Thursday 19 June 2014

Airy Fairy

Not quite sure if I should say good evening or good morning being as it is just after 1.30am lol.  Guess that means it will be a quick post as need to head to bed and get some zzzzz's for work in the morning.  

Had a good wee day at work and spent time sorting and taking pictures of samples both my own and those created by other designers so we can start getting them uploaded to the shops Facebook page.

We are now stocking the gorgeous 'Little Birdie' range and I've got the pleasure of playing with it just now.   Damn I've got a tough job eh!  Lol.

This first one I thought would make a perfect card for a young one.   Chipboard fairy and flowers (some sparkly)..  now how much easier a card can you make?

Bed time now so good night, god bless and hope you have a crafty day ahead.


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