Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Workshop fun

Sunday I shared a fun afternoon with eighteen lovely ladies tutoring at a three hour workshop getting inky.  

I would say they were all well behaved but there was a naughty one or two and they know who they are lol.  

Cake did someone say cake.. OMG did I get treated to the most amazing home baking ever!  So good actually that I got caught sneaking back for more lol.  

Think there was probably a few sneaking in the house with all their purchases from the pop up shop and now.. well now I get to look forward to doing a pre Christmas workshop with them later in the year so thinking cap is on.  


John Lockwood

We had the lovely John Lockwood demonstrating in the shop for two days last week and what a fabulous time we had.  

Such a lovely, genuine person oozing to share his hints, tips and inspiration with everyone.   

Group picture taken at the end of two very busy days so we look a little tired.  


Long haul

My amazing step daughter is currently half way round the world in the land of Oz conducting research on 18th century music.   What a job eh!   

So relieved there are things such as WhatsApp and video chat to help us keep in touch along with a daily read of her blog which she's updating daily in relation to her research.  

So proud of her. 

Picture taken on her first day there outside Sydney Opera House.


Lots of cheer

Lots of fabulous new products have arrived in store including stamps and the beautiful glitter kiss.


My birthday

Can you believe what they done to me in work on my birthday!!!  

Yep they made me wear a huge badge the whole day and forced me to eat cake.. Lots of cake lol.  

Oh and they gave me some beautiful presents too so I had to forgive them.  


Crafty besties

February saw the annual trade show in Birmingham which also means it's time for me to pack my bags and go stay with my wee buddy Hels Sheridan.  

Obviously we behaved.. NOT!   

We had a few fabulous days at the show catching up with friends, browsing new products and assisting in assisting few workshops..  I need to take a picture of the fabulous t-shirt I made using the new Screen Sensation.  What a fab product that allows you to design on different surfaces.   

Lots of giggles, delicious Sunday roast with all the trimmings thanks to her lovely hubby and my dear friend Graham, sofa days watching Pretty Woman whilst eating candy floss, crisps and sweets.   

What wonderful friends I have!  


It's been a while!

Well folks it's been a month since I last posted and can't believe how quickly that time has gone so I will try and upload a few pictures and some updates of what's happened during that time.  
