Friday, 29 October 2010

Barbara Gray

Sorry I haven't had th opportunity to post earlier today but its been so busy at the show all day we haven't had a minute and I only got home about an hour ago.

Seeing as I managed to get a picture of one of your utmost favourites in action I'm hoping that you will forgive me... Lol.

Yes its the wonderful Barbara Gray of Clarity Stamps dealing with customers as is the usual... Surprised I managed to push my way so close to the front to actually get a picture... Lol.

Well, I'm off now to get some food in my stomach and then put my weary old feet up for an hour or two before heading off to bed.

Catch you tomorrow again and wonder who I'll be showing you then. Well actually I already know... But you don't... Lol so tune in tomorrow for another peek at the show.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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