Tuesday 3 December 2013

Wearing my halo

Ready to bring the day to an end but thought I'd do a quick post before I retire for the night.  

Well I've been a domestic goddess today doing all my housework, washing, ironing and paying bills and actually quite enjoyed it for a change!   Think it may be due to a slightly more relaxed schedule this week.  Lol. 

Got excited this morning when Mr Postie arrived with my first DT kit from Jones Crafts and yes..  it was a box full of yummyness.   Can't wait to get started now. 

Over the weekend I've also managed to knit 2 scarves for my friends little boy & girl.  Just need to get the fringes on one then I can deliver..  just in nice time too judging by this week's weather forecast!

Finally tonight we had a lovely visit from Gordon & Brianna who brought the most delicious cheesecake.   They're heading off to Lapland tomorrow for a winter wonderland honeymoon.   Don't think she'll ever grow up.  Lol. 

Well I guess its time to wrap things up, turn off the lights and get some beauty sleep as its just after 1.30am and the nasty old alarm is set for 7.15..  need to get an early night tomorrow to make up.  Anyway..  toodles pip, nighty night and catch you all again tomorrow. 

Happy crafting
Lorraine xxx

P.s.  sorry for the crap early morning pics.  Lol.

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