Saturday, 5 November 2016

Competition time


Even if you've got one already you could always gift it to a friend or a local community source such as a school, nursing home, play group etc. 


Something witchy going on here

Well I wonder who this could be lol.   Seems that costume wear is going to be an annual occurrence in this house now at Halloween.  Absolutely love seeing the faces of the little ones when you open the door to them.   Not sure who's was the biggest kids this year, them or us lol.

Who is this

Halloween came around and a very odd person appeared in my house..  not quite sure who he was but he followed me round to my friends and home again but he did light the way with glow sticks and disappeared again by midnight lol.


Christmas crafting showtime at the SECC has now been and gone too as we quickly approach winter and Christmas.  The clocks have gone back an hour and the darkness creeps in all too early now.   Daylight is almost a thing of the past by 5pm.   Time to look out the thermals lol.

Happy Anniversary

Well 27th October seen the 3 year anniversary of Gordon and Brianna's wedding!   This year they are celebrating in style at Disneyland Florida.   Where oh where has the time gone..


When the mother comes to visit then makes herself comfortable and calls a friend whilst you're making the coffee lol. 

Oops how naughty

Some things are just too irresistible whilst making up the kids treats bags for Halloween lol.

Cards complete and bagged

I so adore these cute little cards.