Sunday 8 December 2013

Too close!

Oh my, oh my...  Can you believe that Christmas is just around the corner and I have no cards made or presents bought!  

Have been busy this weekend designing samples for my last ever wedding order.   I simply do not have the time anymore and next year I need to concentrate more on the design side of crafting.  This year has disappeared so fast but I'm looking forward to the new year and what lies ahead..  especially my new position on the Jones Crafts design team as I'll be playing with such scrumptious goodies.  

Anyway, I'm settling myself down now to make a start on the crimbo cards so its going to be a late night for little old me. 

Keep an eye out over the coming week for some little December projects as an advance preview of what's in store from Jones Crafts too. 

Right I'm off...  Catch you all tomorrow. 

Happy crafting
Lorraine xxx

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