Tuesday 24 June 2014

Quick week

Oh boy I can't believe it's been almost a week since my last post.  Where does the time go? 

So what have I been up to.. hmm. .  Mum was away for a wee overnight so I was staying at hers last Friday & Saturday.   That was rather funny as although I often awake to a cat lying on my chest I'm not so used to opening my eyes and seeing a dogs head next to mine on the pillow and that's exactly what happened lol.  Sunday was a day of household chores so no excitement there!  Monday I had mum over for lunch during which the phone call came in that I've been waiting for.   Arrangements being made for my car to be collected.. Yay.    So there car is going on Friday which means it had to he valeted, washing, polished etc so there was me & mum out doing our cleaning chores and last night was spent trying to get insurance quotes to no avail as the car will not be registered until I collect it on Friday so have stayed with my current provider to make life easy.   Today was a work day and boy was it busy..  One member of staff off & another had to take off at lunchtime with toothache leaving only two of us on the shop floor.   Lots of customers, phones ringing & deliveries galore guarantees a non stop day at the end of which you're glad to take your shoes off lol.  After closing I had to head straight to the garage to sign my finance agreement etc and finally got home around 8pm.   In door, coffee made and straight on phone to insurance company..  finally after a lengthy call, again due to car not yet being registered, insurance sorted.  Result!   Then my nightly call to mum & finally dinner around 9.30pm.   Dishes done, kitchen cleaned, animals tended, work stuff organised and pj's on.. aahhhh that's better.  

Now on to the card which is a sample for the shop.   Here I've combined Graphic 45 papers with some Little Birdie flowers, chipboard butterfly and sentiment label.  Nice quick make and great for gentlemen who like to garden.  

Well that's it for tonight folks and it's time to chillax for a little before bed and only 3 more sleeps till I get my new car.  Woohoo I'm excited lol.   Toodles for now folks.

Lorraine xxx

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