Tuesday 25 November 2014

Workshop date released

Evening all and sorry for being quiet the last few days but it's been a bit busy around here.   After my fabulous workshop with Ken on Friday, I was assisting Debbi Moore at one of her Cardilicious Workshops on Saturday then Sunday I sort of fluffed around chilling out.   Wee extra shift in store on Monday followed by an after hours meeting with the boss  to plan a few extra workshops that we are squeezing in before Christmas.  

I will be conducting 3 make and take workshops where attendees can create a wreath similar to that in the picture. 

Saturday 13th December
Time slots available are 10am, 12pm & 2pm
Cost £10 Incudes all materials

Places can be booked via telephone on 0141 883 6855.

Oh and guess what... I'm on holiday next week..  Yay..  well apart from the fact that the week is already planned, being filled with Christmas shopping and painting!   Hubby made a start last weekend so the en - suite has now been refreshed..  Shame about all the other rooms still to be done lol.

Right I'm off to make a wee cuppa, watch some tv and do my sudoku.  Catch you all later.


Saturday 22 November 2014

Fun at Ken Oliver workshop

Just a quickie folks to let you see what we got up to today at Ken Oliver's ART AT THE EDGE workshop in Craft World.

What an awesome day we had filled with fun, laughter and creativity using Prima products and tutored by the one and only amazing Ken Oliver.  Can I just say what a privilege it has been having him in the shop this week and I'm sure it's gonna seem that bit quieter after tomorrow when he departs.   Hopefully it won't be too long though before we're welcoming him back again. 

I'm sure the ladies attending the Saturday workshop are gonna have just as much fun as we did today. 

I can't believe how much stash I have left over in my goody bag so much so I think I'm gonna have to buy another album so I can repeat the process all over again lol. 

Well I may not be in the shop tomorrow but I have other work commitments so another early rise.   Guess that means I best get myself off to bed eh! 

Toodles for now

Close up of flowers and inside of both covers complete with a personal message from Ken.  Obviously I still have the pages to reinsert lol

Friday 21 November 2014

Blood Swept Lands & Sea of Red

How honoured do I feel..  I've received my ceramic poppy that was part of the amazing commemorative centenary display at the Tower of London. 

It was nice seeing pictures over the last few months knowing that somewhere in the vast moat was my very own little poppy.  Yesterday when it arrived I was shocked at the emotion I actually felt.  My Great Grandfather and his 3 brothers perished during WW1 and all my Great Great Grandmother received was a postcard notification for each loss of life.  It makes you stop and think really..  nowadays we dread that the postman will be bringing another bill and yet for 4 long years the people of Britain dreaded receiving these notifications.  Makes you realise just how lucky we are now eh and yet how many of us truly appreciate it.  Anyway, when I opened the box and touched my beautiful handmade poppy I was overcome with emotion.   It may sound strange but I felt like my Great Grandfather had finally come home to his family.  This is something I will treasure forever.

God bless our fallen and injured,  past, present and future.


Thursday 20 November 2014

Close Up!

G'day all hope you've had a good one.
Today I thought I'd share my latest Jones Crafts DT project.   Now every month Mr Postie arrives with a surprise package for me and it's not until it's open that I know what I'm working with.  It's a wee bit like Santa arriving on a regular basis lol.  

This month my package enclosed the new KaiserCraft 'CLOSE UP' range.  It's what I would call a slightly softened mix of retro combined with years gone by.  There are soft shades of green and green, bright blues and pinks and some deeper shades of brown.  Patterns range from cameras of decades gone by, romantic flowers, slightly damask style patterns and retro patterns too. 

Now where to begin..  hhmmm. .. let's choose a background I thought.. ok done..  now where to go from here!   I chose a few pieces I liked that worked well together and started on the mock layout then when I was happier with that I pulled out the old albums and low and behold was there not one where my brothers shirt blended in perfect in colour.  Decision made.  Finally I secured everything in place,  added a little glossy accents to the lens of the camera and chose a sentiment. 

Well it's bed time again folks..  2.10am and alarm goes off at 7.30am so will sign off for now and be back again tomoz night.

Happy crafting

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Fabulous Day!

Just a quick note before bed folks as I got busy with other things earlier and suddenly remembered I hadn't posted yet.

What a fun day we had in store today.  Best start ever as we literally arrived at the same time so I had a massive hug before we even entered the building lol.   Lots of good banter and teaching Ken a few local sayings.  Oh yeah and we did have a customer sit on his knee for a cheeky wee photo lol. 

Now you can see how Ken has captured his audiences attention and they really were good pupils cause they learned lots and asked some sensible questions too.

As for my pic!  Well I'm rather camera shy as I don't take very food pics but Ken insisted on this one and trust me..  He's not a man that likes the word no lol.  Anyway I had sloped off to get his A4 album that he's teaching (my excuse to have a touchy feely session as it's gorgeous) and when I came back to show the customers he was in position ready to snap a pic.    Now if I had to choose between the pic and the album..  I'm sure you can guess from the evidence which I'd opt for lol. 

Ken & myself ended the day with a nice wee song & dance session which was rather funny and there's now a few songs he'll never hear again without thinking of me (poor soul). 

Well folks the clock is ticking away and there's an alarm set for 7.30am so toodle pip and catch you all tomorrow again.

Lorraine xxx

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Day 2 and Art At The Edge workshops - Ken Oliver

Tuesdays agenda will see our dear friend Ken showcasing his talents using the new Spellbinders Victorian Collection along side another few products.  Demo runs from 10am - 4pm and you are welcome to drop in and spectate any time you please.

Wednesday and Thursday, Ken will be hosting a mini workshop on both days between 10am and 2pm during which under his supervision you can create a Vintage Pedestal Photo Frame. 

Friday and Saturday, Ken will be hosting an all day workshop on both days between 10am and 4pm during which under his supervision you can create a fabulous A4 Vintage Print Memory Album and you will also take away a goody bag as an added bonus.

As you can see from the pics these are stunning projects created using a variety of techniques and products.

Ken has been touring the United States with these awesome Art At The Edge workshops and we are honoured to now be hosting them at Craft World in Glasgow.  Places are obviously restricted but if you fancy joining in then further details can be obtained online at


Or by calling the shop direct on 0141 883 6855.

Guess I better head off to bed as it's gonna be a busy day and I can't believe I get to spend it with Ken Oliver!!!! 

Lorraine xxx

Ken's play time..

Well folks that's Ken's first day in the shop over and apparently he had great fun creating with Brusho..  don't you just love the colours!   Someone referred to it as looking at the earth from space which I thought was a super description.  


Monday 17 November 2014

Day 1 of 6 with Ken Oliver

What a fabulous week lies ahead! 

Monday will see the beloved American crafter Ken Oliver kick off a run of six days in store with demonstrations from 10am till 4pm showcasing his Stick It adhesive and how it has transformed your ability to die cut those very intricate designs.

This is just the beginning of his time with us here at Craft World so I will post daily updates.  Sadly I'm not at work tomorrow so won't be able to get any pics but if the boss behaves and takes any then I'll pinch them and upload here.   Can't believe I'm so excited about going to work on Tuesday morning lol. 

For a full run down on this week's demos and workshops please visit www.craftworldonline.co.uk

Anyway I'm off to get creative for an hour or so before bed so toodle pip for now.

Happy crafting
Lorraine xxx

Sunday 16 November 2014

I'm in love!!!

OMG..  Yes I know it's almost 4am but I've been sitting having a wee play tonight with my new toys..  BRUSHO

All I can say is wow I'm in love with them.  

These little beauties are rather fun to play with and don't be disillusioned by the size of this little pot as believe you me the pigment is so strong that you hardly have to use any at all. 

As this was my first time using them I started with simple tags but now have many more ideas in mind.  Don't you just love when you use a product that sparks your creativity!

Well I'm gonna sign off and hit the hay as they say because the plan for tomorrow (well today) is to buy some paint to start decorating the house..  me and my bright ideas eh lol.

Lorraine xxx

Friday 14 November 2014


I've been itching to put this post on all day but have been a good girl and stayed patient until now lol.

THE Ken Oliver will be at Craft World in Glasgow from Monday 17th November until Saturday 22nd November hosting a variety of demos, mini workshops and 2 all day workshops.  

Can't believe I'm gonna be spending do much time in this man's presence over the coming week and to say I'm excited muchly is a mahoosive understatement!!!  Lol

Full details are available on the shops website www.craftworldonline.co.uk where you also have the opportunity to book a space on one of the workshops.   You can also book via the phone on 0141 883 6855 or by calling in to the shop in person. 

I have a feeling this is gonna be a full on fun week ahead and I can't wait for it to start....  oooohhhh  I'm on the edge already lol

Off to try and calm myself down a wee bit as I've been on tenterhooks all day. 

Thursday 13 November 2014

New Blog


Evening all and apologies for lack of posts lately but with the exception  of a few days when I've been ok I've actually been rather poorly.  

Last Friday I had my nails done and made a start on clearing the craft room.

Saturday felt like crap

Sunday was running around dealing with a load of stuff that needed done.

Monday got stuck in to my craft room and managed to restore some order.

Tuesday.. well I had crap nights sleep so felt absolutely awful and by time I got home was exhausted and suffering from one hell of a migraine.  Ate a few pain killers and was asleep by about 10pm.  Woke just after 1am to discover had locked the house up, turned the lights off and covered me with a big fleece to keep me warm.  Poor soul decided it best to leave me sleeping.   Sadly once I went to bed the tossing & turning began again but I did manage to sleep on and off till 7.30am when the alarm sounded. 

Wednesday..   Sadly I awoke still with a headache and the added sickness feeling..  oh no I thought.  Off I toddled to work anyway and thankfully by mid to late afternoon the headache and sick feeling started to disperse.  Fingers crossed that's an end to it but sadly tonight I've struggled to get to sleep yet again but am off now to get my head down and hopefully get some zzzzzz's. 

Before I go though I wanted to let you know about a new blog..  its one for my work Craft World where we will be sharing lots of inspirational pictures and news about upcoming products so if you're a blogger please pop over for a wee visit and sign up as a follower so you don't miss out on the gossip. 

Right I'm off to bed so Nighty night and hope bed bugs don't bite.



Some of my favourites

I have so many finished projects and no place to put them right now but hubby has promised to help me get them up on display over the coming weeks so fingers crossed he keeps his words.  These here are just some of my favourites completed both by myself and also some very dear friends. 


There's still a little clearing to be done on the desk including a few projects to be revamped too but at least my unit is much more organised lol

The After..

Thankfully after a very long day of sorting & organising this is how the room looked by Monday night..  much better eh

So far I have filled 4 boxes with stash that will be rehomed and I still have stuff in the garage to sort through!!!    
At least I can now see the carpet and have dramatically lightened the weight on the floor boards lol.  

The Before!!!

Well I'm actually quite ashamed that anyone should see my craft room looking like this but I'm prepared to hang my head in shame.

Over the last few months I've just been 'dumping' stuff in my room but decided to start on a clean up last Friday night and after pulling a few things out and starting to get rid of stuff including the 'just incase' pile..  This is what my room looked like at the end of the night!!!!!  

Haha.. hope too many of you didn't fall off your chair in horror lol.   Unfortunately I didn't feel well on Saturday and had lots to do on Sunday so the rest had to wait till Monday. 

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Quick post

Just heading off to bed folks but a quick post before I go. 

Between the housework, washing and socialising I've been working away on a little something wooden.  Just a sneaky peek at the moment as the recipient has not yet received it but soon as they do I will post a proper picture of the finished project. 

Next project will probably be paper based as I've just received my new KaiserCraft stash from Jones.   That should keep me out of mischief for a wee while eh!  Lol 

Toodles for now