Sunday 16 November 2014

I'm in love!!!

OMG..  Yes I know it's almost 4am but I've been sitting having a wee play tonight with my new toys..  BRUSHO

All I can say is wow I'm in love with them.  

These little beauties are rather fun to play with and don't be disillusioned by the size of this little pot as believe you me the pigment is so strong that you hardly have to use any at all. 

As this was my first time using them I started with simple tags but now have many more ideas in mind.  Don't you just love when you use a product that sparks your creativity!

Well I'm gonna sign off and hit the hay as they say because the plan for tomorrow (well today) is to buy some paint to start decorating the house..  me and my bright ideas eh lol.

Lorraine xxx

1 comment:

  1. OOOh! Beautiful tags and yes, these are the hits now a days!
