Monday 22 September 2014

It's that time again!!!

Cor blimey folks can you believe it's that time of year again when we're hitting the Autumn shows and peeps are planning their Christmas cards..  where oh where does the year go? 

Anyway, I've been trying to make up for lost time today as I felt pretty poorly yesterday and again this morning but I've pumped myself full of paracetamol and symptoms seem to have eased quite a bit.   No idea what the dickens I picked up but had a stonking headache,  was freezing cold apart from my face which was burning and oh my.. The feeling of nausea was horrible.  Put it this way..  I'm less than impressed with who ever spread their germs.  Why oh why do people insist on going out when they're unwell and contaminating others!   I'm just relieved it happened when I wasn't in the shop as one of the girls I work with has Lupus so she really doesn't need to catch anything nasty like that.  

So today I've got the washing, ironing and housework done along with some samples for the upcoming Ross Papercraft show in Edinburgh this coming Saturday where I will be demonstrating with Britannia dies.   Just to give you a little taster of these dies here's an 8 x 8 card I made using the Robin, large & small pine cone and sentiment dies.  Oh yeah..  not to forget that gorgeous red velvet card.  
I've also attached a copy ticket so if you're in the Edinburgh area you have the address and you can pop in for a wee visit.  I think there are currently 30 exhibitors booked, some local and some are making the lengthy journey from down south so please come along and show your support. 

Oh well I guess it's time to sign off and get my stuff ready for work in the morning then I can chill for a wee hour before bed.  

Toodles for now
Lorraine xxx

1 comment:

  1. That is a really pretty card you've made with all those dies have fun at the show hope your feeling better by then
    Hugs Nikki
