Tuesday 18 November 2014

Day 2 and Art At The Edge workshops - Ken Oliver

Tuesdays agenda will see our dear friend Ken showcasing his talents using the new Spellbinders Victorian Collection along side another few products.  Demo runs from 10am - 4pm and you are welcome to drop in and spectate any time you please.

Wednesday and Thursday, Ken will be hosting a mini workshop on both days between 10am and 2pm during which under his supervision you can create a Vintage Pedestal Photo Frame. 

Friday and Saturday, Ken will be hosting an all day workshop on both days between 10am and 4pm during which under his supervision you can create a fabulous A4 Vintage Print Memory Album and you will also take away a goody bag as an added bonus.

As you can see from the pics these are stunning projects created using a variety of techniques and products.

Ken has been touring the United States with these awesome Art At The Edge workshops and we are honoured to now be hosting them at Craft World in Glasgow.  Places are obviously restricted but if you fancy joining in then further details can be obtained online at


Or by calling the shop direct on 0141 883 6855.

Guess I better head off to bed as it's gonna be a busy day and I can't believe I get to spend it with Ken Oliver!!!! 

Lorraine xxx

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