Tuesday 17 June 2014

Summer loving

G day all I'm back!!!   Has taken a while for me to get back to crafting and posting but here we go, hopefully the first of many to come.

It's been a busy household taking care of hubby in his recovery period and on the days I've worked poor old mum has been roped in to be his taxi driver.   Glad to say though that he's returned to work now, albeit slightly shortened hours but he's doing good.   He's now able to wash in the shower without assistance and is building himself up day by day.  Only things he really can't do just yet is drive and lift any kind of weight but that will come in time.

Anyway, I had big plans for being a craftaholic whilst we were off work but boy, I underestimated just how much help he would need during those first 10 days so absolutely no crafting was done at all.   Now I've got a mahoosive list of samples that need to be made so I'll be busy for the foreseeable future lol.

What a glorious day it is outdoors so I'm off to finish the housework,  hang the washing up and my craft studio will be relocated to the garden for the rest of the day. 

Today's card is one I made last week but had to wait till the birthday girl received it before I posted a pic.   Background was inked and stamped and flowers, lace etc are all Little Birdie.

Right the sun is calling so toodles for now my lovelies.

Lorraine xxx


  1. I LOVE MY CARD!!! Thank you XXX

  2. I know she would have loved it Scotty as do I
    P xx
