cold was it at set up yesterday.. BALTIC.   I got home just after 10pm last night and my hands were so cold that even after a 20 min drive they were still beetroot red and swollen.  Just part of the job though, working with all the doors open as folk constantly go back and forth to vans unloading pallets etc and thankfully we all stay in good humour about it. 

Anyway, must dash now and get myself ready but hope you like today's pic..  another sample from the recent trade show using the new JoFY stamps. 

Toodles for now
Lorraine xxx

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Sneaky peek

Sorry I've been AWOL but life's been busy.  Got called in to work at Craft World in Hillington as the store has been so busy with the new SpellBinder dies arriving, all the pre orders had to be packed and dispatched in addition to the normal orders and the stock had to be organised for this week's show at the SECC..  in addition to that I've been trying to squeeze in samples for next week's Cupcake Crafting shows on Create and Craft and run a home.  Lol.  This is a wee sneaky peek at one of the samples combining Fresco paint, Inka-Gold and Frantage.

Anyway, I'm just about ready to head off to bed as its going to be a long busy day tomorrow, well actually today seeing at its just after 1.30am. Lol.  as in addition to helping Kay set up the Hougie Crafts stand, I'm also helping with set up on the Craft World stand.  Will do my best to snap a few photos over the next 5 days and hope to see some of you there too. 

Sleep awaits me, so toodles for now.

Lorraine xxx

Friday, 1 March 2013

Easter idea..

Love how the JoFY stamps have been used as eggs..  nice wee idea for Easter cards etc.

Soooo excited.

Just heard that the CHA released Spellbinder dies have now arrived at Craft World in Glasgow.   Soooo excited that they are here and wondering if hubby will let me go have a wee nosey tomorrow if I forget to tell him that they have arrived and simply pretend I'm going along to their DoCrafts demo day.  Hhmmm wonder if it will work.  Lol.

JoFY fun

Love how the new stamps have been used to create this piece of art by thinking outside the box a little.