Well folks it's been a week already since my last post and I can't believe how quickly the time has passed so here's a quick run down on what been happening.
Wednesday - I had a normal work day at Craft World
Thursday - guess what.. another normal day at Craft World lol
Friday - Hubby toddled off to the lawyers with mum to sort out some legal stuff then he had to do some business in Strathaven so I tagged along with him and we managed to grab a wee cuppa and something to eat before having a quick walk around the village. It was teatime before we got home but as I ended up chatting with my neighbours that I've hardly seen for months he headed off to do the weekly shop. Nice es and by me lol.
Saturday - pulled a wee Saturday shift in craft world so one of the other girls could have the day off.
Sunday - well it was pre op day for hubby and I was trying to keep his mind occupied so I took him car shopping for me.. my car is 3 years old at the end of the month so it's time to make a decision on whether to MOT it or replace it. After that we took off to the shops and I came back with 2 new pairs of shoes, 2 new tops and some underwear. Hubby got 2 new pairs of trackies and 2 new tshirts. Think it was about 7pm before we finally ventured home.
Monday - well today was hubby's operation day. He toddled off to work bright and early whilst I set about cleaning & disinfecting the house. Although he promised to be home for 11.30 it was going on noon before he showed face and after a quick check to make sure we had everything we then set off for Ross Hall hospital as check in was at 1pm. What a warm welcome and having his own private room complete with satellite TV certainly made things a bit more homely. After all his pre op checks etc he was finally taken to theatre at 3.30pm. To keep occupied I pop down to the work as it's only a 5 minute drive away and had a wee cuppa and chat with the girls before returning to the hospital at 5 pm just in nice time for him being brought back to his room. Obviously the next few hours were full of checks etc and he was finally discharged around 9.30pm. Home for 10 pm, got him in to bed around 11.30 and I headed off around midnight. Boy it had felt like a really long day!
Tuesday - poor hubby didn't wake till around 11.30 am then we had to begin the task of getting him washed and dressed, made comfortable etc and everything within his reach where possible. I was certainly kept active as he was in rather a lot of pain so I was back and forth helping him to move and getting him whatever he needed.
Wednesday - Another day of playing nurse. Normal routine of helping him when needed and I also managed to control my nausea so I could change his dressing. Didn't manage to get creative as I hoped to do but I did manage to get a little email communication done regarding an upcoming demo in July. Still have another one to get organised as well so hopefully that will be done within the next few days also.
Well... That's been my week. Sadly I have no crafty pics to share so thought I'd let you see what the view was like from Rob's hospital room. Isn't that just beautiful!
Right folks it's almost 2 am and I need to head to bed so I have energy in the morning so nighty night all and I'll try to get creative tomorrow.
Lorraine xxx