Saturday 4 January 2014

Happy hubby

Well the weather hasn't been too bad today thankfully so we ended up leaving a little later than planned this morning to head up to Tillicoultry and collected the hubby's new chair.   Decided to have a wee bite of lunch whilst we were there before heading home again.   Old chair dismantled and new one now in place.  Have to say I'm liking this one a lot better than the old one and the red has added a nice bright spark to the room.   Biggest problem now is that I just cannot decide if I want a new carpet or if I want to go back to my hard wood floor with a big rug.   Main reason we got the carpet was to help retain heat but I did much prefer my wood floor.   Oh dilemma, dilemma, dilemma.  Lol. 

Just back from doing the weekly food shop and considering whether to dismantle the Christmas tree now or wait till tomorrow.   Also need to fit in some crafting tonight..  another dilemma..  push ahead with the wedding order or get inky on my next project!!!   I really want to play but at the same time I know that the quicker I get the wedding stuff done, the sooner I can get back to my beloved play. 

Think I'll jump online and have a wee search for some new cushions whilst I make decisions on my dilemma's.   Lol.  

Toodles for now.

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