Saturday, 31 October 2015

Trick or Treat

Kids may get more than they expect when I open the door lol

Blooming done!

Too late to get decent pictures so will have to wait till morning but I'm almost finished the mannequin..  will post further pictures tomorrow


Saturday, 24 October 2015

Craft World Demo Day

It's SECC time again

Well folks it's that time of year again when the craft show is on at the SECC..  2 days down and 2 to go.  

This is a brooch that was found on Thursday thankfully before it was trodden on so if anyone happens to recognise it please let me know. 

Craft World are exhibiting on stand F24 and there's 1 or 2 show deals available so make sure you pop along and check them out.

Make sure you look out for them at shows as their chocolate is utterly delicious

Chocolate nut and bolt.. yum yum

Chocolate nutcrackers

Fantastic display and would you believe it's all made from chocolate. .. YES chocolate!!!

It's been a busy week at Craft World with lots of deliveries arriving and packing for the show at the SECC

My new friend Mr Pumpkin Bones lol

Saturday, 17 October 2015

Madame Chic

Been having a little fun with a mannequin and some material..  She's not quite finished yet so won't show you in her entirety at present but she's coming along. 

I have to say it's been nice the last few weeks having some time to get creative again. 

I'm also enjoying playing with something different as I'm not usually a material girl but fancied doing something a little different this time around and I don't think it will be the last either.

Will hopefully get her finished tonight or tomorrow and she will hit the cat walk after that lol.

Toodles for now

Saturday, 10 October 2015

It's coming!!!

Been a couple of days since my last post but here's a quick little project for you. 

Wooden plaque painted gold and adorned with felt poinsettia and pine cones.

Products used

Wooden plaque
Artiste metallic classic gold paint
Red & green felt
Spellbinders layered poinsettia (S5-055)
Creative Expressions Pine Cones (CEPINECONE)
Liquid Pearls (gold pearl)
Pinflair glue gel

Always nice to have hand made projects on display around the home especially over the festive season don't you think. 

Anyway that's it for now folks and will be back with another project soon. 


Finished project

Thursday, 8 October 2015

Quick post..

Just a few mins left of my lunch break so it's quick.. 

Products used

DO Crafts paper bag
Sweet Poppy stencil
Creative Expressions embossing paste

Till later! 

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Meet Milly and Molly

Just a quick one folks as it's the wee small hours of the morning but wanted to give you a quick introduction to my little angels Milly & Molly..  They may look angelic but I have a funny feeling there's a slightly naughty side to them judging by the smile on their faces. 

Aren't they just the cutest! 


Monday, 5 October 2015

Oh no...

Well folks I've grafted hard this week trying to get caught up on stuff and getting organised but my heart still sunk every time I looked at one half of my craft room..  being later at night it was not a time to make a start on the chaos that lay within so I turned off the light and closed the door..  Saturday was another day after all.. 

Haven't decided yet if I can share the full extent of the mess with you so here's just a little snippet to give you an idea of it..  hangs head in shame. .

Today is the last of my holiday and back to work tomorrow so housework is done, hubby's lunches sorted for the week, cakes have been baked, bunnies tended and I'm off for a shower now before heading to asda.  It's been a great week off and although there's been a lot of hard work involved it had been put on the back burner long enough so determination was the key to success. 

Toodles for now

Friday morning saw me up and off to the hairdressers..  nice wee trim, well actually a slight change as finally got the back cut up so getting closer to my graduated bob now.   And did I hear someone mention grey hair..  eh I think not..  not a single one in sight now lol

Thankfully my wee faithful friend was at home to cheer me up and was especially funny when on his catnip high lol

Thursday sadly had me attending the funeral of an old school friend..  back row 4th from right.   We started primary school together at the age 4 and its hard to believe he's gone now.  Life just isn't fair at times is it.  

Sunday, 4 October 2015

Wednesday joys..

Having missed my blog post yesterday I really am running behind now.. I've only reached Wednesday even though it's now Sunday so let's try for a little catch up.

Wednesday was another glorious day so the early hours were spent indoors doing jobs around the house.   I'd purchased a couple of canvases a few months back but never quite got round to hanging them so good girl me managed to tick another chore off the to do list as they now have new homes on the wall.. 

Then there was the craft room..  OMG it looked like hell so little by little I made a start on the front section of the room clearing up the clutter from the pic desk and sorting out all the stuff that needed filed from that for shredding.  I won't tell you just how much shredding ended up being done! 

Now as the sun was shining I couldn't waste the whole day indoors so I toddled out to the garden and got another bit done out there..  more bushes trimmed back and chopped down.  It's amazing how much the garden opens up come winter once all the foliage is trimmed and pruned. 

Thankfully I was blessed with yet another stunning sunset.  I'm so glad my Dad taught me how to appreciate the good things in life that nature provides free of charge.  

So that's us up to date on Wednesday and before I post any more I'm off out with the hubby as we've got a few things to do today so will bid you farewell for now..


Hung another canvas in the en-suite

Made a start on clearing out the craft room..  trust me it needed it!

Finally hung a new canvas in the spare bedroom that I bought months ago!

Wednesday I succeeded in bursting a blood vessel in my hand..  ouch!

Friday, 2 October 2015

By the pale moon light..

Quick post folks as busy bee today..  been to the hair dresser and had those dead ends trimmed off and oh my..  those pesky greys have disappeared too.  Yay!!! 

Mother has been and gone.. hubby has had to go to work although he was meant to be off today and now I'm heading upstairs to tackle some more tidying of the craft room after a quick clean up of the kitchen.  

So...  here's today's creative upload

Products used

Sweet Poppy Stencil
Creative Expressions glitter paste
Time Holtz holidays greens
Spellbinders poinsettia
Memory box stamp sentiment
DO Crafts embellishment


Feeling blessed to have witnessed such a beautiful sunset

Pretty garden colours

Tuesday I spent a chunk of the afternoon in the garden starting to make ready for winter with pruning etc..  there's such a lot to do that I'm tackling it section by section a bit each day.  So blessed to have lovely weather this week when I'm off that's allowing me to get things done outdoors. 

Neighbourhood cat on Tuesday not paying any attention to the squirrel on the roof lol

Tuesday Mr Squirrel came to visit and was disgusted and rather vocal about the fact one of the neighbourhood cats was in the back garden! 

Thursday, 1 October 2015

Trip to the seaside

Don't you just love the colours in this rock pool?

Monday we decided to take ourselves off to be by the sea for a few hours.   We had a lovely time walking across the rocks and exploring all the little pools the sea leaves behind.  Had to be careful right enough as they were a tad on the slippery side but still very enjoyable. 

Exploring rock pools is something I've done since my childhood and have many happy memories of gazing in to them over the years.  My love for them has never died as there's always something to be found in their depths if you just take the time to look.

After our stroll rather than popping in to our usual restaurant Scotts we opted for a local chippie then a wander round the shops before heading home.

So..  that was Monday..  tomorrow I may tell you about the visitors I had in the garden on Tuesday lol. 


Look at all those shells

Love looking in rock pools

Off exploring

Just love watching the water lap

One of the many jelly fish washed up in the rocks

Beautiful view whilst sitting on a bench

Can you spot the wellie boot??? 

Hubby looking out to sea dreaming of being back home in Huntington Beach