Saturday 4 January 2014

Quiet but busy day

Sorry I've not got any pictures to post today.  I've been feeling slightly bunged up the last few days and put it down to the fact that the central heating has been on a lot but now I'm not so sure.  What a terrible night I had, one of those where you feel like you're waking up every 30 minutes or so.  One time I'd feel like I was burning, next time I'd feel like ice!  There was also a lot of tossing and turning but I think the funniest part was this morning when my hubby came out the shower just in time to catch me before I fell out the bed.  I awoke to him saying 'you're going to fall' as he has his hands on my back trying to push me back into bed.  Lol  

When I finally rolled out of bed mid morning feeling like death warmed up and how nice... i appear to have now pulled a chest muscle too!  I had quite a bit I wanted to do today whilst hubby was at work and the house was quiet so I paced myself.  There were a few invoices I had to type up that should have been done before now, ordered some wedding stock, and finally made a start on the wedding order.   There's rather a lot of cutting and die cutting involved so I've managed to make a dent in it today.

The weather forecast isn't looking too good for tomorrow, with a possibility of snow so need to make sure I wrap up warm.   Last week we headed up to Sterling's furniture store inTillicoultry as hubby has spondylitis and was in need of a new chair.  After his usual sitting on a variety and the elimination process he finally decided upon the one he wanted.  Sadly the didn't have it in stock at the time but we got the call yesterday to say it had arrived so tomorrow morning we need to make a quick trip up to Tillicoultry and hopefully get back home without seeing any snow.   
Keep fingers crossed!

I hope that everyone is staying safe during this awful weather, be it the floods here in the UK or the snow in the US.  Don't take chances peeps as accidents can happen all too easily.  If you don't need to go out then stay safely indoors, and if you do need to go out then take extra special care.  

Well it's time to sign off now as it's 1.30am and time for my bed.  

Nighty night

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