Thursday 16 October 2014

Loving Life

Just a quick post tonight folks as near on 2 am and got work in the morning.  

Had a fab Monday & Tuesday with one of my dear friends whom I love dearly.  Done some shopping and got the good old housework and washing done too.  

Today..  well what can I say about it..  hhmmm...  BUSY!!!   Think we all lost track of exactly what deliveries arrived as they were coming so quick at one point lol.   We had 3 pallets..  yes pallets!!!  In addition to the rest of the deliveries.   The ones I can remember off hand are Crafters Companion, Crafts Too, Spellbinders,  Creative Expressions, Groves, Crafts UK & Stick It..  I know I've forgotten a few but it gives you an idea anyway lol.   Needless to say us 3 girls were glad when 5.30pm arrived so we could get home and have a seat. 

So..  Once dinner,  dishes and yet another load of washing (no idea where it all comes from) and animals were all done I finally got to do a little crafting and finish off my project.   Sadly yet again the light had gone so it's another sneaky peek.   If it's light enough tomoz night I'll get a proper pic but barring that will defo get it done on Friday when I'm off.   I'm so loving these papers and picked up a few wee final bits in the shop today so think I'm happy with it now.  

Right I've gone on enough so time to sign off for the night and get some beauty sleep. 

Happy crafting


  1. Hi!
    I am excited to see your whole project, very busy....hhhhhh!! Are you altering a printers tray, love to see it.

  2. This looks gorgeous Lorraine, looking forward to seeing whole thing x
