Tuesday 16 September 2014

Multi use box

G'day all..  can't believe that's my holiday over and I'm back in the shop in just over 8 hours time.  I've had a swell time getting lots done and there's still a lot more to go but I've started so I'll finish lol. 

My front door is now ready for a final sanding and last coat of paint to be done on Friday when I'm next off work so that should be it ready for the autumn and winter winds & rains,  the house is all clean so just a quick tidy up at nights should see me through till Friday as well..  near choked on the smell of Zaflora and bleach today lol.  Oh and the ironing is all done too.   Go me!!! 

Anyway I'm just about to head off to bed so I'm bright eyed and bushy tailed for work but wanted to share another project with you all first..  another sample from the trade show for Jones Crafts.   This is a fabulous multi use box manufactured by Candy Box Crafts and although it's listed as a sewing/jewellery box I had another idea in mind for Christmas.  Don't you just think this would make the most wonderful gift..  For me being Scottish,  I am going to have mine filled with delicious handmade tablet but you could just as easily fill it with luxury chocolates etc.   Imagine gifting it to someone who could then have it on display and when guests arrive what a fab presentation when they are offered a chocolate.. oh just thought you could have biscuits in it too..  different sections for different ones.  Thank goodness I don't put on calories just thinking of food as right now I'd be piling them on quicker than I'm blinking lol. 

My box had been covered in fabulicious papers from the KaiserCraft Christmas Basecoat collection with a few pieces of ribbon and twine added for texture.   They blend so well with the rustic appearance of the papers.  Definitely another of my favourite collections.  

Oh well its bed time now but please keep checking back as I've more projects to share, details of the new upcoming classes at Craft World, tickets to give away for the upcoming Ross Papercraft show in Edinburgh and another blog candy giveaway..  oh my..  sounds like I'm gonna be busy on here.  Lol

Toodles for now and happy crafting.
Lorraine xxx

1 comment:

  1. These are perfect gift pressies plus they are a keepsake too very pretty :) hugs Nikki
