I know I said I would be back yesterday with this project but the day didn't quite go to plan so here is my little Sakura Souffle project for you all to share with me now....
Sakura Souffle is yet another amazing pen that can be used on a multitude of surfaces... not just card or paper... it can be used on:
White/coloured card, Parchment, Pearlescent, Shrink Plastic, Metal, Acetate, Glass, Plastic & Terracotta...
For this project I used a miniature terracotta plant pot to which I attached some outline peel offs... like the Sakura Glaze pens... you simply have to colour in & you can easily tell when the ink is dry as you will see the colour change... when applied the colour is darker and turns to a lighter shade during the drying process... this only takes a few minutes...

What I most like about this is the fact that you do not lose the texture of the pot when you apply the Sakura Souffle... as you can see in the close up above... the ink has moulded itself around the suface texture... but if you didn't want to retain this effect then you could simply add an additional layer of Souffle to even the whole image out.
I also like the fact that the ink itself can work alongside both the textures of the felt & the flower soft... as many a time I have found myself not being able to use certain products as they clash... this was not the case with the Sakura Souffle...
Now that this is complete, I can have a look around & see what I'm going to play with next...
Happy crafting
Lorraine xxx
As allways gorgeous! Hugs, Moni
Oh I love that, what a great idea
Jan x
This is fab!
Trish (-:
This is lovely Lorraine, the pens looks great on the pot. Joey.x
Hi Lorraine,
This is awesome !!!!
really pretty Lorraine
Anne x
This is gorgeous Lorraine.I must admit I sadly neglect my Glaze and Souffle pens.
Cass xxx
This is great! Super job, Lorraine.
This is beautiful, what a great idea. I'm thinking a really tiny one would look great in my dolls house...
Hugs Christine x
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