Wednesday 4 December 2013

Bits & bobs

Another late/early post so short & brief as I need to hit the hay and get some sleep. 

Not too much to report today..  didn't get home from work till about 6.20pm then organised dinner, quick clean up, tended animals (including the old hubby lol) then put a pot of beef on to slow cook as I'm making a curry tomorrow night.  Yum.  

Eventually sat down to chill and after I'd dealt with my emails etc I tidied up the scarves and added some fringes.   Decided to leave them with that slightly scruffy look as opposed to straightening them all off.  

Also got a few wee goodies at work today.   Already got a pretty good idea of what I'm doing with the hearts, the wings will be components in a few canvases soon as I get time to do them and the mould was simply a must have.  Lol.  

Not exactly an exciting day but all the same it was a good day. 

Bed time now as the alarm goes off in less than 6 hours so need some happy zzzzzzz's.  

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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