Monday 6 October 2014

Daily Elements

What a dreich old morning it is outside today but thankfully there's the odd ray of sun managing to penetrate those grey and white cloud formations and with any luck the breezy winds that have been howling all night may just blow them away for a wee hour or two.   There was me thinking the news was reporting the prospect of an Indian summer too..  eh me think  not mate!   Keeps up at this rate and the thermals will be on before Halloween even arrives lol. 

Now today is the perfect day for being tucked up indoors surrounded by papers, scissors and glue but alas I have promised my wee mum a trip out so looks like I'm gonna have to wrap up warm and make sure we go somewhere that we can stay indoors, do a little shopping and have a bite to eat. 

Thankfully these gorgeous bits will be awaiting my return and I can push on with my current project for Jones Crafts.  I'm one of those who likes to do a rough mock layout before sticking anything down as it gives me the basic idea of the larger elements and allows me to decide where my smaller often half hidden bits and bobs will go.   Now if I can only get the frame finished before I pop out with mum then I can get moving along with the actual construction tonight.  

Please do check back over the coming days and weeks as I will be focusing mainly on KaiserCraft so there should be plenty to inspire you on their new ranges. 

Toodles for now and happy crafting
Lorraine xxx

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