Friday, 1 October 2010

It's not been a good day...

Well my back has decided to seize from top to bottom and my wisdom tooth decided to join in the fun too so have spent most of the day moping around eating pain killers... What a waste of a day. I have been attempting to make a card since lunch time but I'm still not quite there yet... A few finishing touches to go but it will be ready for uploading in the morning at least. Right now hubby has me laid on the sofa with 2 heat packs on my back trying to get it to loosen up... Oh and he's just off to fetch me a cornetto from the freezer... He is good to me at times.

Well must eat it before it melts so I'll catch you all in the morning.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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1 comment:

Kim. said...

Aww Lorraine I hope you feel better soon, there must be something going round lol because my back is playing up too and I have seen several people around blogland also suffering with us.
Kim xXx