Monday 6 October 2014

A few of my favourite things..

Evening all..  my very dear friend Hels Sheridan kindly tagged me in a post today so I thought I'd pull some of my favourite projects together in one post so you could easily get an idea of things I like to play with.  

My blog tends to be a mish mash of projects for different companies and these pictures are a mix of DT projects and personal makes.

The project above was a personal make.

Above project is a personal make 

Above project is a personal make

Above project is a personal make 

Above project is a sample made for Craft World 

Above project is a sample made for Craft World

Above project is a personal make

Above project is a personal make

Above project is a DT project for Jones Crafts

Above project is a DT project for Jones Crafts 

Above project is a personal make

Well folks I hope that helps to give you a better insight to the kind of products I like to use and how I like to create depth and dimension using a variety of techniques.

Now let's get crafting!



  1. Great Projects Lorraine :) I love how the pink peaks through the green on that box hugs Nikki

  2. All are awesome projects!!!
