Thursday 2 January 2014

First craft project of 2014

Yay..  after a lot of fights with dear old Mr Blogger I've finally managed to get my pictures and posts uploaded.   Won't go in to it all in depth but basically I've had to revert to uploading the pics via my mobile and then editing via blogger to add the text!

On a much brighter note, let's get on with a fun topic.  Crafting! 

As I told you in a previous post last month, I'm now part of the design team for Jones Crafts  which means I get to play with lots of delicious products on a regular basis, beginning with this range by Graphic 45.  

First up I slapped a layer of paint on to a blank canvas then set about cutting up some pages and starting the layering process.   This is one of my favourite parts when you sit with all different segments shifting them around until I find the layout I want then the construction process begins.  

Personally I'm not keen on flat projects so I had to add some depth via curling, rolling, flowers & trimmings.  

Now I've got the first one done I need to start planning the next as I've already got another pile of products crying out to me and the nasty Darren at Jones Crafts has promised there's more to come in the near future!  

Oh my..  what is a girl to do?  Lol  

Products used

Graphic 45 'Sweet Sentiments' collection
Kaiser Craft flowers
Ruby Rock It trimmings

Well folks I hope you like my first project of the year and I promise there will be many more to follow.

Now go get crafty!

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