Wednesday 24 September 2014

Seasons Greetings

Oopsie almost forgot to post and it's bed time so very brief tonight.  

Busy wee day in shop putting everything away after Donald's return from the Ally Pally show, sorting sample boards, new stock etc as well as the norm.  

I did say thanks to St Christopher (my medal travels everywhere with me) for keeping me safe on my journeys as both going to and returning from work there were car accidents leading to lengthy traffic queues meaning it took me 50 mins travel time in both directions.  Thankfully neither accident looked like anyone had been seriously injured which is a blessing.  

I've taken it pretty easy tonight as I'm still not feeling 100% but certainly no where near as bad as the other day.  

Anyway, on to tonight's share..  We have an A5 card decorated using Britannia dies (Ivy, small, medium & large poinsettia & sentiment) combined with red velvet card.

Well that's me I'm off to bed as it's 2am and I need some shut eye.

Toodles for now

Monday 22 September 2014

It's that time again!!!

Cor blimey folks can you believe it's that time of year again when we're hitting the Autumn shows and peeps are planning their Christmas cards..  where oh where does the year go? 

Anyway, I've been trying to make up for lost time today as I felt pretty poorly yesterday and again this morning but I've pumped myself full of paracetamol and symptoms seem to have eased quite a bit.   No idea what the dickens I picked up but had a stonking headache,  was freezing cold apart from my face which was burning and oh my.. The feeling of nausea was horrible.  Put it this way..  I'm less than impressed with who ever spread their germs.  Why oh why do people insist on going out when they're unwell and contaminating others!   I'm just relieved it happened when I wasn't in the shop as one of the girls I work with has Lupus so she really doesn't need to catch anything nasty like that.  

So today I've got the washing, ironing and housework done along with some samples for the upcoming Ross Papercraft show in Edinburgh this coming Saturday where I will be demonstrating with Britannia dies.   Just to give you a little taster of these dies here's an 8 x 8 card I made using the Robin, large & small pine cone and sentiment dies.  Oh yeah..  not to forget that gorgeous red velvet card.  
I've also attached a copy ticket so if you're in the Edinburgh area you have the address and you can pop in for a wee visit.  I think there are currently 30 exhibitors booked, some local and some are making the lengthy journey from down south so please come along and show your support. 

Oh well I guess it's time to sign off and get my stuff ready for work in the morning then I can chill for a wee hour before bed.  

Toodles for now
Lorraine xxx

Sunday 21 September 2014

Tonight's Roll of Honour

To say I'm proud of my Great Grandfather and his brothers is an understatement so I am filled with emotion today at the thought of them being remembered and their names read aloud at tonight's Tower of London Roll of Honour call.   Pity I couldn't be there in person but at least they will be respected and his ceramic poppy is somewhere in the moat.  God bless all who fought & died. 

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Flutter fly

Well folks thats the first day back at work over and what a busy day it was..  just the way I like it.  As for the internet side of things I honestly couldn't tell you how many orders we picked, packed & posted today..  too many to count anyway lol.  

Tonight I've been chilling out with hubby and having a wee discussion on this Scottish referendum matter on facebook.   I honestly can't wait for it all to be over as I've seen so many rude, nasty and abusive comments being made to people its actually disgusted me.  I know it's a big thing but everyone has the right to make an independent vote for what they want and not for what others decided they should be voting.  That's nothing less than bully tactics.  

I'm actually heading off to bed just shortly.. early for me eh!  Lol   but I'm opening up in the morning so need to head off a little earlier than norm just incase there's any travel delays.  Apart from that I'm actually sitting here yawning anyway so my body is telling me it's bedtime so in my best interest to concede.  

Anyway, todays share is a card I made a few weeks ago using Indigo Blu stamps, distress inks and distress pens.  Finished size is 8 x 8.  

Right I really must sign off as that last yawn just about dislocated my jaw lol.  

Toodles for now folks
Lorraine xxx 

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Multi use box

G'day all..  can't believe that's my holiday over and I'm back in the shop in just over 8 hours time.  I've had a swell time getting lots done and there's still a lot more to go but I've started so I'll finish lol. 

My front door is now ready for a final sanding and last coat of paint to be done on Friday when I'm next off work so that should be it ready for the autumn and winter winds & rains,  the house is all clean so just a quick tidy up at nights should see me through till Friday as well..  near choked on the smell of Zaflora and bleach today lol.  Oh and the ironing is all done too.   Go me!!! 

Anyway I'm just about to head off to bed so I'm bright eyed and bushy tailed for work but wanted to share another project with you all first..  another sample from the trade show for Jones Crafts.   This is a fabulous multi use box manufactured by Candy Box Crafts and although it's listed as a sewing/jewellery box I had another idea in mind for Christmas.  Don't you just think this would make the most wonderful gift..  For me being Scottish,  I am going to have mine filled with delicious handmade tablet but you could just as easily fill it with luxury chocolates etc.   Imagine gifting it to someone who could then have it on display and when guests arrive what a fab presentation when they are offered a chocolate.. oh just thought you could have biscuits in it too..  different sections for different ones.  Thank goodness I don't put on calories just thinking of food as right now I'd be piling them on quicker than I'm blinking lol. 

My box had been covered in fabulicious papers from the KaiserCraft Christmas Basecoat collection with a few pieces of ribbon and twine added for texture.   They blend so well with the rustic appearance of the papers.  Definitely another of my favourite collections.  

Oh well its bed time now but please keep checking back as I've more projects to share, details of the new upcoming classes at Craft World, tickets to give away for the upcoming Ross Papercraft show in Edinburgh and another blog candy giveaway..  oh my..  sounds like I'm gonna be busy on here.  Lol

Toodles for now and happy crafting.
Lorraine xxx

Sunday 14 September 2014

Advent Calender time

Evening all..  sorry my pics sometimes load before the text but I often take pics on my phone then after upload I jump on my tablet to do the text.

Anyway I've been on holiday for the last week and tomorrow is my final day off before returning to work and I have to say that I've enjoyed every minute of it and have really appreciated the chill time.  I've had numerous lie ins followed by lots of work around the house, in the garden and tomorrow I will be finishing painting my front door.    It's been so nice catching up with everything I've been behind on and in the evenings I've done the odd bit of crafting but mostly I've just vegged out on the sofa.   Down time was so needed.  

So, what do we have for tonights project...  this is one of my trade show makes from last week for Jones Crafts.   A fabulous advent calender decorated with papers from the KaiserCraft Yuletide collection.   The calender comes as a flat pack kit designed by Candy Box Crafts.   Included within the kit are the sections to complete the main structure, 25 mini boxes, just the perfect size to hide away a luxurious chocolate lol, and all your mini numbers.   

As for the papers in the Yuletide collection I'd probably describe them as quite soft and peaceful in nature.  Definately one of my favourite Christmas collections.. but oh my..  I also have another two favourite collections which are everyday themed but I'm not at liberty to share just yet.  

Well folks that's it for tonight as I'm off to make myself a wee cuppa, snuggle up on the sofa and have a sing along to MTV..  could be dangerous as it normally ends up with me dancing around the room rofl.   

Nighty night all

Lorraine xxx

Parcels made from paper and one with a button top for decoration

Thursday 11 September 2014

Never Forget!

This is what hatred leads to..

God bless those who perished, those left to mourn and the amazing emergency services who tackled this unimaginable destruction head on. 

May God bless you all

Wednesday 10 September 2014

Holidays are coming!

Evening all..  I know it's a little earlier than my normal 2 am post but I'm just about to have a crafty wee play so thought I'd be organised and do this first.  

Well that's day 2 of my holiday almost over and I haven't done anything exciting..  same old same old just I don't need to set an alarm.

Highlight of my day was ordering my ceramic poppy to go on display at the Tower of London in commemoration of my Great Grandfather and his 3 brothers who all perished during WW1.    Two of them passed in 1914 & two in 1917.   I have also registered all 4 of them on the Roll of Honour so just waiting now for confirmation of the date their names will be read aloud.  They may have passed separately but I'm hoping their names will be read together so they truly are Brothers in Arms.  My poppy will eventually go to my mum as I never had the privilege of knowing my grandfather and nor did she so I thought it would be nice for her to have a permanent symbol of him.  Poor wee soul was crying when I told her what I'd done.   

There were a few mishaps too..   Mum & I were going to have a nice wee cuppa on the back garden so I was opening up the chairs when one of them decided to swing open and the bar on it smacked me on the shin!  Eh.. major dead leg & throbbing so ended up sitting with an ice pack on it for half hour to prevent swelling.  What a numpty  lol.  Also have to take mum to the optician tomorrow as she has something which she can only describe as dangling behind her eye.  They need to put a dye in it so they can have a better observation of the damage apparently which means she won't be able to drive so my chauffeur cap will be on.  Hoping it's nothing too serious so fingers crossed. 

Well there are some goodies calling my name so I'm off to have some fun.    May give you a sneaky peek at it tomoz lol. 

Toodles for now
Lorraine xxx

Blog Candy Giveaway

Thought I would start the day with a little Candy Giveaway courtesy of the boys from Jones Crafts.  So what do we have..  hhmmm a little mixture of Graphic 45 & KaiserCraft centered around us females.  

Included are 

Botanical Garden die cut tags & pockets

Botanical Garden chipboard pieces

Wooden butterfly embellishments

Bag of mixed buttons

Mini crochet doilies

Acrylic stamp set including the following saying

You make me happy when skies are grey

All you need is love

So many of my smiles begin with you


Love you to the moon and back

To be in with a chance of winning here are the rules to follow.

1.  Leave a comment on this post 


2.  Share a link on your own blog or facebook page back to this giveaway

Jones Crafts also have a facebook page where you can keep up to date with all the latest releases and they have a team of designers who regularly create inspirational projects to share with you. 

Jones Crafts website

Jones Crafts on facebook 

Good luck everyone

Tuesday 9 September 2014

Weekend masterpiece

Just caught myself getting ready to wish everyone a happy Monday when suddenly I realised we're on Tuesday lol.  

What a fabulous busy weekend it's been with a crafty day at Craft World on Saturday then a trip up to Perth early Sunday morning for the 2 day trade show representing Jones Crafts. 

So wish I'd had a chauffeur on Sunday as the views on my journey were simply amazing.  The morning dew was hanging low over the fields and mountains with a stunning low sun lined blue sky.  I'd have been snapping pictures the whole way if I didn't need to have my hands on the steering wheel.   Every day should begin with views like that.  

Anyway after a busy day at the show we headed back to the hotel just after 6 pm when I retreated to my room for a little rest and quick change before heading out for dinner.   Pacos in Perth has such a yummy menu available and when there's a crowd the size of us there's always interesting conversations going on around the table.   Finally it was time to head back to the hotel bar and there was more than one occasion when Tena Lady would have come in extremely helpful.   Let's just say between a new ring having been purchased and jokes galore we were even making other hotel residents giggle.  

Finally had to call it a night once I had slid down the sofa so far that my bottom was getting ready to go right off the edge.  Lol  

I also had the pleasure of meeting a lovely little girl who was attending the show with her mum on Sunday called Isla.  Whilst the boys were busy taking orders she spotted the KaiserCraft pens so I gave her some paper and asked her to draw me a picture.  This is what she produced..  A princess castle complete with mast & flag.   Have to say in was extremely impressed with her writing considering she's only 6.  So once mummy was finished placing her order and they were leaving the stand she asked to use the pens again and she drew the love heart and wrote my name next to it before giving me one of the biggest hugs I've ever had.   What an absolutely delightful little girl she was. 

Finally after the show closed yesterday the guys very kindly offered to give me some goodies so I could do a blog giveaway so watch this space for a later upload of what you could enter to win.  

Right.. time to move myself off the sofa.   I've got a week off work.. Yay..  so time to get the housework done and the garden is in need of some much over due attention.  

Happy crafting
Lorraine xxx

Monday 8 September 2014

Men at work

The boys from Jones Crafts hard at work.   Stavros taking an order whilst Darren is online placing one for another.  Me.. I'm taking a picture lol

Friday 5 September 2014

New Collection preview

Just a quick post tonight as it's been a busy day and I'm off to bed shortly as I've got another long busy day ahead..  lots of fun things to do including packing 2 demo kits and my wee overnight case. 

So without further delay I present to you another little sneak peak at some of the new KaiserCraft Basecoat Christmas collection.   Now if you look at all the little snips you'll see what I was doing when I nodded off last night with the scissors in my hand lol.  

If you're a retailer in the UK then orders can be placed via Jones Crafts Nottingham or alternatively if you're a consumer and wish to know your local stockist simply ask Jones Crafts and they will be happy to advise you. 

Righty ho bed is calling so I'm off. 

Happy crafting
Lorraine xxx

Thursday 4 September 2014

Naughty peek

G'day all..  being a little naughty as many of you will not yet have seen the newly released ranges from KaiserCraft so I thought I'd share one of my projects made for Jones Crafts.   There's more to come but being as the show isn't until Sunday & Monday I can't share everything just yet. 

This one is a Candy Box Crafts sleigh which I've filled with some presents & messages for the recipient.   Wouldn't this be a wonderful gift for someone..  It could contain sweets for the kiddies,  handmade soaps for friends and can you imagine it could even be used to hide that very special surprise engagement ring for the Christmas lovers.   One little sleigh that holds so many possibilities.   Better still is that the recipient will be left with a beautiful gift that can be displayed year after year.   Now that's a gift that keeps on giving!

Well it's been another busy day in the shop and I actually nodded off on the sofa only to awake with a pair of scissors in my hand doing some cutting for another project so I think I'm being told it's time for bed lol.   Now I've posted my chores are complete so off for zzzzzz's I go. 

Happy crafting

Wednesday 3 September 2014

What a day!

It's the wee small hours again and I'm only now getting a chance to post.  

Had a mega busy day in the shop as expected with all the stock arriving in advance of the weekend.   Can't actually remember what all came in but I do remember Sweet Poppy Stencils, DO Crafts & Creative Expressions.    

Got home from work just after 6.30 then had a quick tidy up, paid some bills and organised dinner.   Took a little time out to chill and started again on samples about 10pm.    All cleaned up and time for bed now..  Thank goodness for that!   Strangely enough I have a feeling that tomorrow is going to be a repeat of today lol. 

Off to let the bed bugs bite so Toodles.  


Tuesday 2 September 2014

Perfect by the sea

Well folks yet again the time has flown by since my last post..  The old saying is oh so true.. The older you get the quicker time goes by. 

Anyway last week was filled with work,  in the shop during daytime then working on samples in the evenings.   No rest for the wicked eh!

A few months back Rob had booked us a wee overnight stay at The Marine Hotel in Troon so we were looking forward to a brief 24 hours of relaxation.   Sadly on Friday morning we received word that's Rob's uncle had passed away of a massive heart attack whilst sharing breakfast with his loving wife.  They were on holiday in Italy at the time but thankfully his wife comes from the Netherlands so her brother made the long drive down to be with her.  Now the legalities begin to arrange for his body to be returned to the United States for burial.   Needless to say there's a lot of daily communication with the family back home at present.

Finally mid afternoon Friday we set off on the quick trip to Troon where we enjoyed a nice night in the bar and restaurant.   Saturday after packing our bag we set off to the harbour and went on a little exploration of the rock pools etc and I collected some shells which are now on my kitchen window ledge.   Finally we returned home and normality quickly resumed..  I've spent the last 2 days working on samples for the upcoming trade show! 

So my alarm is set for the morning as I'm in the shop and it's gonna be a busy day as it's the Extravaganza weekend this coming Saturday & Sunday so there's lots of stock going to be getting delivered.   Guess that means it's time to sign off then eh as I'm currently looking at 5 hrs sleep lol. 

Toodles for now
Lorraine xxx