Tuesday 2 September 2014

Perfect by the sea

Well folks yet again the time has flown by since my last post..  The old saying is oh so true.. The older you get the quicker time goes by. 

Anyway last week was filled with work,  in the shop during daytime then working on samples in the evenings.   No rest for the wicked eh!

A few months back Rob had booked us a wee overnight stay at The Marine Hotel in Troon so we were looking forward to a brief 24 hours of relaxation.   Sadly on Friday morning we received word that's Rob's uncle had passed away of a massive heart attack whilst sharing breakfast with his loving wife.  They were on holiday in Italy at the time but thankfully his wife comes from the Netherlands so her brother made the long drive down to be with her.  Now the legalities begin to arrange for his body to be returned to the United States for burial.   Needless to say there's a lot of daily communication with the family back home at present.

Finally mid afternoon Friday we set off on the quick trip to Troon where we enjoyed a nice night in the bar and restaurant.   Saturday after packing our bag we set off to the harbour and went on a little exploration of the rock pools etc and I collected some shells which are now on my kitchen window ledge.   Finally we returned home and normality quickly resumed..  I've spent the last 2 days working on samples for the upcoming trade show! 

So my alarm is set for the morning as I'm in the shop and it's gonna be a busy day as it's the Extravaganza weekend this coming Saturday & Sunday so there's lots of stock going to be getting delivered.   Guess that means it's time to sign off then eh as I'm currently looking at 5 hrs sleep lol. 

Toodles for now
Lorraine xxx

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