Monday 13 October 2014

Chill Time

Well folks it's 3am Monday morning and here I am sitting typing a post as I've just realised it's been a week since my last week!  

As for the post title..  well I'm not just meaning that I've been relaxing but am also referring to the fact it's currently 34° outside..  bbrrrr.

So what's been happening the last week that I've been so quiet?  Not too much really.   One of my work colleagues had a few days off work so I pulled an extra couple of shifts meaning I was working Tues thru Saturday.  Popped to a friends on Thursday night as it was her birthday and Brianna was over for a visit on Friday night.   Today has been chill time..  nice wee lay in complete with kitty snuggles, relaxing shower, watched the Russian Grand Prix and had a little crafty play on the project I started last week.   Sadly it's too late to take pics now so I've tried my best on a sneaky peek pic using my night mode.  

Got doctor this afternoon as took last of my meds tonight so need a prescription refill and one of my oldest dearest friends is coming for a visit..  Guess I best get some housework done in the morning when I wake as it's currently a bombsite due to fact I've done bog all this week lol.

Oh well time to sign off so will say toodle pip for now and be back later with some better pics.

Happy crafting
Lorraine xxx

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