Friday 21 November 2014

Blood Swept Lands & Sea of Red

How honoured do I feel..  I've received my ceramic poppy that was part of the amazing commemorative centenary display at the Tower of London. 

It was nice seeing pictures over the last few months knowing that somewhere in the vast moat was my very own little poppy.  Yesterday when it arrived I was shocked at the emotion I actually felt.  My Great Grandfather and his 3 brothers perished during WW1 and all my Great Great Grandmother received was a postcard notification for each loss of life.  It makes you stop and think really..  nowadays we dread that the postman will be bringing another bill and yet for 4 long years the people of Britain dreaded receiving these notifications.  Makes you realise just how lucky we are now eh and yet how many of us truly appreciate it.  Anyway, when I opened the box and touched my beautiful handmade poppy I was overcome with emotion.   It may sound strange but I felt like my Great Grandfather had finally come home to his family.  This is something I will treasure forever.

God bless our fallen and injured,  past, present and future.


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