Thursday 5 December 2013

Long day!

Evening all..  boy has it been a long day and I'm only just getting time to settle down so not much time to get anything done but I'm going to do a quick prep of my MDF pieces so they're at least ready to work with as soon as I get time.   Glad to say I've also started to get a plan in my head for the wing canvas so pretty happy about that.  

Well.. after a good old day in the shop followed by a slow drive home on the motorway, soon as I got in off came the coat and in to the kitchen I went.   Slow cooked my beef last night so I immediately started chopping my onion, crushing my garlic and measuring out my spices so we could tuck in to some delicious beef curry for dinner accompanied by chappatti's warmed through direct on the flame from the stove.   Oh it sure did fill my tummy and warm my cockles.   Nothing better than a good plate of warm grub on a cold winters eve.   Sadly this was followed by the mundane chores I had to do before catching up on my emails etc and now its finally ME TIME!

Last shift of the week tomorrow and keeping fingers crossed that the forecast snow stays at bay till I reach home tomorrow night then it can do as it pleases.   I'm expecting another lush delivery over the next few days so got lots of happy crafting ahead.  

Shocking I know but I haven't even started on Christmas yet!   No presents, no cards made, decision still to be made on this year's menu etc etc.   Beginning to think I'm a little crimbo'd out as I've been doing samples since summer time.  Lol. 

Well.. my MDF won't prep itself so going to sign off and hopefully get a relatively early night as its been around 2am the last few mornings when I've hit the sack..  nighty night all and happy crafting. 

Lorraine xxx

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