Well its been a while hasn't it! We've had a super busy time at work with orders, shows and the normal day to day deliveries and customers. Thankfully I prefer to be busy instead of having a job where I'd just sit and twiddle my thumbs all day as I'd be demented by that.
Boss lady gave us our invitations to her wedding today... Yay. . Roll on May 23rd when we all get to celebrate and watch Donald and Gaynor tie the knot. I think it's amazing that they want all their staff to join them on their big day!
Have managed to have a wee whoopsie this week and hurt my leg so I'm hobbling about work with my knee strapped up.. typical it happened on a busy week eh.
I've been doing a lot of knitting lately but tonight I sat and had a crafty play with some of my favourite products...
Clearly for Art
Sticky back canvas
I still have the centre piece to attach but will do that tomorrow night once I've decided if it's going to be a part of a larger canvas or if I'm going to turn it in to a brooch... oh decisions, decisions, decisions lol.
Anyway it's getting late so time to hit the hay and grab some zzzzzz's before work.
Toodles for now