Thursday 13 November 2014

New Blog

Evening all and apologies for lack of posts lately but with the exception  of a few days when I've been ok I've actually been rather poorly.  

Last Friday I had my nails done and made a start on clearing the craft room.

Saturday felt like crap

Sunday was running around dealing with a load of stuff that needed done.

Monday got stuck in to my craft room and managed to restore some order.

Tuesday.. well I had crap nights sleep so felt absolutely awful and by time I got home was exhausted and suffering from one hell of a migraine.  Ate a few pain killers and was asleep by about 10pm.  Woke just after 1am to discover had locked the house up, turned the lights off and covered me with a big fleece to keep me warm.  Poor soul decided it best to leave me sleeping.   Sadly once I went to bed the tossing & turning began again but I did manage to sleep on and off till 7.30am when the alarm sounded. 

Wednesday..   Sadly I awoke still with a headache and the added sickness feeling..  oh no I thought.  Off I toddled to work anyway and thankfully by mid to late afternoon the headache and sick feeling started to disperse.  Fingers crossed that's an end to it but sadly tonight I've struggled to get to sleep yet again but am off now to get my head down and hopefully get some zzzzzz's. 

Before I go though I wanted to let you know about a new blog..  its one for my work Craft World where we will be sharing lots of inspirational pictures and news about upcoming products so if you're a blogger please pop over for a wee visit and sign up as a follower so you don't miss out on the gossip. 

Right I'm off to bed so Nighty night and hope bed bugs don't bite.


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