Friday 14 November 2014


I've been itching to put this post on all day but have been a good girl and stayed patient until now lol.

THE Ken Oliver will be at Craft World in Glasgow from Monday 17th November until Saturday 22nd November hosting a variety of demos, mini workshops and 2 all day workshops.  

Can't believe I'm gonna be spending do much time in this man's presence over the coming week and to say I'm excited muchly is a mahoosive understatement!!!  Lol

Full details are available on the shops website where you also have the opportunity to book a space on one of the workshops.   You can also book via the phone on 0141 883 6855 or by calling in to the shop in person. 

I have a feeling this is gonna be a full on fun week ahead and I can't wait for it to start....  oooohhhh  I'm on the edge already lol

Off to try and calm myself down a wee bit as I've been on tenterhooks all day. 

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