Wednesday 19 November 2014

Fabulous Day!

Just a quick note before bed folks as I got busy with other things earlier and suddenly remembered I hadn't posted yet.

What a fun day we had in store today.  Best start ever as we literally arrived at the same time so I had a massive hug before we even entered the building lol.   Lots of good banter and teaching Ken a few local sayings.  Oh yeah and we did have a customer sit on his knee for a cheeky wee photo lol. 

Now you can see how Ken has captured his audiences attention and they really were good pupils cause they learned lots and asked some sensible questions too.

As for my pic!  Well I'm rather camera shy as I don't take very food pics but Ken insisted on this one and trust me..  He's not a man that likes the word no lol.  Anyway I had sloped off to get his A4 album that he's teaching (my excuse to have a touchy feely session as it's gorgeous) and when I came back to show the customers he was in position ready to snap a pic.    Now if I had to choose between the pic and the album..  I'm sure you can guess from the evidence which I'd opt for lol. 

Ken & myself ended the day with a nice wee song & dance session which was rather funny and there's now a few songs he'll never hear again without thinking of me (poor soul). 

Well folks the clock is ticking away and there's an alarm set for 7.30am so toodle pip and catch you all tomorrow again.

Lorraine xxx

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