Monday 9 December 2013

Last order

Just a quickie folks..  sorry I can't share any more than a snippet but these are a couple of samples I've been making for my last ever wedding order.   Fantastic bride to work with as she's so clear and precise with her descriptions and I do love her classic colour combo.   This may be my last but it will be a memorable one. 

Today I've been a domestic goddess again..  miracles will never cease.. that's two weeks running now.  Lol.  House cleaned, washing basket empty and weekly ironing done and dusted!   Time for dinner now me thinks, after which I'll get my work gear ready for the morning before I snuggle down for some evening crafting.  Lots and lots to do with so little time to do it all in.  Valium may be required by the time Christmas day arrives.  Lol. 

Righty ho I'm off now as just had a notification from facebook so need to go answer my friend before turning the cooker on for tea.   Have a good night all. 

Happy crafting
Lorraine xxx

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