Tuesday 14 January 2014

What a week!

Well, what a week it's been and this is the time I'd normally be saying thank goodness it's over but it's a crap one ahead too.  

So, what's been happening since my last blog post..  hhmmm let's see.  
The start of last week I was riddled with the cold but dragged myself out to work anyway, partly in the hope that it took my mind off it and some normality returned.  Then I think I spent the evenings collapsed on the sofa before slugging the night nurse to help stop the night coughs and help aid me get some sleep..  not much right enough..  think I averaged about 4 hours a night.  

Anyway, on Wednesday night I got word that a very old friend of the family had passed away, then as though one death wasn't enough, we had another on Friday night.  Feels like I've spent the weekend surrounded by death whilst trying to work on wedding stationery. 

My wee old uncle turned 81 on Saturday and hasn't been keeping as well as normal lately so I popped down to see him & my aunt for a few hours today.  He's always been such a very active man, well known for riding his bike but in the last year he's had a knee replacement, a heart attack and been knocked unconscious after falling from his bike..  yeah he still rides a bike even after all that!

So, the week ahead holds in store visiting relatives and a funeral.  Not exactly my idea of a pleasant time.  Things like this really do make me truly thankful for my life and the fact that God grants me the ability to awaken and breathe every day.  

Well it's time for bed now so toodle pip and be back soon.  

Happy crafting

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