Just a quick note to let everyone know that there are some amazing deals to be gotten over on the Cardology website including sets of CHRISTMAS rubber stamps with 50 cards & envelopes all this for only £9.99
www. cardology.net
As a Cardology consultant I can recommend these products to anyone & hold my head high as I know they are top quality. The stamps give amazingly clear images & are fantastic to use.
There are many bargains on offer including price reductions on brads etc.
Pop over now & see what you can grab.
You may not be aware of the Cardology but they do show on Create & Craft and almost monthly appear in craft magazines, sometimes being the kind donators of freebies.....
If anyone requires any more info on any of these products but doesn't want to ask the company direct I am more than happy to answer those questions for you.
Happy crafting & shopping
Lorraine xxxxxxx
Tuesday, 30 September 2008
Sorry for being MIA
So sorry for being MIA girls. It's been a busy week for me with friends visiting & I've made a pile of cards to be sent to the troops out in Iraq & Afghan.... still many more to go.
I do apologise for not having made any postings of late but everytime of late I have tried to log on or even look at other blogs I am not able to access anything. No ability to leave messages or even get a look at the challenges... I was thinking it was something to do with me until I heard that another blogger had too had problems with accessing the system.
Thankfully today I've managed to get in & had a quick look at some challenges. Now to make some creations & keep my fingers crossed that I can actually get logged back on again to download them.
As for my health, well, my pre assessment is booked for this coming Friday but due to girly things I won't be able to have the op until the following week Monday 13th so have to call the surgeons secretary tomorrow to see if pre assess will still be this Friday or switched to the following Friday. Things going well I should have my op in the next 2 weeks then 4 weeks recovery then I'll be fighting fit again.... Hip hip horray......................
Well nice to leave you all a message but I'm off to craft now. Hope to be back soon.
Happy crafting to one & all.
Lorraine xxxxx
I do apologise for not having made any postings of late but everytime of late I have tried to log on or even look at other blogs I am not able to access anything. No ability to leave messages or even get a look at the challenges... I was thinking it was something to do with me until I heard that another blogger had too had problems with accessing the system.
Thankfully today I've managed to get in & had a quick look at some challenges. Now to make some creations & keep my fingers crossed that I can actually get logged back on again to download them.
As for my health, well, my pre assessment is booked for this coming Friday but due to girly things I won't be able to have the op until the following week Monday 13th so have to call the surgeons secretary tomorrow to see if pre assess will still be this Friday or switched to the following Friday. Things going well I should have my op in the next 2 weeks then 4 weeks recovery then I'll be fighting fit again.... Hip hip horray......................
Well nice to leave you all a message but I'm off to craft now. Hope to be back soon.
Happy crafting to one & all.
Lorraine xxxxx
Friday, 19 September 2008
Hello again
Sorry I've been a bad girl & not been online but actually had quite a busy week. Had a celebrity friend to stay at the weekend which was absolutely delightful & really cheered me up. Just what the doctor ordered me thinks....
Last week I attended the hospital & received the good news that going by all my results i.e. tumour markers, scans etc all evidence would indicate that it's begnine.. Hip hip horray. As a result of this & after discussion with the surgeon the decision has been made to forget the laparoscopy & just go straight to the operation. Thankfully I will only require my left ovary to be removed which means 4 weeks of rest afterwards. Hopefully the operation will be carried out some time in October (hoping to have the exact date confirmed at some point next week), thus I will be back on my feet before Christmas...
My step daughter also auditioned for Idol 2008 last Saturday in the Royal Concert Hall in Glasgow & she was delighted when she was informed that she has got a place in the final to be held on November 2nd.
Here is a recent interview she done with a local newspaper about the event.
She is over the moon at the moment & as you can imagine both her dad & myself are very proud of her.
Hope to be able to do at least one challenge at some point over the next week so I may be back to haunt you all....
Take care my friends & happy crafting..
Lorraine xxxx
Last week I attended the hospital & received the good news that going by all my results i.e. tumour markers, scans etc all evidence would indicate that it's begnine.. Hip hip horray. As a result of this & after discussion with the surgeon the decision has been made to forget the laparoscopy & just go straight to the operation. Thankfully I will only require my left ovary to be removed which means 4 weeks of rest afterwards. Hopefully the operation will be carried out some time in October (hoping to have the exact date confirmed at some point next week), thus I will be back on my feet before Christmas...
My step daughter also auditioned for Idol 2008 last Saturday in the Royal Concert Hall in Glasgow & she was delighted when she was informed that she has got a place in the final to be held on November 2nd.
Here is a recent interview she done with a local newspaper about the event.
She is over the moon at the moment & as you can imagine both her dad & myself are very proud of her.
Hope to be able to do at least one challenge at some point over the next week so I may be back to haunt you all....
Take care my friends & happy crafting..
Lorraine xxxx
Friday, 5 September 2008
Quick Update
Nothing exciting been happening lately.. wonder why that is !!!!
Well the hospital called me on Wednesday to give me an update which is that I have now to go for a Laparoscopy. This means a small incision around my belly button through which they are going to take a better look around what is happening inside me & whilst there, they are going to take a sample for my biopsy which is good as I will at least know then what exactly they are dealing with. Hopefully after that they will be happy to come up with a plan of action for treatment & removal. I will do my best to keep you all posted on my progress....
Many thanks again for the lovely gifts I have received & messages of support which really do help me & put a smile on my face. You're a wonderful crowd & I'm glad I've got the chance to blog with you all....
Happy crafting...
Lorraine xxxxxxxx
Well the hospital called me on Wednesday to give me an update which is that I have now to go for a Laparoscopy. This means a small incision around my belly button through which they are going to take a better look around what is happening inside me & whilst there, they are going to take a sample for my biopsy which is good as I will at least know then what exactly they are dealing with. Hopefully after that they will be happy to come up with a plan of action for treatment & removal. I will do my best to keep you all posted on my progress....
Many thanks again for the lovely gifts I have received & messages of support which really do help me & put a smile on my face. You're a wonderful crowd & I'm glad I've got the chance to blog with you all....
Happy crafting...
Lorraine xxxxxxxx
Thursday, 4 September 2008
From another special friend

I do apologise for the pic not being the best and there is a much better pic on Chris's blog. Colours chosen specially to cheer me up and may I add that the verse inside is truly from the heart & I will treasure the words forever.
Thank you Chris.....
Happy crafting to one & all
Lorraine xxxxx
Sunflower Power

Yet more goodies have arrived from lovely bloggers, just goes to prove what a lovely tight caring community us crafters have got going in the wonderful world of blogland.
Did I get a surprise when my doorbell rang the other morning & I was presented with these delightul sunflowers. Talk about waking up to happy smiling faces.... what more could I ask for.
Later the same day when the postman arrived he delivered this beautiful card for me which carries through the sunflower theme. What a perfect match, one of those you would class as having been made in heaven.

For both of these lovely gifts I have to send a huge thank you to my new found friend who thankfully lives not much more than a stones throw from me. A big HORRAY to Gayle....
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