Wednesday 10 September 2014

Holidays are coming!

Evening all..  I know it's a little earlier than my normal 2 am post but I'm just about to have a crafty wee play so thought I'd be organised and do this first.  

Well that's day 2 of my holiday almost over and I haven't done anything exciting..  same old same old just I don't need to set an alarm.

Highlight of my day was ordering my ceramic poppy to go on display at the Tower of London in commemoration of my Great Grandfather and his 3 brothers who all perished during WW1.    Two of them passed in 1914 & two in 1917.   I have also registered all 4 of them on the Roll of Honour so just waiting now for confirmation of the date their names will be read aloud.  They may have passed separately but I'm hoping their names will be read together so they truly are Brothers in Arms.  My poppy will eventually go to my mum as I never had the privilege of knowing my grandfather and nor did she so I thought it would be nice for her to have a permanent symbol of him.  Poor wee soul was crying when I told her what I'd done.   

There were a few mishaps too..   Mum & I were going to have a nice wee cuppa on the back garden so I was opening up the chairs when one of them decided to swing open and the bar on it smacked me on the shin!  Eh.. major dead leg & throbbing so ended up sitting with an ice pack on it for half hour to prevent swelling.  What a numpty  lol.  Also have to take mum to the optician tomorrow as she has something which she can only describe as dangling behind her eye.  They need to put a dye in it so they can have a better observation of the damage apparently which means she won't be able to drive so my chauffeur cap will be on.  Hoping it's nothing too serious so fingers crossed. 

Well there are some goodies calling my name so I'm off to have some fun.    May give you a sneaky peek at it tomoz lol. 

Toodles for now
Lorraine xxx

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